Friday, June 28, 2013

End Times News and Gospel Message

Tony Perkins


Below is the link to Tony Perkin's program Washington Watch. Tony discusses this week's Supreme Court Decision on the Defense of Marriage Act.

Founder of the Constitutionals Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association
Friends, remember God is not the author of confusion. Racial division is the tool of satan. Satan and his human henchmen the Illuminati promote racial division because satan loves violence, mayhem and death.
The George Zimmerman case is not about justice. It’s an excuse for a lot of ignorant people to express their racist attitudes. Due to decades of political correctness promoted by the Illuminati and inculcated through their media, cultural and educational programming system, emotionally charged racist violence is now acceptable and has been since at least the 1992 L.A. riots that claimed over 50 lives following the beating of Rodney King. If George Zimmerman is acquitted, there is the possibility of mob violence and riots with no shortage of violent thugs willing to participate.
Racist polarization, promoted in theatrical fashion by the Illuminati Hegelian dialectic media, distracts people from the real cause of class and racial division — an economic and social system designed for exploitation and predation by a hereditary Illuminati elite. If we are feeding on each other, if we perpetually with the passing of each generation fall victim to class and racial warfare, we will never recognize the real criminal class victimizing us all.

Patriots, when will the sheeple begin to Baaaaah in pain????
The U.S. Army admitted Thursday to blocking employees’ access to The Guardian which broke the NSA spy gate scandal. This rampant restriction to truth has been ongoing since June 6 when Glenn Greenwald exposed the NSA for collecting millions of Verizon phone records every day.
The Department of Defense refers to the censorship as “network hygiene” to cleanse military servers of “unauthorized disclosures of classified information,” according to Gordon Van Vleet, a spokesman for U.S. Army NETCOM in an e-mail to the Monterey County Herald.
The California newspaper began investigating after employees of the Presidio of Monterey, an army garrison, started complaining.
“We make every effort to balance the need to preserve information access with operational security,” Van Vleet said in the e-mail. “However there are strict policies and directives in place regarding protecting and handling classified information.”
“The DoD is also not going to block websites from the American public in general, and to do so would violate our highest-held principle of upholding and defending the Constitution and respecting civil liberties and privacy.”
An ironic statement considering the NSA and the behemoth cyber-industrial complex hold no such principle as they betray our Constitution in their attack on our cherished civil liberties and privacy.
But according to army brass, this gross assault on our basic human rights and the foundation of our republic is simply a classified information leak by a foreign media outlet that requires purging through routine, automated maintenance.
According to them, classified information must be protected, even if its evidence that the NSA’s unreasonable search and seizures are so far reaching, the physical size of the drag net could stretch most of the distance to Mars:
SSGT Joe Biggs
U.S. Army brass told Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings that he would be hunted down and killed over his story that lead to General McChrystal’s downfall, according to Hasting’s closest friend in the June 26 bombshell interview on the Alex Jones Show.
Hastings died in Los Angeles on June 18 in an explosive single-car crash that left his fuel efficient Mercedes C250 engulfed in flames which towered above the heights of nearby houses.
First responders found the four-cylinder engine 100 feet away from the crash.
Biggs said that Hastings was working on his “biggest story yet” involving the CIA. The journalist is known to have made a number of powerful enemies.
Biggs also stated that it was completely out of character for Hastings to be driving at high speeds that early in the morning. But Biggs made even stronger revelations on the Alex Jones Show as he described how well he knew Hastings.
Biggs and Hastings met in 2008 when the journalist came to Afghanistan to cover the daily combat, an assignment only meant to last one week. That week turned into three months.
“You get to learn a lot about a person in one day of combat, let alone three months of being around them,” Biggs said.
Biggs stayed in touch with the journalist after the assignment, which culminated into a strong friendship.
“I remember when the story broke with General McChrystal and he [Hastings] gave me a call and he’s like ‘man, I’m pretty scared,’” Biggs said. “I told him, ‘You have a reason to be, brother. You basically just got a general of a war fired. I’m pretty sure that doesn’t sit too well with him right now.’”
Hastings’ fear was very well-founded as he received severe death threats over the McChrystal story.
“He had been told, if we don’t like what you write, we will hunt you down and kill you,” Biggs said. “For him to say something like that, those are his own words, that’s pretty intense.”
But Hastings continued on with his journalism career and recently began investigating a CIA story which apparently led to his death.
“So last Monday morning I wake up and I get this e-mail from Mike, and usually the e-mails start off ‘hey brother, how’s it going, how’s your family, how are you adjusting to the civilian life’ because I’m out of the military now,” Biggs said.
But in this particular e-mail, Hastings warned that the FBI would be investigating his colleagues and his friends. He also said that he was on a big story and would need to go “off the radar.”
“It just didn’t seem like something that he normally started his e-mail off with,” Biggs said. “When I read it, I just got this horrible feeling, like something’s not right.”
Biggs asked his friends for their opinions on Hastings’ latest e-mail. They all thought it was scary.
Then once Biggs heard about Hastings’ fatal crash, things just didn’t add up for him.
He knew that Hastings contacted a lawyer recently and questioned why an investigative reporter happened to be filming an empty street at four in the morning when he recorded Hastings driving by.
“All these alarms were going off and my gut feeling from day one, from before it happened, I knew that something wasn’t right,” Biggs said.
Alex asked Biggs if his years of combat honed his gut instinct.
“Yeah, I just… just anybody who knows someone and they act out of… out of reason, out of their normal behavior, that should send a red light off in anybody,” Biggs responded.
Alex also asked Biggs why he wanted to go public regarding the death of his friend. Biggs said he contacted the other recipients of Hastings’ e-mail but received little response.
“Somebody’s got to come out and say something,” Biggs said. “Someone’s got to… I can’t be the only person that thinks this is just weird.”
“Mike would do the same thing for me,” Biggs said. “He’s not going to sit back and roll over.”
“I’m not a journalist, I’m not an investigator, I don’t know what steps to take. All I know is that I lost a friend.”
Biggs can be followed on Twitter at Rambobiggs.

