Saturday, March 16, 2013

Brennan and The Bill of Rights

Yahoo news reported that hours after CIA Director John Brennan took the oath of office—behind closed doors, far away from the press, perhaps befitting his status as America's top spy—the White House took pains to emphasize the symbolism of the ceremony.
There's one piece of this that I wanted to note for you, spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at their daily briefing. Director Brennan was sworn in with his hand on an original draft of the Constitution that had George Washington's personal handwriting and annotations on it, dating from 1787.

Earnest said Brennan had asked for a document from the National Archives that would demonstrate the U.S. is a nation of laws. Director Brennan told the president that he made the request to the archives because he wanted to reaffirm his commitment to the rule of law as he took the oath of office as director of the CIA, Earnest said.

This sentiment sounds comforting, as it is supposed to sound. However, given the reality that nothing is as it seems, we have to poke a little deeper.

Brennan was sworn in with his hand on an original draft of the Constitution, dating from 1787, which has George Washington’s personal handwriting and annotations on it.

Now get ready for the really shocking revelation as to the real meaning behind this symbolic gesture of taking his oath of office on the 1787 Original Draft of the Constitution!

That means, when Brennan vowed to protect and defend the Constitution, he was swearing on one that did not include the Bill of Rights and did not become part of our Constitution until 1791, 4 years after the Constitution that Brennan took his oath on.

Therefore, the symbolism is resoundingly powerful. Obama and the new CIA Director are basing their actions upon a Constitution which does not contain the Bill of Rights.

Therefore, the President and Brennan are planning to follow a Constitution which does not contain the following protections:

#1 - Right to Free Speech,

#2 - The right of the individual citizen to bear arms,

#3 - Prohibits the forced quartering of soldiers during peacetime,

#4 - Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants based on probable cause,

#5 - Sets out rules for indictment by grand jury and eminent domain, protects the right to due process, and prohibits self-incrimination and double jeopardy,

#6 - Protects the right to a fair and speedy public trial by jury, including the rights to be notified of the accusations, to confront the accuser, to obtain witnesses and to retain counsel,

#7 - Provides for the right to trial by jury in certain civil cases, according to common law,

#8 - Prohibits excessive fines and excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment,

#9 - Protects rights not enumerated in the constitution,

#10 - Limits the powers of the federal government to those delegated to it by the Constitution.

We know the plan of the Illuminati is to dissolve our Constitution and impose the greatest, harshest dictatorship in world history, we believe that  Obama chose the route of deceptively following the original Constitution of 1787 rather than the Bill of Rights.

The President can claim he is upholding the Constitution while he is really ripping it apart, and the undiscerning masses will probably never know the difference.

As for Brennan he is probably a closet Muslim who does not believe in the Bill of Rights to begin with. Remember in Islam there is no separation of church and state. Islam is a theocratic state, there are no human rights.

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