Thursday, March 7, 2013

End Times News and Gospel Message March 7, 2015

The cemetery at Hadamar were the mentally unfit were buried 

During Nazi rule in Germany, Hitler employed propaganda to create a German national identity that was strong and pure Aryan race. He successfully accomplished this by blaming minorities for the loss of WWI. Hitler used propaganda techniques of repetition and defining the enemy as evil, selfish, etc. to the country’s masses.
One of the Nazi’s favorite and most popular arguments was the Jewish race as disgusting, evil, dirty, and menacing and they portrayed the Jews as rats.
After the massacre at Newtown, Connecticut, more Americans than ever are supporting gun control. Gun legislation will just continue to outlaw more and more types of guns. In fact, Colorado has just passed gun control laws which would restrict the most popular shotgun in the state.
If the Obama Administration is planning to begin a Nazi campaign portraying gun owners and supporters of the Second Amendment as disgusting, evil, dirty, and menacing. Does this sound familiar? America is being divided as never before.
Do you remember Obama's statement about people who demand their right to own guns? Obama said, "And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations”.
Obama like the Nazis has pigeon-holed gun owners into a useful propaganda niche. Be prepared for a very mean-spirited attack by compliant lame stream media. They will convince most Americans that gun owners are a danger to this country.
Patriots, there is no difference between the Democrat and the Republican leadership or the parties. The vast majority of people believe there is a difference but they have fallen victim to an unprecedented deception.
Natural News reported on March 4, 2013 that the infamous divide and conquer approach is how evil is advanced, and how tyrants achieve their ultimate goals. It has been utilized over and over again throughout history because it dulls rational thought and turns populations into masses of mindless followers. And slowly, incrementally, like a frog boiling in a pot of water, freedoms are eliminated, liberty is stamped out, and the people become enslaved.
The same Republicans, who are now taking President Obama to task because he has authorized unconstitutional drone assassination attacks on Americans on American soil, were the same politicians strangely silent when President Bush ordered unconstitutional arrest without due process and torture of American citizens starting immediately after the attacks of 9/11. These same Republican politicians cooperated with President Bush as he passed the dictatorial Patriot Acts I and II, laws that, on paper, take away all our Constitutional rights, liberties and protections.
Obama has continued the Bush policy of using drones against innocent civilians, we cannot but marvel at the degree to which Leftist politicians and citizens are not now speaking out boldly against policies that have been always portrayed as examples of right-wing dictatorships. Since World War II, right-wing dictatorships have been attacked by American leftist politicians because they violated human rights.
But, these are the very activities which Republican President Bush began and which Democrat Obama has vigorously continued. Republicans offered no protest to Bush and Democrats are offering no protest to Obama.
The fact of the matter is that supporters of each end of the political spectrum are silent when it is their man doing damage to the Constitution. This deplorable state of affairs is leaving the Constitution in tatters and is setting the stage for its ultimate destruction.
Did you know that, nearly 200 years ago the Illuminati planned for the destruction of our Constitution? Listen to the Illuminati’s protocol #5 concerning despotism and modern progress. "These laws will withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted ... and our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any ... who oppose us by deed or word."
Once they have full control, they plan on wiping us out.
Now, let us consider their plan by which they are going to take away our liberties so they can institute despotism of magnificent proportions.
"The [people] are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? .....
5. There is another reason also why they will close their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties.....
6. It is not worthwhile to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties ....."
In other words, this 200-year-old plan says that the Illuminist leadership of the day will keep promising the people that they will get all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all did the Illuminati know, 200 years ago, that we would be facing enemies of peace in a crisis situation? The only way in which they could know is if they had deliberately planned such a scenario.
How long will the Democrat and/or Republican President hold the powers he has seized? Listen to the Illuminati Protocols again: "It is not worthwhile to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties ....."
President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno delivered a body blow to the Constitution when they sent M-1 Abrams Tanks and heavily armed soldiers against civilians at Waco who had not been granted their "Due Process" as required by the Constitution. Once Americans did not rise up as one in gigantic protests over the civilian death at Waco, the Illuminati knew that they would be able to destroy the Constitution piece by piece without any serious consequences.
In a telling indictment of just how far we have fallen into despotism as a society, Chicago Tribune reporter John Kass explains in a recent article how the false 'left-right' political paradigm is basically the catalyst through which the perpetual trashing of the U.S. Constitution has been able to take place. It is only because 'their' man is on the throne, in other words, that hardcore Democrats who once opposed wars and unconstitutional foreign policies are now in seemingly lockstep support of the Obama administration's flagrant and escalating constitutional abuses.
