Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Celestial & Demonic Activity

the trajectory of the comet ISON 
If February is any indication, 2013 is going to be a year of frequent celestial events. Below are videos of some of the events. There will be more events in the sky to watch for later this year, including Comet ISON, which is expected to pass near earth and put on spectacular heavenly show by autumn.

Recently, the number of UFO sightings documented by the mainstream media seems to have soared.

From Jerusalem and Moscow to Mexico City, Norway and all across China, the number of bizarre flying objects and celestial events dazzling witnesses without rational explanation is exploding.
UFOs over London
The phenomenon has been getting quite a bit of attention in major media. In September of 2010, for instance, the UN appointed a so-called “alien ambassador” to be charged with coordinating Earth’s response to a potential encounter with extraterrestrial life.
The entertainment industry has also been focusing a lot more attention on UFOs and fictional alien invasions, with more than a few major shows and movies in recent years dealing with the subject.
Some Christian, including myself, are suspicious about the widespread, global interest in UFOs. I suspect that, if real, the UFOs are not actually space craft operated by extraterrestrial beings. I believe UFOs and “alien abductions” are related to demons and fallen angels – possibly a part of Satan’s great deception foretold in the Scriptures.
In this line of thinking, authorities may try to deceive the public into believing absurdities and heresies related to UFOs and “aliens.
I think these UFO appearances are demonic and several pastors citing scientific and biblical research agree with me.
Why would these supposed aliens come here for the sole purpose of performing so-called sexual experiments, kidnappings, possessions, and trashing the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Everybody who says they’ve had contact with an alien being say that’s what it’s about.
I believe satan is hard at work trying to deceive the nations. I think all of this is all part of the last days deceptions,  the signs and wonders from the heavens. Satan and the Anti-Christ would likely use the phenomenon as part of their effort to deceive the world with lies.
The whole thing is demonic and we’re watching an outpouring of demonic appearances, demonic manifestations, and demonic activity, because I think we are approaching "the rapture, "The Great Trib" and "End Times".
“These are signs preceding God’s judgment of the world, as the Bible foretells,” said author Paradox Brown, who has written extensively on the issue, including two books, “A Modern Guide to Demons and Fallen Angels” and “The Bible, Physics, and the Abilities of Fallen Angels: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon.”
Brown said “The UFOs sightings and alien abduction reports today, in the case of paranormal events taking place, are being orchestrated by Satan and his fallen angels, as events leading up to this deception by Abaddon, as an Antichrist claiming to be humanity’s god,” Brown cited multiple passages in Scripture.
There is a strong delusion coming and people best get right with God through Jesus Christ His Son now, before these events come to pass.” 
Below are videos covering some of February's celestial events.









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