Monday, February 4, 2013

End Times News & Gospel Message Feb. 4, 2013

1. Politico News reported that The president’s top climate appointees and the outside advisers best positioned to shape his agenda are a team replete with heavy hitters — including green-minded business leaders, buttoned-down environmental lobbyists and bureaucrats who have spent years wrestling with the minutiae of regulations. At this point, who will likely be Obama's Climate Change "Dream Team"?
Denis McDonough
1. The president’s green brain trust starts with his chief of staff,  Denis McDonough. He has spoken for years about the urgency of tackling global warming and assuring supporters that Obama’s heart is in it. McDonough is a radical Climate Change advocate. Furthermore, McDonough is a radical Leftist/Marxist as he advocates a global "Re-distribution of Wealth". In May, 2007,  he co-wrote an op-ed for the Center for American Progress on the “obligation” the U.S. and other wealthy countries owe to help poor nations cope with climate change. Even though a "Re-distribution of Wealth" has never succeeded in any place or time where it has been tried, the concept is, nevertheless, a favorite amongst the radical environmentalists.
Heather Zichal
2. Heather Zichal is the deputy assistant to the president for energy and climate change. She has been pushing green policies on Capitol Hill and in the White House for more than a decade. She quickly rose from a young House aide to top energy and environmental adviser for Sen. John Kerry during his 2004 presidential run and for Obama in 2008. She was Kerry’s legislative director as well. Heather is certainly helped by the fact that her old boss, John Kerry is a member of Skull & Bones.
3. John Kerry, the new Secretary of State is primed to take climate change to new heights on the international stage
4. Most of the real action on climate will stay within EPA with Bob Perciasepe and Gina McCarthy.
Tom Kuhn
5. Tom Kuhn is the president of the Edison Electric Institute is almost by default a leading member of a list of business and industry leaders who could influence the administration’s climate agenda.
Other names popping up which will push for the President's agenda are former Exelon CEO John Rowe, Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers and NextEra Energy Executive Chairman Lew Hay.
Frances Beinecke
6. Frances Beinecke is the president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. The Natural Resources Defense Council is one of a few really powerful New Age groups which push for such concepts as sustainability, conserving natural resources, and imperiled ecosystems.
Gene Karpinski
7. Gene Karpinski is the president of the League of Conservation Voters.
8. Fred Krupp is the voice of the Environmental Defense Fund. He is respected as a moderate voice who tries to broach deals with Republicans and industry.
The key to this debate is the assertion that "Man's Activities" are creating this global crisis!
Therefore, the President has assembled his "Dream Team" of leaders who will make an unprecedented effort at writing legislation aimed at preventing a global disaster which is not happening! You know, that is the very essence of successful propaganda: to so convince the public that a problem exists that they will support your solution, even though much evidence exists which should convince the public otherwise.
The repeated mass media lie that global Climate Change", plus the teaching of this lie in public schools for the past two decades, are finally having their intended effect. America may soon have its own set of perfectly needless laws intended to solve a problem that does not exist. Dr. Faulkner presents all the evidence against Climate Change that any thinking person would need to realize that this supposed global disaster is simply intended to convince people that only a New World Order can solve this disaster.
The secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat ... in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government which they call the New World Order (NOW). Read William Cooper’s, "Behold A Pale Horse", p. 27
President Obama is set to make an unprecedented move to create the Illuminati plan to solve this artificial threat.
Now the UN admits solar activity may play significant role in global warming.
The Earth has been getting warmer, but how much of that heat is due to greenhouse gas emissions and how much is due to natural causes? A leaked report by a UN group dedicated to climate studies says that heat from the sun may play a larger role than previously thought ... results do suggest the possibility of a much larger impact of solar variations on the stratosphere than previously thought, and some studies have suggested that this may lead to significant regional impacts on climate,” reads a draft copy of a major, upcoming report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)."
The report from the IPCC is priceless. We can only hope that conservative Republican senators and representatives will use this report as the basis for defeating this senseless set of laws and regulations.
Friends the Illuminati using the false crisis of Global Climate Change as a means to force a global dictatorship upon all peoples of the world and ignorance of the people and deception are the major parts of the satanic program.
The NWO will turn humanity upside down in order to bring the anti-christ to power. Protocol #13 of the Learned Elders of Zion states, Who will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?

