Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Re-wilding of the U.S.

Science Magazine reported on March 25, 2013 that US coastal population grows as storms intensify
"The percentage of the U.S. population living in counties adjacent to coastline has reached nearly 40 percent in recent years, meaning more of us are exposed to extreme — and extremely costly — coastal storms such as Sandy and Isaac, according to a government report released Monday."

"These coastal counties account for less than 10 percent of the U.S. land area, excluding Alaska, meaning that this growing population is packing into a finite amount of space, one that's increasingly threatened by rising seas, storm surge flooding and damaging winds. 'The real issue is the density, the density is growing enormously', the report's editor, Kristin Crossett of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service, told NBC News. "
The Global Elite wants people to live away from coastal areas, and are distressed when average citizens have the money to move back after a disaster, enabled with their insurance policies. But, since these Elite always are thinking ahead, they have developed the most draconian solution imaginable.

What is this solution? The United Nations has redrawn the map of every single nation on Earth, mandating which areas humans can live in and which they will be forbidden to live. This horrific map is called "Rewilding" and is drawn up by the United Nations Biodiversity treaties.
The Illuminati has created a most sinister plan entitled the "Rewilding of America". This is their ultimate goal, and it is toward this most horrible end that events are inexoribly moving.

Mikhail Gorbachev, former leader of the old U.S.S.R. Gorbachev said that the "threat of environmental crisis will be the 'international disaster key' that will unlock the New World Order." ["A Special Report: The Wildlands Project Unleashes Its War On Mankind", by Marilyn Brannan, Associate Editor, Monetary & Economic Review, p. 5.]
Extreme Environmentalism is designed to be the leading force in moving the world into the New World Order. The New World Order Plan calls for a rapid and forced reduction in the world's population from the present 6 billion to only 2 billion.4 This Plan also envisions severely restricted usage of the land, all over the world, and a return back to the kind of economy which existed worldwide about 300 years ago.

Before you scoff, let me remind you of the words of Jose Argulles, writing in his "25-Year Plan For The Earth". Arguelles calls for a "5-year phase-out of our industrial civilization", to be implemented by the United Nations! As if this information is not shocking enough, then Arguelles drops the real bomb, as he reveals the Plan for the period, 1997-2002. This 5-year plan will be "Known as the Era of Reseeding, it will thin out major population centers. The human population will be resettled." ["Progress As If Survival Mattered", Friends of the Earth: 1981, p. 68-70, quoting David Brower, Friends of the Earth Chairman, former head of Sierra Club, as quoted in "A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age 'Messiah', by Constance E. Cumbey, Pointe Publishers, Inc., East Detroit, MI, 1985, p. 164-5.]
Did you catch that last statement? The human population WILL BE resettled. Major population centers WILL BE thinned out. What no one is telling you is that these areas to be set aside in New World Order planning will be swept of all human living and/or development, as part of the United Nations Biodiversity Protection program, created in 1972. This plan literally conceives of setting aside huge areas of the world where no humans can live -- will be allowed to live -- or work, or play. While this plan is global and is being instituted globally, we will limit our study of it to the United States. [The entire plan is published in a report entitled, "Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission On Global Governance", Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-827997-3, 410 pages long.]

This plan in America is called the "Rewilding" of America. This term means to re-wild this continent. In other words, they plan to sweep aside all evidences of human endeavor, i.e., homes, businesses, structures, entire cities, allowing the land to go back to its natural state, before the wicked White Man took the land from the Native Americans (Indians). Using Presidential Directive, normally exercised through various Federal Government agencies, this "rewilding" project will be accomplished by declaring huge tracts of land completely off limits to humans. These tracts of land would be called 'reserves'. Reserves would "include wilderness areas and national parks while inner buffer zones would permit no agriculture, no more than 0.5 miles of road per square mile of land, primitive camping, and only light selection harvesting of forests. The June 25, 1993, issue of Science magazine reports that the plan calls for 23.4% of the land to be put into wilderness (no human use) and 26.2% into corridors and human buffer zones (very limited use by humans)." [Op. Cit., Brannan, p. 2.]
This is 50% of America!!

One of the great sensitivities United Nations planners exhibited when creating this plan was coastal areas. They truly wanted to sweep coastal areas of all human endeavor. Quite possibly, these planners got their desire to sweep coastal areas from New Age prophecies which predict massive flooding along the coastal areas. The flooding map of the U.S. is below.

The theme of earth destruction resounds through many of the New Age and Occult prophecies. One of the first to foretell of coming cataclysms at the end of this century was Edgar Cayce, who was known as "The Sleeping Prophet". Cayce's predictions concerning this issue of coastal flooding are startling.
Note that no one disaster will cause all the coastal flooding shown on this map. Coastal flooding as you see here is predicted to be the result of multiple disasters.

Of particlar note is the fact that most of the Gulf Coast is predicted to suffer some sort of cataclysmic disaster which would not only flood the coast, but extend up into the Mississippi River Basin!

Since United Nations leaders are Mother Earth believers, they will be anxious to impliment this "rewilding" project, as it moves people away from the coastal areas. We must be very aware of this future draconian United Nations plan, and act to prevent our legislators from placing America under the the sovereignty of the U.N.

Such surrender of our national sovereignty will prove totally disastrous!

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