Monday, October 14, 2013

God's plan Trumps Satan's On World Government

The Telegraph News in London reported on 13 Oct 2013 that the looming prospect of a US default on debt prompted China to call for the world to 'de-Americanise', amid warnings of a new global recession. Xinhua, the official government news agency, said that as American politicians continued to flounder over a deal to break the impasse, 'it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanised world'.
I believe the satanic/Illuminati goal is a Global Economy and the cabal needs a global currency that is more stable than the American Dollar. Furthermore, the United States needs to be politically reduced in stature so that it can meld with other nations in the Club of Rome plan to reorganize all nations into precisely 10 kingdoms as foretold in Daniel 7:7-8, written 2,500 years ago.
Following World War II, America stood above the rest of the world but the U.S. “super power” giant had to be whittled down in size.
America was led into wars and crisis that the U.S. was never intended to win: Korean, Vietnam, invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, the Bay of Pigs etc.
America has been plunged into numerous economic crises, each of which left us a little bit less powerful and which strengthened foreign economies.
America signed "Free Trade Agreements" which were written so that private companies and the Illuminati could benefit by sending jobs overseas.
However, through all this whittling down, the American Dollar has continued to be the preferred currency for global commerce. Now, China is calling for a de-coupling of foreign currencies from the American Dollar.
"... Christine Lagarde, the International Monetary Fund chief, raised the spectre of a repeat of the 2008 financial crash as hopes dwindled for a resolution of the crisis over the debt ceiling and partial government shutdown ... Ms Lagarde repeated her warning about the impact of failing to raise the debt ceiling following the funds annual meeting of finance ministers in Washington. 'If there is that degree of disruption, that lack of certainty, that lack of trust in the US signature, it would mean massive disruption the world over' ..."

The time is coming when the global elite nations will establish a new global currency to replace the American Dollar as the world's reserve currency. That is satan’s ultimate Plan in order to usher his appearance on the world scene.

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