2. The Washington Times reported that Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint screeners are receiving training to prepare them for the possibility of a mass shooting at one of the agency’s airport checkpoints, and those TSA personnel are being instructed to save themselves should a shooting occur.
Isn’t it interesting that TSA would train its people to only save themselves and not to try to defeat the shooter or to protect the lives of civilian flyers? Does the TSA already have intelligence about a possible future checkpoint shooting?"
At this point, it is impossible to know whether the TSA is simply trying to be prudent or whether another Manchurian Kandidate shooting is planned.
Some fear that the Department of Homeland Security has detected a threat and is already moving to prepare staff to either handle it or get out of the way. We do know the Illuminati likes to telegraph their plans prior to the execution of the plan. For example, Aurora and Sandy Hook appearing in the Dark Knight Rising movie.
 Some terrorist incidents have already been attempted at the airports and/or on airplanes. The "underwear bomber" and the "shoe bomber" are two cases in point.
The Illuminati Card Game illustrates that public mass murder is part of the Plan of the Elite to so infuriate the public that they would demand gun confiscation. Hence, an airport mass shooting on the scale of the public school shootings might occur.
In several instances, the incident at the women's school in Canada, the shopping mall in Canada, the Stockton, California, massacre, and the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane  the shooters were all ex-mental patients or were current mental patients who were all on the drug Prozac. This drug, taken in certain doses, increases the serotonin level in the patient, causing extreme violence. Now add posthypnotic suggestion or control ... and you get mass murder. Friends, what is the purpose of these mass shootings? I quote Bill Cooper: "The Middle Class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd Amendment".
Every instance of a horrific mass murder spree where the perpetrator used guns gives the Federal Government more leverage to persuade undiscerning Americans to support a government program to seize all weapons from every citizen. The government still has that huge problem: how to persuade 100 million gun owners to surrender their 300 million guns.
Recent unrest in Egypt
3. During a “Sixty Minutes” joint interview with President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Obama boasted that “You know, when it comes to Egypt, I think, had it not been for the leadership we showed, you might have seen a different outcome there.”
It’s hard to disagree with the president, his administration contributed to the turmoil now gripping Egypt and leading Al Jazeera to describe Egypt as “a complete state of collapse.”
Under Obama’s leadership, his administration promulgated the false image of the Muslim Brotherhood as “moderate Islamists”. Just last September, for example, an administration official, defending the White House’s plan to forgive $1 billion in Egyptian debt, said of the Muslim Brotherhood’s supposed commitment to economic reform: “They sound like Republicans half the time.” And let’s not forget Director of National Intelligence James Clapper’s memorable description of the Muslim Brotherhood in February 2011 as “largely secular.”
As a consequence of his delusions about the good intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama tilted U.S. policy in their favor to lead the post-Mubarak regime at the expense of the more pro-democracy secularists who sparked the revolution in Tahrir Square in the first place two years ago.
On the second anniversary of the revolution violent clashes broke out in Cairo and other Egyptian cities. There were protests aimed at the Muslim Brotherhood’s (MB) high jacking of the revolution with its Islamist Constitution that marginalized women’s and minority rights. Later confrontations with the police also erupted in response to the death sentences handed down by a court against 21 soccer fans in Port Said for their role in a deadly riot last February.  As a result, at least 50 people lost their lives and more than 300 were injured many of them at the hands of the police.
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, the MB’s hand-picked candidate, responded with a declaration of a state of emergency in the three Suez Canal provinces hardest hit by the violence including Port Said. His edict suspended the ordinary judicial process and many civil liberties in favor of extraordinary presidential and police powers. Morsi was angry and almost screaming during his televised address announcing the state of emergency.
What does the Obama administration have to say about the rising anger against the MB regime and President Morsi’s clamping down on the liberties that Obama thought he had helped usher in with his support of the revolution and Morsi’s election? Precious little.
A senior Obama administration official, who would speak only on condition of anonymity, was quoted as saying that the Morsi regime was “obviously having growing pains.”
To ease those “growing pains,” the Obama administration is reportedly going ahead with plans to provide Morsi’s government with F-16 fighter jets and military tanks, part of at least a billion dollars in aid that is on top of the loan forgiveness the Obama administration has in the works.
