Sunday, October 27, 2013

Elisa Lam Update

Elisa Lam and the water tower on the roof of Hotel Cecil

this is just my personal opinion but I believe a satanic coven has been operating at the Cecil Hotel since the 1950s. I believe this hotel is infested with demons and satanists. Before you dismiss what I am saying consider all the evidence below. Also I believe Elisa Lam, the hotel Cecil’s most recent victim, may have been sacrificed to satan. Personally, I pray for Yeshua to come today because of all the satanic evil in this world. 
First, the four-minute video posted on YouTube shows Elisa pressing all of the elevator buttons and waiting for it to move. Seeing that the elevator doors are not closing, Elisa starts behaving extremely bizarrely.
At first, Elisa enters the elevator and apparently presses all of its buttons. She then waits for something to happen but, for some reason, the elevator door doesn’t shut. She starts to look around, as if she is expecting someone or hiding from someone.  At 1:57, her arms and hands start moving in a very strange matter, almost non human and she appears to be talking to someone or something. She then walks away. The elevator door then shuts and appears to start working normally again.
Right after the events of the video, Elisa or her murderer or murderers gained access to the rooftop of the hotel, climbed to its water tank and she somehow, ended up drowning in it. Her body was found two weeks after her death, after hotel guests complained about the foul taste and color of the  hotel’s water.
Someone watching the surveillance footage conclude that she was under the influence of drugs. However, Elisa did not have a history of drug use and her autopsy concluded that she no drugs in her body. When one looks at the context and the circumstances of this death, things become even more bizarre.
Richard Schave, a reporter said, “Part of Hotel Cecil’s sordid history, involves two serial killers, Richard Ramirez and Jack Unterweger.
Now on death row, Ramirez, labeled “the Nightstalker”, was living at the Cecil Hotel in 1985, in a top floor room.  He was charged $14.00 a night.  In a building filled with transients, he remained unnoticed as he stalked and killed his 13 female victims. Richard Schave, said “He was dumping his bloody clothes in the Dumpster, at the end of his evening and returned via the back entrance.”
Jack Unterweger, the second serial murderer, was a journalist covering crime in Los Angeles for an Austrian magazine in 1991.  “We believe he was living at the Cecil Hotel in homage to Ramirez,” Schave said.
He is blamed with killing three prostitutes in Los Angeles, while being a guest at the Cecil.
In the 50’s and 60’s the Cecil was known as a place that people would go to jump out to commit suicide.
Not the occult dates highlighted in the incidents below.
Helen Gurnee, in her 50s, leaped from a seventh floor window, landing on the Cecil Hotel marquee, on October 22, 1954. 11X2=22, a high occult number.
Julia Moore jumped from her eighth floor room window, on February 11, 1962. February =2+11=13 and 11 is a high occult number.
Pauline Otton, 27, jumped from a ninth floor window after an argument with her estranged husband, on October 12, 1962. 10 = October + 12 = 22 a high occult number Otton landed on George Gianinni, 65, who was walking on the side walk, 90 feet below. Both were killed instantly.
There was also a murder of one of the residents.  “Pigeon Goldie” Osgood, a retired telephone operator, known for protecting and feeding pigeons in a nearby park, was found dead in his ransacked room on June 4, 1964.  He had been stabbed, strangled, and raped.  The crime still remains unsolved.”
Elisa Lam’s case is yet another sordid addition to the hotel’s history.
The Movie “Dark Water”
The story of Elisa Lam is eerily similar to the 2005 horror movie Dark Water. Dahlia, the main protagonist of the movie moves into an apartment building with her young daughter Cecilia. Both of these names are relevant. Black Dahlia is the nickname given to Elizabeth Short, a woman who was the victim of a gruesome murder in 1947 – one that appeared to be particularly ritualistic. The case was never solved. It is rumored that Black Dahlia was at Cecil Hotel right before she lost her life.
“The Black Dahlia, Elizabeth Short, is alleged in a book, to have hung out at the Cecil and drank at the bar next door before she disappeared in 1947.
In the movie, the daughter’s name, Cecilia, is, obviously, quite similar to the name Cecil Hotel.
After moving into her apartment, Dahlia notices dark water leaking from the ceiling in her bathroom. She ultimately discovers that a young girl named Natasha Rimsky drowned in the building’s rooftop water tank, which caused the water to turn black. The owner of the apartment building knew about this fact but refused to take action. Elisa Lam’s body was in the water tank for over two weeks, causing hotel guests to complain about foul tasting “black water”.
The ending of the movie is also eerily relevant: The apartment buildings elevator malfunctions and the ghost of Cecilia’s mother braids her hair. Is Elisa Lam’s death one of those ritualistic murders that are synchronistically mirrored in a Hollywood movie?
Shortly after the discovery of Elisa Lam’s body, a deadly outbreak of tuberculosis occurred in Skid Row, near Cecil Hotel. You probably won’t believe the name of the test kit used in these kinds of situations: LAM-ELISA. That is hardcore synchronicity.
LA authorities ruled in June 2013 that Elisa Lam’s death was accidental and that she was “probably bi-polar”. That being said, some questions remain unanswered. How did Elisa, who was obviously not in her right mind, end up in the hotel’s water tank, an area that is difficult to access?
As the reporter states in the video, the rooftop area is protected by an alarm system and the water tank is difficult to reach. How did Elisa reach that area? Also, how did she close the water tank lid?
As is usually the case for strange deaths, authorities have been incredibly secretive and non-transparent during this investigation. What truly happened here? Why are there so many strange coincidences? Why was Elisa Lam acting so strange in the elevator? Was there a satanic ritualistic aspect to this death? Why is the Cecil Hotel a hotbed for these kinds of stories? Authorities do not seem to be wanting to probe further.

Maybe I should cite here the slogan that appears on Dark Water movie posters : “Some mysteries are not meant to be solved”, especially if they involve satanic covens and the Illuminati. Yeshua, please come back today!

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