Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Big Brother Comes To Scotland

Express ported on  May 26, 2013 that "parents are being secretly judged on their views on race and diversity while in hospital with their newborn babies under the SNP Government's latest assault on family life. In a further twist, the same health board is asking children - some of them still at nursery school - to rate their parents on a scale of 1-10."
Many children in Nursery School will rate their parents badly if they yelled at them before school or if they punished the children. Yet, based upon this kind of reporting, the State can actually remove children from the parents. Anyone can see that fundamental Christians will bear the brunt of this attack on the traditional method of raising children.
The project is part of the sinister Big Brother-style system of state meddling called Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) which is being quietly rolled out across Scotland. Last week, this newspaper exposed the 'scary' plans for all children to be given a state guardian - or Named Person - who will have the legal right to tell parents how to raise their offspring. The "parental capacity to provide well being" assessment forms have been introduced in Lanarkshire under a joint programme involving the health board and local councils. Under one part of the scheme, parents are secretly monitored by maternity staff to assess their suitability for raising children. "

This horrific proposal seems to be aimed at the State controlling the raising of all children, a most Communistic/Socialistic approach.

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