He can now assassinate American citizens abroad without fair trial if they're suspected terrorists, explains Kass about the recent unveiling of the true tenets of the formerly-mysterious Obama Doctrine. What is Obama’s weapon of choice? Drone strikes from the air. Drones are politically antiseptic weapons of death, almost like a video game, except that real blood and tissue is blown against the walls. And it's all being done in secret.
When the Illuminati finally achieves its goal of establishing history's greatest dictatorship the Constitution will be dissolved. Their brilliant goal of creating a fairy tale that there is a difference between the Democrat and Republican parties will have succeeded. Using this strategy, a Democrat can continue the policies of his Republican predecessor and vice versa and they can take a previous policy and dramatically expand on it.
This "Left-Right Wing" Hegelian tactic has worked greatly, and will enslave us all, simply because we believed there was really a difference between parties!
Finally, many Democrat and Republican leaders are members of an Illuminati organization called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The fact this extremely influential organization dedicated to the NWO contains leaders of both parties.
The DMZ in Korea
CBC News reported on March 5, 2013 that the North Korean dictator threatened to annul the "temporary" Armistice. This act would officially mean that a state of war now existed between North and South Korea and the entire UN military force, including the U.S.
The North Korean People's Army Supreme Command threatened to use surgical strikes meant to unify the divided Korean Peninsula.
What is the Illuminati Plan concerning a nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula?
War will seldom be absent from the world-scene during the last twenty years of the century. There will be numerous local conflicts in the Far East, the Middle East, and Africa. A hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival." (Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script: Prophecy In Action", p. 222-223)
Western lame stream media and Western intelligence services have been deliberately misreporting the true capabilities of the North Koreans for at least 15 years.
After all, if the objective is to thoroughly frighten the public, what better way than for people to suddenly realize that North Korea really and truly does possess nuclear weapons plus a ballistic missile capability that can reach the East Coast of the United States?
Since the North Korean nuclear crisis is simmering right now the Illuminati must consider the world to be in the end period. But, we know that God also considers the world to be in the end of the period.
When events of the day prove that mankind is in the latter stages of the appearance of Antichrist, judging from God's prophecies and the Illuminati Plan, you must realize that “End Times” are rushing upon the entire world. If you are not a born again Christian, you have every reason to be absolutely terrified, because all the terrors foretold in the Book of Revelation, and Daniel is now planned to occur.
God's Word provides a pertinent warning:
"The time for repentance is speeding by like chaff whirled before the wind! Therefore consider, before God’s decree brings forth the curse upon you, before the time to repent is gone like the drifting chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord comes upon you—yes, before the day of the wrath of the Lord comes upon you!" (Zephaniah 2:2; KJV)
If you suddenly discovered yourself standing before Jesus in Judgment, would you be spiritually ready? If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching “End Times”, and want to accept His free gift of eternal life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.
Brimstone with burn ring from Sodom and Gomorrah near the Dead Sea
The spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah is sweeping this world, transforming mankind into the kind of perverted heart and mind and soul which can accept the coming Antichrist.
In reality, the very fact that we can now see the Sodom perversion so widely accepted by key leaders throughout the world is truly another "Sign of Times", alerting us to the lateness of the prophetic hour.
God says in Luke 17:27-29,"Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot ... But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all."
Based on this verse, Bible scholars have long held that one of the "Signs of the Times" shall be public acceptance of homosexuality, emanating from government. I believe we are at this point now.
CNN News reported on March 2, 2013 that Obama has been declared America's 'first gay president'. But President Barack Obama's evolution to that title hasn't been easy. His positions zigzagged over almost two decades. His advocacy of same-sex marriage began well before his White House years, tracing back to his early political service in Illinois.
2012: Obama endorses same-sex marriage, the first such statement by a sitting president.
January 2013: Obama becomes the first U.S. president to mention gays and lesbians in an inaugural address and champion same-sex marriage.
2013-2017: Will Obama's next evolutionary step seek change in the 41 states that currently define marriage as between one man and one woman? As a second-term president, he certainly has the clout. Obama on same-sex marriage: Everyone is equal.