An unsettling report prepared by the Emergencies Ministry (EMERCOM) circulating in the Kremlin today on the just completed talks between Russia and the United States in Washington D.C. says that the Obama regime has requested at least 15,000 Russian troops trained in disaster relief and “crowd functions” [i.e. riot control] be pre-positioned to respond to FEMA Region III during an unspecified “upcoming” disaster. (Watchman comment: Could this disaster occur at the Boy Scout Jamboree see Watchman Report 13-284 written on 28 May 2013. 
The Boy Scout Jamboree will be in region III
According to this report, this unprecedented request was made directly to Minister Vladimir Puchkov by USDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS) Director Janet Napolitano who said these Russian troops would work “directly and jointly” with her Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), part of whose mission is to secure the continuity of the US government in the eventof natural disasters or war.
Important to note, this report says, is that FEMA Region III, the area Russian troops are being requested for, includes Washington D.C. and the surrounding States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, “strongly suggesting” that the Obama regime has lost confidence in its own military being able to secure its survival should it be called upon to do so.

In his public statements, yesterday, regarding these matters Minister Puchkov stated, “We have decided that the US Federal Emergency Management Agency and Russia’s Emergencies Ministry will work together to develop systems to protect people and territory from cosmic impacts,” and further noted that his meeting with DHS Director Napolitano also covered other kinds of natural emergencies, such as recent years’ extreme weather in both Russia and United States.

In this EMERCOM report, however, Minister Puchkov notes that the Russian troops being requested by the Obama regime would “more than likely” be paired with US-DHS troops who last year purchased nearly 2 billion rounds of ammunition and just this past month placed and emergency order for riot gear.
As to what “upcoming disaster” the US is preparing for, thisreport continues, appears to be “strongly related” to lastweeks assassination of American reporter Michael Hastings who was killed while attempting to reach the safety of the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles, and as we had reported on in our 20 June report Top US Journalist Attempting To Reach Israeli Consulate Assassinated.

Further to be noted about Hastings assassination by the Obama regime is the continued US mainstream propaganda news cover-up of it, though many freelance reporters continue to uncover the truth, such as Jim Stone whose investigation noted that the rear portion of Hastings car was blown open and shredded with the rest of the car nicely intact, which runs counter to the “official” story that this vehicle has hit a tree.

