Monday, May 13, 2013

Pray For Syrians

Isaiah 17 - Damascus a heap of ruins

Below are the prayer request received from a friend in Syria. The Syrian nation is being destroyed by the Illuminati just like Iraq, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt were. Syria was a refuge for Middle Eastern Christians fleeing war in the countries I mentioned. I am sure many of you already pray for this country. The Christians in Syria are crying out for God's intervention. Join with them in prayer because prayer is our most powerful weapon.

Thank you for standing with the Christian in Syria! Please pray for the innocent Syrians as war escalates in Damascus. It has been very hard in the last few days:

1- Pray to prevent the kidnapping of Christian leaders
2   Pray to remove the extremists (al Qaeda) from Syria
3- Pray that Syria will repent and turn to God
4- Pray that God will save the nation of Syria with all it's different sects and groups
5- Pray that God will bring forgiveness among the people
6- Pray that God will strengthen the Christians’ faith in Syria, and the people will see the love of God
7- Pray that Christians will not leave Syria and those who left will return to Syria and be a blessing to the nation.
8- Pray that God will protect the people from mass attack and weapons of mass destruction (chemicals).
9- Pray that the selling of Syrian human organs through neighbor countries
10- Pray that the kidnapping of Children stops and that children are not used as soldiers
11-Pray for justice to the nation that is drained by the world's conflict
12- Pray that God will use this situation and war for people to know him
13 – Pray that God will defeat the devil’s plans to wipe out the Christians in Syria.
14- Pray that the church will take advantage of this situation to represent Christ, which is the only hope before the nation of Syria

Email from XXXXXXX

Thanks for your prayers
In Christ Jesus,
Alan – the Watchman on the Wall

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