Monday, February 4, 2013

Libyan U.S. Terrorists

Image: Libya's "rebels" were in fact Al Qaeda's  US State DepartmentUnited Nations, and the UK 
Home Office (page 5, .pdf)-listed terrorist organization, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) who committed sweeping atrocities, even exterminating entire cities with little or no condemnation from the 
West. Now they fight in Syria with Western arms and cash, while their ideological compatriots in Mali 
serve as a casus belli for French occupation. 

Notice the bottom left photo: LIFG slaughtered blacks simply because they were black in Libya, that is part 
of the New World Order (NWO) agenda. Keep in mind, all these wars are being waged by the NWO to create Kingdom 7 and Kingdom 8 for the anti-christ. See the Club of Rome's map in previous WRs.

The UK Government and media outlets downplayed and largely ignored the brutalization of black 
communities during the Libyan conflict and in its aftermath reports of ethnic cleansing were conveniently 
swept under the carpet. The extremists who were committing these atrocities and war crimes were subjected 
to the least amount of scrutiny possible as they were essentially fighting on behalf of Western interests and 
were backed up militarily by NATO. Compare this to the current situation in Mali. A near autonomous 
region in the North of the country is this time directly threatening Western interests so miraculously its all 
systems go with regards to rigorous reporting and faux outrage.

What does this duplicity tell us about government policy and the news reports that shamelessly support it?

It tells us that human rights and democracy play little to no part in the decision to promote and pursue wars. 
The Guardian can, and do, propagandize a cause based solely on the Governments financial interests.

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