Not mentioned in this EMERCOM report is any suggestion that Russia would comply with this request from the Obama regime, especially in light of the horrifying information being given to Russian intelligence analysts from Edward Snowden who has been labeled as the most wanted man in the world.
According to one Federal Security Services (FSB) bulletin on their continued debriefing of Snowden, and analysis of the information he has provided Russian intelligence officers, his father, Lonnie Snowden, was an officer in the US Coast Guard during the 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States who had “direct knowledge” of the true events that occurred and whom the real perpetrators were.

Being directly affected by the events of 9/11, this FSB bulletin says, Snowden “self initiated” a multi-year effort to gain access to America’s top secrets, a mission which when recently completed led him to contact various international reporters, including Hastings, whom he believed could be trusted with disseminating the information he had obtained.
Though known to us directly from our Kremlin sources as to the exact connections Snowden’s information proves regarding 9/11 and both the Bush and Obama regimes, and the even more horrific event soon to come, a June 2013Defence Advisory Notice (DA-Notice) prevents our being able to…at this time.

Likewise, and as the assassination of Hastings clearly shows, the Obama regime claims a legal right to kill anyone it so chooses without charges or trial they believe may threaten US national security, and what Snowden’s information reveals definitely falls into that category.

What can be said though, there is a critical reason billionaires all over the world have been dumping their stocks, and fast; and those who are not able to read between the lines will soon find themselves in the most dangerous situation they’ve ever encountered.

you will recall 5 May 2013 I wrote an article, "Why Does The Government Need 30,000 guillotines?" Below is an update on guillotine situation.
Georgia lawmaker Doug Teper (Democrat) has proposed a bill to replace the state’s electric chair with the guillotine. 

Teper’s reasoning? It would allow for death-row inmates as organ donors, he says, since the “Blade makes a clean cut and leaves vital organs intact.”

Georgia lawmaker Doug Teper (Democrat) has proposed a bill to replace the state’s electric chair with the guillotine.

Teper’s reasoning? It would allow for death-row inmates as organ donors, he says, since the “Blade makes a clean cut and leaves vital organs intact.”
"...but this is your hour, and the power of darkness." Luke 22:53
You can see it everywhere you look, things are different now. That part of your mind that's screaming at you that something is not right, but you can't quite put your finger on it. Time is rushing forward away from you, unstoppable.
The bible said these days would come, and behold, they are nearly here. America's moral fiber has been obliterated, with all manner of sin and perversion paraded openly. Proudly. The Gay Revolution has arrived, and will destroy everything it touches. The American President has become the official LGBTQ spokesperson, deftly leading us down the sin-slimed rabbit hole of what God destroyed Sodom for. Think about that.
But we, especially Americans, are not afraid of God. Not anymore.
The bible talks about a time of literal Hell on earth called the Great Tribulation. It will happen shortly after The Lord Jesus Christ comes for His church as He promised to do in the Rapture. We who are saved and redeemed by the shed Blood of the Lamb live in hour-by-hour anticipation of that moment. It will happen. But for those of you who are not saved, monstrous tribulation awaits. It sits just a few steps ahead of where you are right now like a yawning dragon, mouth open, waiting for you to walk right in.
Look at the graphic in this story, it shows you two choices. God is asking you to pick one, to choose. Choose life in Heaven with Jesus Christ and live forever with the redeemed. The other choice is eternal torment in fire unquenchable prepared for the Devil and His angels. But know this: God recognizes no neutrality. Making no choice is the same as choosing Hell.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Time is almost up. Where will YOU spend eternity?
(Watchman comment: here we are patriots, another illegal war in Syria by the evil war mongers in Washington. The purpose of this war is to create kingdom #7 for the anti-christ. Remember 10 kingdoms will answer to the anti-christ and three will rebel against him. As I have said many times we witnessing the destruction of Damascus - Isaiah 17 right before our eyes.)
Ben Swann talks about the war in Syria in the video below.

