Monday, March 18, 2013

The Cause of the Louisiana Sink Hole

Potential blast area of underground Butane

The Louisiana sinkhole is being caused by the gasses in those caverns that are cracking up and collapsing. The blast diameter is 500 MILES. But friends and family in New Orleans: get out NOW!
There are huge salt formations deep underground that extend from the Gulf of Mexico into the earth under Louisiana. They are all connected.
Like those lava lamps, where it bubbles up for the bottom forming a column like structure, there are similar salt “pillars” that extend from a common base of salt and then form these things called “domes.”
Because salt is porous, they use them as storage containers for liquids that they pump into them.
The big one in bayou corne is filled with 150 BILLION barrels of liquid butane, that they were storing in there. When butane hits air, it becomes  volatile and creates a highly flammable gas. The “sink hole” In bayou corne is actually a collapsing salt dome holding that butane. Because the salt underneath there is part of a huge formation under the whole area reaching into the gulf, if one salt dome collapses, it can effect many others.
Its a geology lesson for everyone. They certainly have not made this public knowledge. Its a big deal.
Obviously, if the whole things blows it would create a crater out of the entire state.

A truly shocking revelation has been uncovered in SONRIS files concerning the fragile and ‘too close to salt edge’, Occidental Geismar #1, as well as four other caverns on the east side of Grand Bayou.

Last week, it was revealed that Oxy #1 was found to be in potential jeopardy and possible collapse since it lies within 1-200 ft. from the Salt Dome’s edge.

Although no real shock to those in the know, what else was found regarding Occidental-Geismar #1 Cavern, turned out to be a real electrifying revelation.

Many community meetings have been held in Assumption Parish with the residents affected by the ‘Great Louisiana Sinkhole’ formed by the failure of Oxy-Geismar #3 salt cavern known to be on the edge of the Napoleonville Salt Dome, by Texas Brine and the Owner of the actual cavern itself, Occidental Chemical Corporation. Although asked about the possible NORM contained by other caverns, no real answers were forthcoming. Now we understand why this was never answered.

Buried deep within the bowels of SONRIS at LDNR and in a well file relating to Gulf South #1 failed cavern that terrorized the community of Grand Bayou in 2003, were documents relating to Texas Brine and Occidental’s dealings with James Welsh concerning the disposal of ‘calcium and magnesium brine precipitates’, later changed to ‘brine sludge’, and both terms meaning Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials, (NORM), and the injection of these materials back into the caverns in which they were produced.

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