Friday, June 14, 2013

End Times News and Gospel Message

Israel National News reported on  June 12 2013 that
Netanyahu expressed strong support for the 'two-state solution'. Netanyahu and five ministers are leaving Wednesday on a trip to Poland, where they will meet with Polish leaders and inaugurate a memorial site at Auschwitz."
"In advance of the visit, Israel published a statement which the Israeli delegates are to make following the meeting. The statement reads, 'There is an urgent need to promote the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The two governments agree on the urgent need to promote the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through direct negotiations, without preconditions'.”
While Israeli prime ministers have attempted to grant the Palestinians a nation carved out of the holy land of Israel, no PM has stated that such an illegal nation is "urgently needed". This bold statement is completely unprecedented in the modern state of the Jewish nation.
And, of course, such a nation is foretold in Scripture, in both Psalm 83 and Obadiah 15-18. In fact, two events will flow from this "urgent need" for a Palestinian State:
1) A state will only be announced, never created.
Isaiah 34:12 will be fulfilled to the letter:
"And He (God) will stretch over it (Edom) a measuring line of confusion and the plummet stones of chaos over its nobles. They shall call its nobles to proclaim the kingdom, but nothing shall be there ..." [Isaiah 34:11b-12;
When you hear this proclamation of a Palestinian State, know that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled, know that nothing will come of it, and know that the final annihilating war of the House of Edom, the Palestinians, is close at hand.
Both the United States and Israel know that the Palestinians plan to use their state within Israel as an inner launching pad for war against Israel. President Nixon once stated that Israel could never allow the Palestinians to have their own state, because such a state would be equivalent to allowing a bitter enemy to perpetually wield a knife just inches from your heart.
Yet, the Illuminati Plan calls for just such a Palestinian State.
2) Once a Palestinian State is proclaimed, Israel's enemies surrounding her -- the "Psalm 83" coalition -- will begin to fall into place.

Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt will begin to finalize their plans for coordinated all-out war against Israel.
Gays protest at the Vatican
News Max reported on  11 June 2013 that Pope Francis Admitted 'Gay Lobby' Exists in Vatican. Pope Francis has acknowledged the existence of a gay lobby' in the Vatican and says he is consulting advisers on what to do about it.
Speaking informally to a confederation of religious groups from Latin America and the Caribbean, he said: “In the Curia, there are also holy people, really, there are holy people”. "But there also is a stream of corruption, there is that as well, it is true... The 'gay lobby' is mentioned, and it is true, it is there... We need to see what we can do.”
What does the Pope mean that there exists a "gay lobby" within the Vatican? A lobby is a person or group of persons who advocate for a certain cause. In this case, a gay lobby can be nothing other than a group of gay Bishops, Cardinals and Priests who are gay and who are advocating that the Vatican adopt more gay-friendly policies.
While I am shocked that the Pope would publicly admit this embarrassing reality, I am not surprised that this type of support for homosexuality is operating within the highest levels of church administration. After all, during the entire 20th and 21st Centuries, we have been forced to watch the horrific news stories of Catholic priests preying on young boys; that is homosexuality within the priesthood!
In fact, we have read reports, consistently since the early 1930's, that 75% of all Catholic seminarians are gay.
At least Pope Francis called homosexuality " a stream of corruption". He did not defend it at all; but, with 75% of his Bishops, Cardinals and Priests being gay, it is doubtful that he can effect meaningful reform!

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