Obama, like all the occult Illuminati leaders before him, does not believe the Biblical injunction against homosexuality. Obama and his ilk have shunned the real-life example God gave the world when He utterly destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, the two ancient cities peculiarly given over to homosexual sex. Do you remember how far public sex had gone in these two doomed cities? The gay men and young boys of the city surrounded Lot's house, demanding that he send out the angels within so they could have sex with them in public!
Now, the U.S. has a President who fully supports the gay lifestyle and who is leading the current fight to make this acceptance the law of the land!
But, Obama is not the first President to have a heterosexual family on the one hand while supporting the gay lifestyle on the other hand.
William Jefferson Clinton was abhorred by millions of Bible-believing Christians because he so strongly supported gay rights.
George W. Bush, the allegedly "Born Again" Skull & Bonesman, two years after becoming President his gay and lesbian policy was declared identical to that of Clinton's.
Millions of Christians were aghast. A so-called Christian, George W. Bush, was pursuing gay and lesbian policies identical to that of President Bill Clinton. As time wore on in the second Bush Administration, the men's gay organization, the "Log Cabin Republicans", became a very visible supporter of President Bush and his policies.
These three Presidents have now ruled America 21 years. The gays have captured U.S. politics and now they are capturing U.S. education. Our nation's education has been captured after three decades of gay and lesbian indoctrination and propaganda.
Now we have prayer police in our schools, a textbook with a witch license application, and in one school a tenth grade English assignment on 'How to kill your best friend. Numerous teachers have been arrested and charged for having sexual relations with their students. The homosexuals, in some states, now teach preschoolers the 'ABC's of being gay' and first graders' 'Gay-Ed for Tots’.
America's education of homosexuality is patterned after the UN World Core Curriculum. This philosophy came from a demon guide, through an expert channeler named Annie Besant, the leader of the occult House of Theosophy.
Our precious children are truly learning at the feet of demons in our public schools!
Secular humanism, situation ethics, alternative lifestyles, progressive education, and behavior modification have taken over of our schools. What has been the consequence?
U.S. citizens have been indoctrinated to accept homosexuality. Its values have been put on the same basis as God's ordained heterosexuality! We are at that same point as Sodom and Gomorrah were when God's judgments fell without warning, killing every gay and every straight inhabitant of that city, except for Lot and his daughters.
These four Cardinals for a future draft choice?
The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) has participated in conditioning people to accept the gay / lesbian lifestyle, from their perverted priests.
These sex scandals of the past 1,200 years are weighing heavily upon the hearts of the collective faithful.
The L.A. Times reported on March 3, 2013 that last Thursday, Pope Benedict XVI became the first pontiff in nearly 600 years to willingly step down from his position. What kind of man will the cardinals choose to be his successor? RCs from a variety of perspectives said what they would like to see in a new pope."
Sister Eileen McNerney said “the first words that I would like our new pope to say are, 'For the next 40 days, I will be wearing sackcloth and ashes in repentance for the sins of our church'. The horrendous scandal of sexual abuse has pained me deeply, and I know that I am not alone in how I carry this sadness. I believe that a strong symbolic gesture from our next pope could do much to heal this pain. "
Unfortunately, sexual perversion is part of the DNA of the RCC. The sexual sins of the RCC have existed for a long time. Why? Because forced celibacy, auricular confession and aspects of a priest's training, render a Roman priest a sexually-abnormal person or a sex pervert." From the book "I Was A Priest", published in 1949.
If we go back to 1710, we find that predatory priests were preying upon women in the confessional, using all the techniques including threatening the woman with torture and death at the hands of the Inquisition if she did not submit to his sexual lusts!"  The RC Pope is a false prophet of the New World Order (NWO) religion. The RCC is a demonic church.
The disastrous root of gay sin has been so deeply rooted within the RCC for the past 1,200 years that no new Pope can change it. The leopard can more easily change its spots than a RC Pontiff can change the massive, deeply rooted and firmly entrenched sin of homosexuality within the priesthood.
Even if a new pope were to announce that priests can now marry, it would take at least a generation and maybe two, for the cancer of pedophile priests to be thoroughly eradicated from the church.
Prophecy teaches that Satan is going to be allowed to stage two horrible "Beasts" upon the Earth. (Revelation 13)
1) The First Beast (Rev 13:1-10) is political and economic. The Bible calls him "Antichrist".
2) The Second Beast (Rev 13:11-18) is religious. But, he is said to have "two horns like a lamb", which means he shall pretend to be Christian and shall be accepted as such by the masses of the world. This Second Beast will be called the False Prophet and he will perform the same occult power as Antichrist, and shall do so in support of Antichrist.
Thus, Satan truly has firm control over both the political and the religious systems, especially in terms of implanting the gay and lesbian values in both systems. This development is surely one of those signs of the “End Times", indicating how close mankind is to the appearance of both the Antichrist and the False Religious Prophet, both of whom will espouse the homosexual lifestyle.
Now the entire world stands at the precipice of the next Sodom and Gomorrah moment!
Contradictions do not coexist