The Wall Street Journal reported on 27 June 2013 that the CIA is moving weapons from secret warehouses to Jordan ahead of an August offensive in Syria. The covert plan was authorized by Obama earlier this month and Arab and  uropean nations are also involved in the effort.
Saudi Arabia plans to provide Manpads, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, to a select number of groomed terrorist mercenaries, according to U.S. officials. The U.S. will “monitor this effort… to try to reduce the risk that the Manpads could fall into the hands of Islamists.”
In fact, the U.S. and its Arab and European collaborators depend almost exclusively on fanatical Salafist mercenaries. The CIA plans to spend around two weeks grooming an initial group of Salafist fighters and training them to use small arms and antitank missiles.
Sheikh Nabil Naiim
The most effective mercenaries sponsored by the CIA are al-Qaeda (AQ) terrorists, a fact underscored recently when Sheikh Nabil Naiim, who led an AQ training camp in Egypt, said al-Nusra is controlled by the CIA. “I personally believe that the leader of the Nusra Army who declared his support for Ayman al-Zawahiri, is a CIA operative in the al-Nusra,” Naiim said. He also said AQ boss Ayman al-Zawahiri is a double agent working for the United States. (Watchman comment: I would say al-Zawahiri is working for the Illuminati, the one world government gang.)
The al-Nusra Front and related Salafist groups in Syria are funded by the CIA and the Sunni government of Qatar. They are the driving force behind the effort to militarily defeat Syrian leader al-Bashar.
“These extremist groups have become the best equipped, most organized, consistently well-funded and importantly, the most successful on the ground,” writes Phil Greaves. “While the US and its Gulf allies claim to have only armed, trained and supported ‘vetted’ and ‘moderate’ rebels, the reality inside Syria bears absolutely no resemblance to these claims.”
General Salim Idriss
Despite the demonstrable fact the al-Bashar government cannot be dislodged without al-Nusra and AQ  in Syria, the United States insists the August offensive will bolster Gen. Salim Idriss and his Supreme Military Command.

Idriss has admitted that the Free Syrian Army and other secular forces inside Syria cannot match the dedicated fighting power of the Salafist mercenaries supported by the Wahhabi regimes in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The Obama administration has not released additional details on the CIA sponsored offensive. Bernadette Meehan, a spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council, refused to comment on the plan.
Dan Cathy, a brave man who stands for Biblical principles

The president of the fast-food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A bravely injected himself into the gay marriage debate, this time criticizing U.S. Supreme Court rulings on Twitter. Personally, I wish this man was president but he would never be elected in the United States of today.
"Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen. to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies," Cathy wrote, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution ( ). The post was later deleted.
Chick-fil-A issued a statement acknowledging the post, saying Cathy was offering a personal comment.
"Dan recognizes his views do not necessarily represent the views of all Chick-fil-A customers, restaurant owners and employees, so he removed the tweet to eliminate any confusion," the company said.
Cathy's view on gay marriage has created controversy for the Atlanta-based company best known for its fried chicken sandwiches and closing on Sundays. Last year, Cathy told the Baptist Press that the company was "guilty as charged" for backing "the biblical definition of a family." In a later radio interview, he ratcheted up the rhetoric: "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.'"
Public officials in Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago told the company it was no not welcome, though the firm said it set a one-day sales record when after its supporters — including many religious conservatives — held a "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" last year. Gay marriage supporters held a "Kiss In" at the restaurants to protest Cathy's views.
Monsignor "Scar Face" Scarano

