Monday, June 10, 2013

"End Times" Poem

My friend, xxxxxxxx wrote this prophetic poem about the coming "End Times".


Vessels of glory where I do dwell,
My sons and daughters please listen - to my vibrating bell!

It’s my work inside you that I am doing,
My kingdom believers it’s time - who are you wooing?

My son Jesus prayed, Abba unite them as one,
grieved - I responded – religion – politics – corruption - divides in the Kingdom.

The Syrian-African runs through the Mount of Olives and is long overdue for an earthquake

My shaking is coming so make a stand,
whoever abides in the vine - creates safely in the land.

From glory to glory - new dimensions to know,
I get much pleasure watching your identities flow.

Time is marching forward to the prophetic finale,
make sure your heart’s are ready - beliefs not in pathetic dark allies.

My word is strong and stable - your gift to trust,
sheep and goats I now divide - this is a must!

Jesus divides the sheep and the goats

My plan almost complete from the beginning of time,
the season is ripe - the harvest - mine.

As I fulfill my promise to - the Holy One,
I’m raising a nation destined, umbrella - ed, not done.

I call all my children to get on board,
my blessings – Kingdom anointings - never meant to hoard.

The nation, my love - restoring my pleasure,
the nations are coming - destruction their measure.

The promise I’ve made to Abraham’s seed,
All nations have soon heard - the gospel need.

God's messenger stops Abraham

Repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand,
look at Jesus Ishmael – accept His Kingdom and stand.

The witchcraft beat - Jezebel is a liar,
resist her influences or you’ll be in hell’s fire.

I laugh at your plans Ishmael - Jerusalem’s my JEWEL,
you’ll soon find out - I’m God – No fool!

How God views the world

© 2/7/07  

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