As long as Satan is allowed to roam the earth, there will never be peace and we cannot “coexist”. Not until the second coming of Jesus and Satan is destroyed will this world be capable of harmony. I once read, “No religion is all right or all wrong.” I disagree with that statement because Christianity is “all right.” I know there are Christian denominations that widely vary in their interpretation of the Bible but the one thing that is NEVER questioned is Jesus. He alone is the Truth.

World Peace!
Isn’t that something we all long for? Religion is the cause of so much war, division and hate mongering!  As John Lennon wrote about in his song “Imagine’ wouldn’t the world just be better without religion altogether?
Several months ago I began noticing blue COEXIST bumper stickers on cars. I did not know what these bumper stickers meant or where they came from.
Recently I found out the COEXIST movement exists to unite the world religions. All I know at this point is that is has been around for several years and that Bono of U2 is one of the leaders of the co-existence movement.  Is co-existence a realistic idea or another Utopian folly? After all the world’s religions are different in so many ways. Christianity says Yeshua/Jesus is the only way to God and to heaven. Islam says Allah is the only God and Mohammad is his prophet. Personally, I do not see how either religion can ever be reconciled to coexist together. 
Quite frankly, I do not have a religion. I have a deeply personal relationship with Yeshua/Jesus. By contrast, in one of the religions Muslims cannot have a personal relationship with their Allah. The only way a Muslim is guaranteed to go to heaven is to be a martyr for the cause. Buddhists deny the reality of this world.
The COEXIST movement denies that absolute truth exists, all religions to them are the same none possesses absolute truth. I challenge any person to examine and study the Bible and one will ultimately arrive at the truth, for indeed the truth will set one free.
The story is told of a Harvard law professor who taught his law students to examine the evidence I n each and every legal case.  He castigated the Bible, Jesus Christ and Christianity regularly in his class. One day a student raised his hand to ask a question. When the professor called on the student he asked the professor the following question. Professor have you examined the evidence concerning the Bible, Jesus and Christianity? The professor replied truthfully and admitted he had not considered the evidence. The professor spent the next twenty years examining the evidence. After all those years of study the professor concluded the Bible was true, Jesus Christ was indeed the Messiah and Christianity was the one true religion.
I believe the COEXIST movement is an idealistic movement that denies that man was born in original sin. Hence, because of original sin men by nature are sinful creatures and inherently evil. The COEXIST movement, I believe, thinks that men are basically good. We have gone down this false road in history several times.
I would submit the following thought to you. godless Communists, Nazis and Fascists murdered more people in history than any religion. They in fact are religions centered on man and the false beliefs of evolution. Indeed, their twentieth century genocides were the worst in mankind’s history. The Communists, Nazis and Fascists all desired to create a Utopian, perfect society, without so-called racially inferior people or exploiters. All the above movements failed. Likewise the COEXIST movement will fail and probably in the process get lots of people killed who believe in its Utopian vision.
I think that this COEXIST movement may be the foreshadowing of the one world religion which could build a temple on the temple mount in Jerusalem where all the members of the world’s religions can come and worship their particular god.
As for me I will stand with Yeshua, he is my Lord and Savior and because of his suffering and death on the cross I do not have to kill anyone in order to get to heaven and without Yeshua’s cross I would be a lost soul and this world would be a far worse hell hole than it is.
If you desire the truth I highly recommend listening to Ravi Zacharias, one of the foremost apologists for Christianity. Ravi is a former Hindu who found the truth. Ravi has a quick mind and  Ravi ’s specialty is speaking to and debating college students.
You may find the following videos of interest.!v=Mt02AYcNTNo&feature=related
The impact of a solar storm upon the earth is measured in nano-Teslas or nT. The solar storm that knocked out the Quebec power grid in 1989 measured 589 Nt’s. The 1859 Carrington Event measured 1,760 nT’s.
Some scientists believe sunspots are caused by a current of plasma, or electrified gas, that circulates between the Sun's equator and its poles over a period of 17 to 22 years. It is analogous like the Gulf Stream currents that regulate the weather on either side of the Atlantic.
I like to fish in the blue water of the Gulf Stream.
The Predictive Flux-transport Dynamo Model current acts like a conveyor belt of sunspots the way the Gulf Stream acts as a conveyor belt of warm water. Sunspots peaked in 2012.
The US Army calculated that it would take an EMP blast level of between 30-80 kV/m to fry the circuits in a vehicle. But in tests using a 2010 Toyota Prius, the circuits fried at a level of 5 kV/m. They didn’t need to raise the EMP level any further.
The massive storm on Saturn
According to various official astrophysics and solar research labs around the world, something very, very strange is going on in our solar system. A partial list includes the following:
•Recent solar activity highest in 8000 years
•Sun's magnetic field has decreased in size by 25%
Solar sunspots

