Saturday, February 2, 2013

Planned Parenthood, Israel & Depo-Provera

Friends, I do not believe that Planned Parenthood's Illuminati eugenics program went away. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood was a racist who wanted to eliminate "the weeds" of society. It was American eugenicists who taught eugenics to the Germans before Hitler came to power.  
The article below was published in 2001. I wonder what adverse impact Depo-Provera has had on American women who got contraceptives from Planned Parenthood? Apparently, Depo-Provera had an adverse health impact on black Jewish Ethiopian women who came to Israel. Apparently, some Israeli elitists thought they were the wrong color for Israel. And we thought the Nazis were long gone.  
The article below came from the following source: see Moira Brennan, April–May 2001, "Dorothy Roberts: What we talk about when we talk about reproductive rights". Ms Magazine.
In which language should one speak to be understood? On January 27, 2013, Israel formally admitted having injected Ethiopian-Jewish women with venom against their will, so that they wouldn’t get pregnant. Israel brought them to Israel in a propaganda-program aimed at showing the world that Jews are not racists, and then applied Nazi techniques to ensure that they wouldn’t reproduce. Several years ago, I published Israel’s Eugenics Program: Dr. Mengele Blues, which describes the frightening "Dor Yeshorim" (roughly "Straightening Generation") Israeli eugenics program, which seeks to destroy embryos that do not fit the Zionist dream. Not surprisingly, the program originates directly from the work of Dr Epstein, a Jewish aide of Nazi Dr Mengele (see The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing And The Psychology Of Genocide).
Dr Josef Mengele
American and Israeli eugenicists walk proudly in Mengele's Nazi footsteps
Dr. Josef Mengele was a German SS officer and a physician in the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, where he supervised the selection of arriving prisoners. He continued his research on heredity in that camp, especially in the field of identical twins. Less prominent in Israeli textbooks is the fact that he recruited a Czech named Berthold Epstein, a Jewish pediatrician to help him. The latter fully cooperated in non-consensual experiments on humans carried out in the camp. "Cooperated" is not the exact word to define his crimes. He proactively "proposed research on the treatment of noma" (page 296 in the linked book) and led non-consensual research on humans. Quietly, this became the basis for the Israeli "Dor Yeshorim" program, a clear example of that state's crimes against humanity.
Yet, the arrogance of the Israeli doctors worked against them. For many years they kept injecting Ethiopian women with Depo-Provera every three months, against their will. This venom is a long-acting hormonal contraceptive birth control drug, which has severe side effects, including irreversible bone-loss. Oddly, the USA suffers from a related problem. Dorothy Roberts claims that black teenagers in the US using birth control use Depo-Provera at a far higher rate than white teenagers because they are disproportionately targeted for the least safe, cheapest contraceptives+. These Crypto-Nazi Israeli doctors didn't realize that these women would eventually learn to speak Hebrew. Afterwards, they began shouting. Last December, the Israeli Educational Television broadcast research by Gal Gabai in a program called "Vacuum," which exposed 35 testimonies of Ethiopian women who were violated in such a fashion by Israeli doctors. "They threatened not to allow us into Israel," Amawish Elena—one of the victims—described the first time she was poisoned by an Israeli doctor in Ethiopia.
Roni Gimzo
Roni Gimzo general manager of Israel's Ministry of Health

Against all expectations—that network is notorious for its shallowness—the program was good. It was so good, that lawyer Sharona Elyahu from the Association for Civil Rights in Israel picked up the story and acted swiftly. She forced Professor Roni Gimzo—General Manager of Israel's Ministry of Health—to react publicly in Haaretz on the above mentioned date. Until recently, the Ministry had refused to acknowledge the systematic violation of these women by the State. Yet, before the interview, Mr. Gimzo sent a public letter to the relevant organizations in Israel ordering them to stop immediately the venom injections to Ethiopian women. His language showed no repentance: "Without stating a position or stating facts regarding the claims of this issue, I ask to guide all the doctors working with women...not to renew the use of Depo-Provera with Ethiopian women..." he wrote. The broadcast showed that in the last decade, the fertility of Ethiopians in Israel has decreased over 50%. Dr. Gimzo, Hitler is proud of you! "They told us that we shouldn’t have children, that those who have children suffer in their life... in Israel you will work for your food, it will be difficult for you, that is what they told us... we got the injection, we got it every three months. We didn't want it. We said 'no' and opposed it. We said that we didn't want it..." said one of the violated women to Israeli Educational Television.

How many times does one need to repeat the truth until the feeble minds of the violating doctors understand the facts? Which language should one use? Hebrew, German? I won't repeat the arguments presented in Israel’s Eugenics Program: Dr. Mengele Blues, except to remind these eminent doctors that Ludwig van Beethoven would have been killed by them on the grounds that he had a tendency to become deaf. However, these people listen only to their criminal music. The sad truth is that this is not an issue of language or the number of repetitions. Israel probably has a hundred times more doctors than a normal society needs. Most of these salary-men state-workers desperately seek ways to justify their salaries, honors, and pensions; essentially that was the way they justified their crimes to the women ("in Israel you will need to earn your food..."). The inevitable result is a Nazi-revival period characterized by the inflation of unjustifiable treatments. Mr. Gizmo, your beloved Fuhrer is so proud of you...

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