Thursday, March 21, 2013

Prophecy and Obama's Visit to Israel

Daniel in the lion's den
Looming upon the prophetic horizon is the very real prospect of Daniel’s 70thWeek and its commencement – a commencement triggered by the re-affirmation of a “strategic alliance” between what Daniel called the “Willful King” and “the many” which alludes to a future personage entitled the Antichrist and “your people and your holy city” (i.e., the Jews and Jerusalem) (Daniel 9:24-27; 11:16).

Antiochus IV Epiphanes foreshadows the anti-christ
The archetype of the Willful King is, of course, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, whose Hellenizing of the Jews during the time of the Maccabees (175 to 163 B.C.) ended in revolt and cleansing of the Temple from his abominations – which victory is annually commemorated at the Festival of Lights or Hanukkah (25 Kislev – normally in the month of December). This is really one holiday that both Jews and Christians should mutually celebrate because it actually is a witness to the destruction of Antichrist!
Notwithstanding, as you glean insight as to this “prototype” of the future Antichrist as seen in Epimanes, nickname for Epiphanes meaning “Madman”,  for Jesus spoke of the, yet future, abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15) in the context of the “end of the age” wherein the Temple would, once again, witness the Antichrist commit, in the midst of the 70thWeek, the termination of the sacrifice and offering, as did this Epimanes, presupposing a rebuilt Jewish Temple and those sacerdotal rites prophesied in Daniel 8:12-14 wherein there would be 2,300 days of both “sacrifice and desolation”…and, since there would be 1,290 days of desolation (Daniel 12:11) that would leave 1,010 days of sacrifice prior to the “middle of the week” which would be the abomination of desolation.

In order for there to be a future Jewish Temple, a new Feast of Dedication would, of necessity, take place to inaugurate what would be the Third Temple in Jerusalem. Since there are 1,260 days in the first half of Daniel’s 70th Week, we simply subtract 1,010 days of sacrifice from that number of days and we arrive at 250 days left over from the first half of the Week’s beginning – which 250 days (counting backwards from the Feast of Dedication (25/26 Kislev – normally in December) will bring us to Passover on Nissan 14/15 (which we calculate to be the commencement of the 70thWeek of Daniel (15 days left in Nissan + 25 days in Kislev and 210 days or 7 months between Nissan and Kislev which actually represent the 7 months mentioned in Ezekiel 39:12 in the cleansing of the land in the burying of the dead as a result of the Gog-Magog War which appears in the first 40 days of the Seventieth Week…Passover + 40 days + 210 days (7 months) to 25 Kislev (Feast of Dedication) + 1,010 days of Sacrifice to Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot (15 Tishri) – ending the first half of the 70th Week wherein it said that the “prince who is to come”(i.e., Antichrist) shall “in the middle of the week … bring an end to sacrifice and offering” by committing the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION – he is absolutely the one whereof it is said: “And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the DESOLATOR” (Daniel 9:26-27).

Upon landing in Israel the love affair between Obama and Netanyahu was greeted by Obama declaring that his purpose in visiting Jerusalem was “to reaffirm the unbreakable bonds between our nations…to restate America’s unwavering commitment to Israel’s security…more than 3,000 years ago, the Jewish people lived here, tended the land here, prayed to God here.”

The Washington Post  reported both leaders reaffirmed the so-called “two-state solution for peace” – thus, it means that Obama is “putting himself back into the game…Obama can’t save the two-state approach singlehandedly…but it almost certainly can’t be saved without his help and engagement.”
Notwithstanding, “low expectations Obama” told Israeli citizens she’s free to protect herself against a nuclear Iran (how nice) – especially since the notion to “wipe Israel off the map” still fixates Iran’s leadership.

Frankly, the ominous journey to Jerusalem entitled UNBREAKABLE ALLIANCE or UNSHAKABLE ALLIANCE by the Israelis has become a glaring statement of high expectations regardless how the White House is trying to downplay it. The date of March 22 – Obama’s final stay in Jerusalem…having arrived on March 20, on the very same “Bible date” of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday wherein 4/5 days later “Messiah was cut off” on Passover – i.e., March 25, 2013 commences Passover this year –so it’s pretty simple to do the math to see this striking parallel.

