Friday, February 8, 2013

End Times News & Gospel Message Feb. 8,2013

1.  In Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu said Iran's installation of new equipment at its Natanz nuclear plant will speed up enrichment efforts and complicate plans to prevent Tehran from building a weapon capability. Speaking at the start of the weekly meeting of the outgoing Israeli Cabinet, Netanyahu said "the most important mission facing his new national unity government is stopping the nuclear arming of Iran.” It is a mission which has become more complicated because Iran has equipped itself with new centrifuges which reduce the enrichment time.
Netanyahu’s remarks came after a report last week that Iran has informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that it planned to speed up its uranium enrichment program, using faster and more advanced centrifuges.
Am IAEA document said that Tehran planned to upgrade enrichment equipment at its Natanz plant.
The letter from Iran mentions a centrifuge model IR2m, which would be able to enrich uranium as much as three times faster than equipment Iran already has.
Uranium enrichment is at the heart of the standoff over Iran's nuclear program, which Israel and much of the West believes is a guise for developing a weapons capability. Iran has denied the allegations.
Meanwhile on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said that the latest round of talks with world powers regarding Iran's nuclear program would be held in Kazakhstan later this month. Iran and six world powers, the U.S., Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia, held three rounds of talks last year aimed at resolving the standoff over Iran's nuclear activities, but all were unsuccessful.
The six, known as the P5+1, called on Iran to scale back its program but stopped short of meeting Tehran's demands to scale back sanctions.
U.S. Vice President Biden last Friday warned Iran that opportunities for diplomacy over its disputed nuclear program were not unlimited but offered direct talks between Washington and Tehran. Iran rejected talks today.
Biden said, "President Obama has made clear that containment is not an option. We will prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.” "We think there is time and space for diplomacy, accompanied with economic pressure. But this window will not be open for an unlimited time."

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei closed the door on the direct nuclear talks offered by Vice President Joe Biden. He said on Thursday, Feb. 7, that talks “would solve nothing” because, "You are holding a gun against Iran.” He was reacting both to the new sanctions the US imposed Wednesday and to President  Obama’s forthcoming visit to Israel to confer with Prime Minister Netanyahu on Iran and Syria. Also Iran's Foreign Ministry said on Friday that US sanctions imposed this week were aimed at "creating tension, crisis and instability" and “a gap between the nation and government” in the Islamic state ahead of its June presidential elections. Also the US has cancelled the departure of a second aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf due to budget cutbacks.

2.  The U.S. Army reported that there were 325 confirmed or potential suicides last year among active and non-active military personnel. “Our highest on record,” said Lt. Gen. Howard Bromberg, deputy chief of staff, manpower and personnel for the Army. The grim total exceeds the total military deaths (313) in Afghanistan, according to Defense Casualty Analysis System. 
Friends, our military personnel have very stressful and difficult jobs. However, there is a larger issue here, these people committed suicide because they are hopeless and godless and reflect the deterioration morally of our culture. Our military is a microcosm of our overall society. Please pray that our military personnel get genuinely saved by Jesus Christ. He will change their lives.

3.  In Europe the unemployment rate is at an all-time high, and the unemployment rates in both Greece and Spain are now over 26 percent.  Much of southern Europe is already in the midst of a full-blown economic depression, so it really has been remarkable that the financial markets in Europe have been able to hold up as well as they have so far.
Iran's Ahmadinejad arrives in Cairo
Ahmadinejad arrives in Cairo
4.  Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram reported yesterday that Iranian President Ahmadinejad said in Cairo that Iran is now a nuclear state and he invited Egypt to partake of Iran’s nuclear knowledge and experience. Ahmadinejad’s visit to Egypt is the first in three decades of frozen relations. He is attending the Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit.
Unrest in Tunisia
5.  In Tunisia Prime Minister Hamd Jebali dissolved his Islamist-led coalition government in an attempt to calm the country following an eruption of street protests sparked by the assassination of a left-wing lawyer, Chokri Belaid. He announced he would appoint an interim cabinet of technocrats until new elections. Belaid spoke for many secular Tunisians who fear religious radicals are stifling freedoms won in the first of the Arab Spring uprisings.
New Jerusalem

6.  In the Bible there are some fascinating things about furlongs and numbers in the Book of Revelation. A FURLONG or STADIA which is 660 feet in length and the measurement that John used to describe the dimension of Paradise:  12,000 furlongs.  But Luke also used this measurement (once) and John used it again several times in his gospel....every time it's used it is wholly significant.