•300% increase in galactic dust entering our solar system
•Mercury’s magnetosphere experiencing significant increases
The green glow

•Venus exhibiting a 2500% increase in its “green glow”
•Mars showing a rapid appearance of clouds and ozone
Erosion of Mars ice

•Mars observations reveal up to 50% erosion of its ice features within a 12-month period
Jupiter's plasma torus
storms on Uranus
•Jupiter plasma torus increasing; its moon Io exhibiting the same changes
•A 200% increase in the density of Io's plasma torus
•Jupiter's Disappearance of White Ovals since 1997 - recent increase in storms
•Io's ionosphere is 1000% higher
•Jupiter’s moon Europa much brighter than scientists expected
•Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is 200% brighter
•Saturn's plasma torus is 1000% more dense
•Aurorae first seen in Saturn's polar regions in recent years

•Uranus was featureless in 1996 - exhibiting huge storms since 1999
•Uranus in 2004 was also markedly brighter than in 1999
•Neptune is 40% brighter in the near-infrared range based on observations from 1996 - 2002
•Pluto observations reveal a 300% increase in atmospheric pressure

Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research located on Mt Graham in Southeast Arizona keeps an eye on all this. Notice the acronym derived from the letters in boldface – Lucifer - Coincidence? I don’t think so; I believe the Lucifer telescope is owned by the Vatican.
What would happen in the case of another Carrington Event is all speculative since the planet hasn’t been hit full on since the invention of electrical lights, computers and computer chips. But probably, the side that took the full force of the hit would be instantly plunged into the 19th century.
The rule of thumb would be that if it has wires/circuits, it will be broken. The Grid would be cooked. Most cars would stop dead in their tracks. Cell phones and satellites would fry. Forget about computers and the Internet.
There would be no food delivery system, no way to deliver clean water, no banks, no ATMs and no money. Cities could become war zones. If you live in a city, your best bet would be to try to get out. But that will be no easy trick without transportation.
There is probably no good way to prepare for something like this, but have several weeks’ worth of food on hand, together with some cash and other barter materials. (Just in case we’re still here and the 
Rapture hasn’t happened yet.)
But I’m not so sure we will be. Among the signs Jesus outlined as harbingers of His return was the following: "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." (Luke 21:25)
Compare that verse to conditions as they have been since you and I were born. In just my lifetime, sunshine has gone from being the healthiest thing on the planet to one of the most deadly. Now our Sun threatens to wipe out life on earth, at least as we know it.
The more we learn about outer space, the more it seems we have to fear. Asteroid strikes, meteors, comet strikes, the Fukushima earthquake knocking the earth slightly off its axis, solar storms, even warnings about killer gamma rays are now part of news.
Add to that the celestial alignments due in 2014-15 - there will be four “blood” moons/tetrads and the global drive to clean up the environment at any price and you find that you pretty much have what Luke wrote about in Luke 21:25.
The powers of heaven are indeed being shaken, right before our very eyes. This ‘shaking’ will continue in both frequency and intensity until the 2nd Coming/Advent when the Lord returns in power and great glory.
But Jesus said that once it begins, it will continue through to the end of the “Great Trib”. To those living at that time, He said this: “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28)
I was redeemed at the Cross. But my redemption isn’t complete until His promise becomes reality and I am in His presence. Why lift up my head? Because, “. . . the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump/Shofar of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1st Thessalonians 4:16-17)
I am looking to the East because that is where I am expecting to see Him when I hear that shout and Shofar.  Quite frankly it is a shout/Shofar that I am expecting to hear at almost any moment.
“So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.” (Luke 21:31-32)

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