Friends, corruption, false doctrines and pedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is rampant. You will recall the Vatican Bank scandal in 1982. The Institute for the Works of Religion  – IOR), commonly known as the Vatican Bank, is a privately held institute located inside Vatican City and run by an advisory board who reports directly to a committee of cardinals and the Pope.
Founded by Pope Pius XII in June 1942, its assets are not considered property of the Holy See, nor it is overseen by the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See, and it is listed in the Annuario Pontificio not under "Holy See" or "Vatican City State", but after the pages on religious institutes, and cultural institutes, and placed with charitable foundations.
Former bank president Ettore Gotti Tedeschi was removed from his post by the board of directors for dereliction of duty in May 2012.
Was the Vatican Mason Roberto Calvi murdered because he knew too much? 
The Institute was involved in a major political and financial scandal in 1982, concerning the $4.7 billion collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, of whom the Vatican Bank was the main shareholder. ere
The head of IOR from 1971 to 1989, Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, was under consideration for indictment in 1982 in Italy as an accessory of the bankruptcy; though never tried by the Italian courts' in ruling that the Catholic priest, a prelate of the Vatican, had diplomatic immunity from prosecution. As a private organization performing banking-like functions for religious institutions, it is not subject to public scrutiny. The bank presented a short presentation on its operations in 2012. In June 2013 Pope Francis issued a chirograph creating a special investigative Pontifical Commission to report on the Institute. The five member commission includes two cardinals as well as Harvard Law Professor Mary Ann Glendon.
The Pope gives the 666 symbol and the "all seeing satanic eye symbol
Now prosecutors allege Monsignor Nunzio Scarano was involved in a plot to bring €20m in cash into Italy from Switzerland aboard an Italian government plane.
Msgr Scarano, a recently suspended accountant in one of the Vatican’s main financial departments, is accused of fraud, corruption and slander stemming from the plot, which never got off the ground, his attorney, Silverio Sica said.
He said Msgr Scarano was a middleman in the operation and that friends had asked him to intervene with a broker to return €20m they had given him to invest.
Mr Sica said the Monsignor persuaded the broker to return the money, and an Italian secret service agent went to Switzerland to bring the cash back aboard an Italian government aircraft.
The operation failed because the broker reneged on the deal, Mr Sica said.
The broker nevertheless, demanded his €400,000 commission. Mr Scarano paid him an initial €200,000 by cheque, which the broker deposited, Mr Sica said.
But in an attempt to not have the second cheque deposited at the bank, Msgr Scarano filed a report for a missing €200,000 cheque, Mr Sica said.
The broker and secret service agent were also were arrested along with Msgr Scarano, Mr Sica said.
It is not the only troubles facing Monsignor Scarano.
Prosecutors in the southern city of Salerno have placed him under investigation for alleged money-laundering stemming from his account at the Vatican’s bank, the Institute for Religious Works.
Just this week, Pope Francis named a commission of inquiry into the bank to get to the bottom of the problems that have plagued it for decades and contributed to damaging the Vatican’s reputation in global financial circles.
That investigation concerns transactions Msgr Scarano made in 2009 in which he took €560,000 in cash out of his personal IOR bank account and carried it out of the Vatican and into Italy to help pay off a mortgage on his Salerno home.
To deposit the money into an Italian bank account – and to prevent family members from finding out he had such a large chunk of cash – he asked 56 close friends to accept €10,000 in cash in exchange for a cheque or money transfer in the same amount.
Msgr Scarano was then able to deposit the amounts in his Italian account.
He had given the names of the donors to prosecutors and insisted the origin of the money was clean, that the transactions did not constitute money-laundering, and that he only took the money “temporarily” for his personal use.
“He declares himself absolutely innocent,” Mr Sica said of the Salerno investigation.
Vatican spokesman Rev Federico Lombardi said the Vatican is taking the appropriate measures to deal with Msgr Scarano’s case.
Retired General James Cartwright

Another high-ranking senior general is in trouble. Retired General James Cartwright, a former second-highest-ranking officer, is under investigation for leaking information on a covert computer virus, called Stuxnet.
The virus was used in 2010 to temporarily disable 1,000 centrifuges used for enriching uranium by Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Cartright, who was the number two person in the joint chiefs of staff from 2007 to 2011, was instrumental in the development of Stuxnet, and his role was publicised in a New York Times article published last year.
The article exposed that the virus was the Obama administration’s key weapon against Iran’s nuclear weapons programme.
President Obama responded to the article sternly: My attitude has been zero tolerance for these kinds of leaks. These are criminal acts when they release information like this.
It’s simply a stunning development when you consider that the Obama administration has always said that ‘people who leak are going to be prosecuted if we figure out who they are.
Steve Aftergood, director of of the Federation of American Scientists said, “there are many reasons why people leak classified information”.
“Sometimes to attack a program, sometimes to defend it, sometimes we don’t ever know,” he said.

Stuxnet is capable of both surveillance and harming computers, and was initally spread using infected removable drives.

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