Friday, May 24, 2013

Can You Spell Conspiracy?

41-year-old Christopher Lorek, and 40-year-old Stephen Shaw

Friends, remember what the Bible says (Ephesians 6:12) we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and wickedness in high places.

Wow, funny how our Special Operating Forces, high ranking military officers, innocent citizens and now key FBI officials are dying mysteriously. The story is below.

During an apparently training mission in the Virginia area 2 FBI agents were killed after falling from a helicopter into the water.  41-year-old Christopher Lorek, and 40-year-old Stephen Shaw both belonged to an experienced hostage rescue team that was involved in the arrest of Boston Marathon suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Pilot Online reported that: In interviews Monday, the founder of the Hostage Rescue Team and other former special agents called the unit “elite” while outlining the difficult training exercises members must endure.
“It’s the most rigorous training regimen in law enforcement, probably in the world,” said Danny Coulson, a former deputy assistant director of the FBI who started the team 30 years ago and served as its first commander. “They have to be able to do any mission, at any time.”
Among other things, members of the Hostage Rescue Team are trained to rappel from helicopters, scuba dive and use explosives to break down doors and walls. When needed, the team can deploy within four hours to anywhere in the U.S.
“It sounds risky, and it absolutely is,” Coulson said. “They have the same skill sets as SEAL Team 6 and Delta Force.”
Last month, the team was involved in the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.
There have been a series of suspicious deaths surrounding people who were close to the investigation and the arrests.  Just yesterday we reported that a former MMA fighter was killed by the FBI when they payed him a visit for “questioning.
As Shepard Ambellas reported, “In what continues to be the most bizarre series of ongoing events, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter, Ibragim Todashev, was shot and killed in his apartment by the FBI just before midnight last night. (In my opinion, he probably thought he was fighting to stay alive.) Authorities believed the man to be a friend of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the alleged Boston bombing suspects.”
And if that’s not enough. It was also reported by on April 29, 2013 that the original bombing suspect, Sunil Tripathi, was found dead in Providence River.

Anybody seen Lee Harvey Oswald lately or Jack Ruby? Oh, by the way, Lee Harvey Oswald worked for J. Edgar Hoover directly. There is a memo proving it. Oswald informed Hoover in early November 1963 that there was an assassination plot against JFK in Dallas.

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