Interestingly enough a number of fascinations regarding these low expectations seem to coincide with others who may surreptitiously desire greater outcomes directly or indirectly related to the visit.
the Georgia Guidestones
On another March 22 in the year 1980 the mysterious Masonic placement of the infamous Georgia Guide Stones Monument was engraved upon its christening. It’s been precisely 33 years since this monument to Masonic ingenuity was chiseled and recommended that the earth delimit her population to 500,000,000! How informative to leave such a genocidal monument to man’s inhumanity to man ensconced within the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave…every 33rdDegree Mason must or should be amazed they bear such a wondrous expression having something most assuredly to do with Lucifer – the Morning Star.
We have Israel forming its 33rd Government since 1948 and, of course, Jesus was 33 years of age at His crucifixion. Needless to say that the election of the Pope took place on March 13, 2013 or 3…13…13 which certainly appears as two sets of “33”and digit sums to “11”.
The late David Flynn conjectured some years before he went to be with the Lord, that the year 2013 held significant prophetic prospects. In Revelation 12 it states that the Dragon’s tail (aka, Draco’s Tail) when he was apparently cast out of the heavens, that “his tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.” He viewed these “stars” as the stars atop the Woman’s head in Revelation 12:1 and that each one of the 12 stars was one of the 12 constellations of the traditional Hebrew Mazzaroth (Job 38:32).

From mapping the Great Precessional of the Zodiac and its 25,920 year march through the heavens that “one-third” of the march could be determined in that 25,920/12 = 2,160 years per star/constellation * 4 (which is 1/3rd of the “stars”) = 8,640 years – and that 6,660 of these years took place up to 33 A.D. to the crucifixion of Christ; therefore, 1,980 years would pass before a full 1/3rdof the stars would be “cast to the earth” (i.e., 6,660 years + 1,980 years = 8,640 years).

I simply add to these calculations a somewhat stunning discovery that “864” is the fractal of the Sun’s diameter (864,000 miles) – and would be most suitable in that Lucifer literally means “Day Star in Isaiah 14:12 – “How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star (Lucifer), son of the morning.” Without question Peter is referring the Sun of Righteousness in II Peter 1:19 – “Until the day dawns and the Morning Star (lit. “Day Star”) arise in your hearts.”
Flynn continues: “In navigation, 33 degrees of the circle of the Earth has 1,980 nautical miles. This is found by multiplying 60 minutes in an hour times 33. One thousand nine hundred eighty years needs 6,660 years more too equal 8,640 years, and is the exact number of minutes in 33 hours, as well as nautical miles in 33 degrees of the great circle of the Earth. The majority of Draco’s tail lies along 6,660 years of the precessional circuit. The number 2013 is the number of minutes in 33 hours + 33 minutes and the number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the great circle of the Earth. (Temple at the Center of Time, David Flynn, Anomalos Publishing House, 2008, pp. 204-7).
The addition of the 1,980 years and the Georgia Guide Stones March 22, 1980 inscription is somewhat remarkable and more so the visit by President Obama to Jerusalem in that 6660 years to 33 AD + 1,980 years brings us to March 22, 2013 – now, that’s something astonishing – especially, since Flynn had absolutely no idea in 2008 what would be happening on March 22, 2013 in Jerusalem.

The Masonic Number of “322” in their “Skull& Bones” numeration resembles the third month (March) and the 22ndday of that month.
Finally, there is a most peculiar connection between the dates of December 21, 2012 – the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar and the date after the terminus of the I Ching and March 22, 2013. There are 91 days separating the two dates. So? Well, 91/7 days in a week = 13 weeks with “13”holding Biblical significance to “apostasy” and rebellion. E. W. Bullinger singles out the 13 generations separating Adam from Nimrod and Bible Prophecy Research does an elaborate effort to prove that “13” is one mean hombre.
Peculiar and baffling coincidences will continue to swirl around Israel’s materiality in that she finds herself  unable to prevent the “overflowing scourge” from trampling her asunder (Isaiah 28:18)? Will she lean upon the ultimate “Covenant with death…and your agreement with Hell?”

The battle lines are being drawn, the Dragon’s about to get his sights on both the Woman who gave birth and those that “keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus” (Rev. 12:17) … may the Lord gives us clarity and insight, as well as encouragement, in His Word as that day approaches.

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