The State Department has not responded to a request for comment about the report of the pending delivery of the F-16 planes. However, Obama’s nominee to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, Senator John Kerry, last week during his confirmation hearing defended the Obama administration’s plans to gift the Morsi regime with at least four F-16 fighter jets. Sure, Kerry conceded, Morsi’s recently disclosed hateful insults against Jews that he uttered in 2010 were “reprehensible” and “unacceptable by anyone’s standard.” But they should not get in the way of our “critical interests with Egypt.” Unsaid were whether those “critical interests” include Morsi’s willingness to use military tanks against his own people, his cozying up to Iran and the threats his MB patrons have made against Israel that our F-16s can be used to carry out.
The Obama administration’s policies in Egypt have been an abysmal failure.  And Obama is doubling down in his reliance on Morsi’s hollow assurances that he is committed to democracy. But for the “leadership” that Obama showed in Egypt during and after the revolution that deposed Mubarak,  we might well “have seen a different outcome there” – a far better one for the Egyptian people and American national security interests.
File photo shows Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a visit to Natanz uranium enrichment facilities. (AFP Photo)
Ahmadinejad at a nuclear plant
4. A successful covert strike on Iran’s nuclear program is vital in order to demonstrate strength in the wake of the nomination of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense. Iran expert Kenneth Timmerman reports that “the Iranian regime loves Chuck Hagel” and that its state-controlled press is interpreting his nomination as a sign that the U.S. is eager for a “grand bargain.”
The Hagel nomination undermines the credibility of the U.S. pledge to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, even if it means military action. In 2006, Hagel said a military strike “is not a viable, feasible, responsible option.” The Iranian regime certainly knows of his record, which even includes opposing the designation of the Revolutionary Guards as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
The Iranian regime will also doubt that the U.S. would support Israeli action. In 2006, Hagel criticized Israel’s offensive against Hezbollah, decrying the “systematic destruction of an American friend Lebanon” and declaring, “this madness must stop.” If Hagel wouldn’t support an Israeli offensive against Hezbollah, then there’s little reason for the Iranian regime to believe he’d support an Israeli military offensive against its nuclear program.
 WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 27:  People protest in ...
4. Bob Livingston of Personal Liberty wrote the following article. It’s very deceptive to call Obamacare socialized medicine. The law has nothing to do with health care. It’s just the opposite. Its sickness care. The Nazis had their gas chambers and America has medical care, which is the most sophisticated killing machine that demented minds can create.
Livingston is correct. ObamaCare is really a way for the government to usher its sick and its elderly into eternity. A senior citizen these days cannot escape the mandate from the government to attend a conference on their own impending death. Whereas the emphasis in our old system of Health Care was placed on ways to heal and to return to normal life, the emphasis on ObamaCare is to ensure that the elderly and the sick elderly leave this life as soon as possible, so that their care will not burden the state.
If you don't believe me, just listen to this news segment.
"Obamacare is not health care. It has absolutely nothing to do with health care. It’s a great transfer of wealth and population control with a ticket to the death panels when we are no longer considered productive citizens ... The medical establishment promotes sickness under the pretext of health care ... Despite denials by the elites, a government-run health care system ... will condemn millions of elderly and disabled Americans to substandard care and perhaps even to fatal rationing of medical resources."
The term "medical resources" should sound very ominous to you. Under this system, a person diagnosed with a terminal illness has no inherent right to receive whatever treatment is available; oh, no, an ill person must appear before a panel of "experts" to make their case that they should receive whatever the medical establishment has that might heal the illness.
Members of the panel are instructed to consider several factors in determining if the ill patient receives treatment or if they will just be allowed to die.
1) The age of the ill patient
2) The overall health condition of the ill patient
3) The medical history of the biological parents of the ill patient
4) How long the patient might live after the procedure
5) How much more the patient might contribute to society after they are healed.
If the "death panel" concludes that the government is not likely to "get their money" back from a productive and healed patient, that panel is likely to deny the patient his or her access to life-saving medical treatment.
This system is Nazism revived to its theological core, so it will turn into Nazism in practice. But, then, the drive to this current New World Order (NW)) is Nazism to its inner core So, how does a person beat ObamaCare so they can live to an age determined by God? People need to dramatically change their eating habits, their lifestyle, and their medical treatments.