And what of the "sting of the scorpions" for 5 months and yet not unto death?  Then there's the other place in the Revelation where John used the furlong in describing the measurement of the blood up to the horses' bridle of some 1,600 furlongs...what could it mean and worst of all, what follows are these 200,000,000 horsemen at the River Euphrates...can there be a much more profound meaning in all of this?  We are fairly sure there is just ask the Lord for illumination while you read...

Here's a little intro to some of these 25 to 30 furlongs in the midst of the tempest the disciples rowed until they saw Jesus walking on the water, getting into their boat and IMMEDIATELY it came to shore.  Will this be the case at His coming again - the tempest and then a sudden translation to shore?  We think there is every reason to believe so...especially when you match it with the 15 furlongs from Jerusalem to the home of Lazarus in peculiar but so profound!

"Now contemplate this “option” – taking the 30 furlongs and adding them to the 15 furlongs we arrive at 30 + 15 = “45” (Hummm – the “45” days of the arising of the Sun of Righteousness?  Then, if that were not enough we take the 25 furlongs and add them to the 15 furlongs and arrive at 40 furlongs which “40” is a sign of judgment and testing but it is far more, for the judgment brings in this:  40 furlongs * 660’ – 26,400 feet * 12” = 316,800 inches (or “3168”). 
Notice anything?  Of course:  12,000 furlongs is the edge of the New Jerusalem * 660’ = 7,920,000 feet * 4 (foursquare city) = 31,680,000’ or “3168” and, of course, 3 + 1 + 6 + 8 = “18” = the New Jerusalem Standard of Measurement and 3 * 1 * 6 * 8 = 144 which is the Wall in cubits of the New Jerusalem giving us 144 * 25.20” = 3,628.8” which is a fractal or resemblance of the four square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza at 756’ * 4 (foursquare) = 3,024’ * 12” = 36,288” with 3,628.8” and 36,288” be 10 times the difference and “36288” = “36288.”  And if we take 36288 we not only see the Eternal God at “36” as in 360° of a circle without beginning or ending but 288/2 = 144 wherein the two sets of 144,000 found in Revelation 7 (Israel) and Revelation 14 (the Church).  Even so:  36288/2 = 18144 and herein is the “18” of the New Jerusalem and the “144” of the New Jerusalem’s Wall."

Illegals crossing the border
7.  The devil is in the details, and the details of the McCain immigration plan are deeply disturbing. To secure the borders he is calling for a massive increase in drones flying over US territory, spying on US citizens along the border – and presumably within the 100 mile "border zone" over which Department of Homeland Security claims jurisdiction. What if these drones detect suspicious activity unrelated to illegal immigration? Imagine the implications for the federal government's disastrous war on drugs. Imagine what's left of the Fourth Amendment completely tossed into the trashcan. The "privatized" prison system in the US that now benefits from the war on drugs and illegal immigration will no doubt look forward to booming business thanks to the army of drones overhead".
Jesus_on_the_cross : The figure of Jesus Christ carrying the cross up Calvary on Good Friday.  Stock Photo

8.  Now back to the Bible, God says in Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

This verse is pretty's not about you. You cannot nor ever will do anything to God's grace. It was God's love for us, that atoned for our sin on the cross and extended grace to us. It's also God's plan for us to be agents of His grace to others when they need it.
 Wouldn't it be great if we could remember that? Wouldn't it be great if we could do the same for others?
It's funny that we so freely accept the gift of grace that has been given to us, yet we are often much less willing to extend it to others. Is it because we don't think others deserve it?  God's grace wasn't owed to us and we didn't do anything to earn it. It's His gift to us. I want to encourage you to return the favor.

Be a giver of grace. Don't hoard the gift God has given you and keep it for yourself. Share the love because that's what it's really all about!

