Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Video on the Louisiana Sink Hole, HAARP and Loud Booms


this video must be watched in correlation to Watchman Report 13-169 entitled "The Cause of the Louisiana Sinkhole". It is critical to remember that the Louisiana salt dome contains 150 billion gallons of liquid butane. Butane becomes volatile and highly flammable when it is exposed to the air. If the Louisiana butane explodes the blast area would be 250 miles! It would seem logical to me that such a blast would effect the New Madrid fault line.

Below is the video about the Louisiana sink hole, HAARP and the loud booms being heard in the U.S.


Hundreds of salt domes are found in Louisiana
Please pray that the Lord spares us this gigantic calamity.
Satellite photo of the Louisiana Salt Domes

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