5. Natural News reported that in a stunning display of ignorance, researchers attempted to create a mental diagnosis that can be applied to entire families at once. Parental alienation disorder was denied acceptance into the psychiatric bible, the DSM-5 in spite of 'intense lobbying' by supporters. This unofficial yet bold new disorder occurs to more than one person at a time.
This is Communism. Under the old-style dictatorship, Communist authorities would simply slap a label of insane on Christians because they believed that anyone who held to Biblical beliefs, and rejecting Communism, was insane. Therefore, authorities turned psychiatric wards into prisons. They also held the right to declare an entire family insane or mentally incompetent.
The trend in the industry, worldwide, is to expand the market for pharmaceuticals. By increasing the number and breadth possible medical diagnoses, more and more people have become mentally ill. More mentally ill people means more business for big pharma and psychiatrists."
6. YNET reported that in 33rd government will be sworn in shortly, and, regardless of the make-up of the next coalition, it must succeed in determining the country's borders. The issues are literally life-and-death for the Jewish state.
The issue of Israel's borders is the most important of all. Israel must separate itself from the Palestinians and determine borders that will secure a democratic, egalitarian, legitimate and just state that will maintain a Jewish majority for generations to come.
Liberals have lied to you, saying that separating the Palestinians from the Jewish people will cause Israel to lose her Jewish majority, thus dooming the nation. The opposite is true; the only way for Israel to survive is to force the Palestinians out of Israel and into their own nation. The only question is whether Israel will force today's "House of Esau" back into Jordan, which is their natural historical home. If the pro-western government of Jordan falls to Islamic forces, Israel might very well use the Israeli Defense Force to force the Palestinians out of Israel and into Jordan.
Now, let us return to our featured news story.
"... we must first determine the geographic borders, and then address the rest of the pressing issues: Morality, equal share of the burden, basic rights, separation of religion and state and rule of law. We will not have welfare, education, equality or national resilience until we separate from the Palestinians. “
Bible prophecy does, indeed, foretell that there will be two political entities during End Times, but Israel will annihilate the Palestinians lock, stock and barrel.
Israel must divest itself from being responsible for the Palestinians.
7. The New York Times says Washington aims to set up drone bases in northwest Africa to fight Islamist extremists' there. Washington will use the bases to bolster surveillance of al-Qaeda's (AQ) terrorists and affiliates in the region, as well as on other Islamist extremists, in a bid to end terrorism's grip on the region.
The US Army is likely to set up a drone base in Niger, on the eastern border of Mali. French forces in Mali are waging a campaign against AQ in the Islamic Maghreb, a military official said. US Africa Command was also looking at an alternative location for the base in Burkina Faso.
America is leading the fight to destabilize Africa. (See the "Non-Integrating Map") Entrenched dictators, religious extremists, and leaders who will not buck under to the NWO will be removed because the way must be made clear for the Club of Rome plan to establish Kingdoms 7 and 8 for the anti-christ.

The U.S. invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and our drone wars in Yemen (and the occupation of Yemen) and Pakistan and our covert wars in Libya and Syria and all over this region is part of the "Pentagon's New Map Strategy" in this part of the world called the "Non-Integrating Gap".
The Non-integrating Gap Region
America is spearheading the effort to destabilize this entire region so that these backward countries can jump-start into a modernization campaign that will bring their economies into the planned cashless system of the anti-christ.
The NWO goal fulfills Daniel 7:7-8 where he is shown that, at the End of the Age, all nations of the world are re-organized into 10 kingdoms.
The Illuminati not only wants to organize the world into 10 kingdoms, they want these nations to be modern so their economies can function in a cashless system.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are winding down, so the American effort is expanding southward to Yemen, to the Sudan, to Niger, and to Mali, just to name a few countries. Therefore, if military operations are moving southward in Africa, it stands to reason that military bases have to move south as well.
For now, officials say, they envision flying only unarmed surveillance drones from the base, although they have not ruled out conducting missile strikes at some point if the threat worsens.
Believe me, American officials will one day declare that the threat is worsening. Niger and the U.S. reached a status-of-forces agreement that provides legal protection to US troops in the country, including any who might deploy to a new drone base.
We are privileged to watch End Times Bible prophecy being fulfilled via Daniel 7:7-8
Under the guise of "fighting terrorism", the Illuminati is destabilizing entire continents. How many people will have to die for this vision to be realized? The Bible in the book of Revelation states 2/3 of the Jews and Gentiles.

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