God loved us enough to let go of our mistakes. God forgave our past, present and future sins in full. So why can't you and I do the same for other people?
Pyramid onnU.S. dollar
9.  Remember Obamacare? Yes, the legislative bomb that was ‘sold’ as NOT being a tax, yet was upheld by the Supreme Court because it WAS a tax?
Now the government has its eyes on the last unspent pool of cash left, America’s ‘retirement’ funds. The government wants to ‘help’ manage retirement accounts This is very akin to Retirement Fund Death Panels, involving the mandatory transfer of good-cash assets into government bonds. The government promises to pay you back someday....hahhahahahahaha].

Yes, these same idiots who spent $417 million tax-dollars post-Katrina, who couldn’t make a ‘go’ of running a brothel and selling booze in Nevada, can’t secure the borders, won’t stop pork-spending or borrowing and now want to ‘help’ us? I guess they do not think the average American is as smart as the Government is, and is not smart enough to manage their own assets without Big Brother’s guidance.

The most fiscally irresponsible and bankrupt government on the planet wants to ‘help’ the fiscally responsible and solvent people who lived within their means and actually saved their money.

But our government had better hurry since at the rate the Fed is debasing the Dollar it will soon be worthless along with anyone who has saved in Dollars for retirement.

10.              Chris Kyle had no regrets about any of the 160 people he killed as a Navy SEAL sniper during his five combat tours in Iraq. Kyle developed a deadly reputation in Iraq, prompting insurgents to put a $20,000.00 bounty on his head.
It seems to me that living in America today is more dangerous than fighting the war in Iraq.
When Kyle's military career ended after a decade, he joined other former SEALs to start Craft International, a security company. He also became a best-selling author, a reality TV personality, a supporter of fellow vets suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome, an avid hunter and an outspoken opponent of gun control.
The fact that Chris Kyle was an outspoken opponent of gun control at a time when gun control fever is at an all-time is very interesting. At minimum, this coincidence is highly suspicious; at maximum, it seems logical that someone in the anti-gun lobby wanted the voice of this highly respected former military sniper silenced.
This possibility seems even more likely when we learn next that the man who murdered Kyle was a patient at a psychiatric hospital and was receiving medication to help cope with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disability).
Eddie Ray Routh was accused of fatally shooting retired Navy SEAL Chris Kyle and his friend at a gun range Routh had previously threatened to kill himself and others and had twice been taken to a psychiatric hospital for mental health evaluations.  Routh remained in the jail in Stephenville facing two charges of capital murder with bail set at $3 million. Routh is on suicide watch and Sunday night, jailers had to use a stun gun to subdue him when he became combative."
Many of the public shooters have been under psychiatric care and had been taking one or more mind-altering drugs, a deadly combination resulting in mind-control at the hands of a skilled psychiatrist. And, they are programmed to kill themselves once their target is murdered.
Now that we know that the murderer was a temporary patient at a psychiatric hospital, was he taking any mind-altering drugs like Prozac or Zoloft that make people violent?
We do not know. Could he have been mentally controlled to carry out this murder? We know one thing for sure, America has lost two excellent patriots.
11.              In Iraq a war is raging between Shi'ite and Sunni while the Kurds watch.
Fighting and violence has spiked in Iraq in recent weeks with more than three dozen people murdered. The violence comes amid fresh political upheaval in the country.
Why cannot the three sects in Iraq cooperate to build a new country? There are several reasons to consider:
1) These three religious sects have been at war with each other for several hundred years. They despise one another.
2) When Saddam Hussein was dictator, he unnaturally clamped down on these three religious sects, forbidding them to war with each other. His military hold within the country was so strong that these three religious groups could not fight against each other.
Saddam's internal police were also very effective in preventing military arms and explosives from reaching these three groups. They may have continued to hate each other, but they could only throw sticks and stones.
3) When President Bush overthrew Saddam, he loosened the reins of power that prevented these three groups from warring. As the war progressed, military arms and explosives became much more readily available. In fact, military arms became so widely available that these groups could easily attack each other every single day.
The civil war racking Iraq today is between Shi'ite and Sunni. The Kurds have formed their own nation in northern Iraq and are staying out of the battle in the south. This development will one day result in Bible prophecy being fulfilled! God's End Times prophecy foretelling the final days' judgment of Ancient Babylon (Iraq) is being fulfilled to the letter by President Bush's invasion of Iraq!
