Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Veteran's Day Special Guest Lisa MacVittie

Lisa MacVittie - an American hero and patriot

One of my guests this year for my Veteran's day broadcast will be Mrs. Lisa MacVittie, pictured above. Mrs. MacVittie is a truly a remarkable woman. She was seven years old when her Jewish family fled from the Nazis and walked from Nazi Germany to Switzerland. They then walked through the Brenner Pass into Italy and fled Fascist Italy through the port of Naples, Italy. Since almost no nation on the face of the earth was taking in Jews,  her family sailed to Shanghai, China where her family was once again confronted by a new the Nazi threat.  

From 1937 to 1945 the Imperial Japanese Army brutally occupied China. Germany and Japan were partners in the evil Axis alliance. The Nazis pressured the Japanese to hand over the Jews in China, specifically in Shanghai. The Japanese and the Germans made an agreement whereby Jews who arrived in China after 1937 were thrown into concentration camps run by the cold blooded Japanese. 

Lisa and her family languished in China until 1949 when they were finally able to come to U.S. 

Lisa then became a nurse in the U.S. Army. Mrs. MacVittie is a true patriot and a remarkable woman. I told her the hand of God is upon her and she totally agreed. 

Mrs. MacVittie's interview will be posted on YouTube around 11 November in honor of Veteran's day. You will be able to watch that interview by going to the link below.

The Watchman on the Wall

then enter The Watch Report

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