How bad is the warfare between Shi'ite and Sunni? Consider just the last few days:
Bomber Kills at Least 22 in northern Baghdad
Al-Qaeda incites Iraq Sunnis to take up arms against Shi'ite Maliki
The Iraqi people today face a government that is slipping further into authoritarianism.
Yes, all-out warfare looms between Shi'ite and Sunni for control. Iran is Shi'ite and is controlling Prime Minister Maliki, also a Shi'ite. The Sunni faction is funded and armed by Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states.
When the Kurds strike, they will fulfill God's End of the Age judgment. Remember, the Kurds of today are the descendants of the Ancient Medes.
"Everyone who is found will be thrust through, and everyone who is connected with the slain and is caught will fall by the sword. Their infants also will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be plundered and their wives ravished ... I will stir up the Medes against them, who have no regard for silver and do not delight in gold [and thus cannot be bribed]. Their bows will cut down the young men [of Babylon]; and they will have no pity on the fruit of the womb, their eyes will not spare children. And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans' pride, shall be like Sodom and Gomorrah when God overthrew them. [Babylon] shall never be inhabited or dwelt in from generation to generation." (Isaiah 13:16-20; Parallel Bible, KJV/ )
God's judgment against present day Iraq (Ancient Babylon) is going to be fierce, and the Kurds (Ancient Medes) are sitting quietly in the north, awaiting the time when Shi'ite and Sunni bleed each other to death.
Then, the Medes (Kurds) will strike -- just as this prophecy foretells.
12.              According to a new Pew Research poll, 53% Americans are increasingly worried about the federal government violating their rights.
"Republicans are largely responsible for that increase; 76% of Republicans say that the federal government threatens freedoms, and 54% said the federal government was a 'major' threat ... Independents agree with Republicans; 55% say the government represents a threat, and 33% say it represents a major threat. "
Minorities trust the government to act in their best interests. Since minorities represent a major force in the Democrat Party, the Democrats have emerged as the Big Government supporter.
Most Americans still love our Constitution. Americans know that the Constitution still works. As the Obama administration expands the size and scope of government, so too do they expand the threat to those rights."
Vigilance is the most important weapon we have in fighting to retain our Constitutional government of limited powers. We must continue working and informing the undiscerning concerning the reality that our Government, both Democrats and Republicans. In the final analysis, there is no real difference between Republican and Democrat Parties.
Christian soldiers praying 
13.              I have constantly warned about Kissinger and his ilk like Brezinski, Soros, Rockefeller, Rothchilds, Bushes, Kennedys FED the banksters the CFR, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and the other 100 Illuminati groups that run the world under Satan's guidance. Lucifer no longer exists except in name and the delusion Satan spins on the elite. Lucifer became Satan as he rebelled against God. Without realizing it most of us live our lives

in Satan's world supporting satan's systems. This means we are unknowingly contra God. This is shocking but accurate. We only have two choices and note what God's word says...all worship the Beast except for

His elect. So few today are choosing God's way and as Revelation 12 tells us…...the whole world is deceived.

The spiritual matrix is real. Religious deception and secular deception is very strong.

This is a warning...COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE. We can continue to serve this world and satan or we can reject these systems and get off the grid. God says all people who fail to come out of her will share in her plagues and those plagues are awesome. The worldly Babylonian system will die a painful death. America is now being destroyed in judgment. God blessed America initially but now we have forgotten God. God is chastising us and if we do not change judgment and wrath will follow.

 America’s churches are not going to tell you the truth. I read God's word daily and can tell you where America is in Bible prophecy. Her end is not good. I beg you to please consider, take stock of your lives. I care about your eternal soul. Repentance is the only path to God. As David said, daily repentance. Satan is on the warpath and his goal

is to destroy all of mankind but especially America because America is in his way. Moreover God's true Church is a special target of satan. 
As you pray, please ask God to open your eyes and mind to truth so that you can know and do His will and please Him. All else is futile. We toil in vain unless God builds the house. 

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