Monday, February 18, 2013

Soros & Club of Rome Targets Malaysia

Anwar Ibrahim is the new poster boy for George Soros, the Club of Rome (CoR), and their Australian allies.  Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria were previous CoR targets for de-stabilization and destruction. Now Malaysia is being targeted and undermined.

Image: Taken from the US National Endowment for Democracy's 2007 Democracy Award event held in Washington D.C., Anwar Ibrahim can be seen to the far left and participated as a "panelist." It is no surprise that NED is now subsidizing his bid to worm his way back into power in Malaysia. 

AltThaiNews reported in its article, "Xenophon deported by Malaysia," that Australian Senator Nick Xenophon was detained and then deported from Malaysia. He was part of an "unofficial parliamentary delegation to review Malaysia's electoral system."

Ask yourself, why does Malaysia's electoral system need reviewing?
Malaysia's electoral system must be changed in order to destroy Malaysia's national sovereignty. You see the current Malaysian government and leaders do not share the CoR’s and Soros' vision of the One World Government. Malaysians and their leaders want to be free and independent. Hence they must be removed or destroyed.  

Australian Senator Xenophon was part of a CoR effort to assist Malaysia's Wall Street and London backed opposition into power as part of a wider geopolitical strategy. That strategy was outlined by the satanic Illuminati Club of Rome (CoR) as far back as 1974. (See map below) 

It is important to remember that the Bible clearly states that 10 kingdoms (kings) will answer to the anti-christ. So Malaysia's national sovereignty is in the cross hairs of the satanists for destruction. Kingdom #9 must be created in their vision and Anwar Ibrahim is their man for the job in Malaysia. 


Confirming this, AltThaiNews reported that:  Xenophon and other Australian MPs were to meet opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, as well as Malaysia's minister in charge of parliamentary affairs, MohammeNazri, and members of the group the "Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections" (Bersih). Bersih is funded by the US State Department through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as well as convicted criminal George Soros' Open Society Institute (OSI). According to a Malaysian Insider report on June 27, 2011,  Bersih figurehead Ambiga Sreenevassan admitted that Bersih was receiving money from two US organizations — the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and OSI but she claimed the money was for other projects. If you believe that then you will believe Al Qaeda is not an extremist group. 

Xenophon planned to meet with Anwar Ibrahim. Ibrahim, and with CoR, created Bersih to propel him into power. Xenophon's visit is also indicative of the CoR and Australia's insidious meddling in Malaysia's sovereign, internal affairs.
Ibrahim has the proper CoR credentials. Ibrahim was Chairman of the Development Committee of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1998, held lecturing positions at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, was a consultant to the World Bank, and a panelist at the Neo-Con lined National Endowment for Democracy's "Democracy Award" and a panelist at a NED donation ceremony - the very same US organization whose subsidiaries are funding and supporting Bersih. This certainly casts irrefutable doubt on their official agenda for "clean and fair elections." Claims by Bersih members that Anwar Ibrahim is "hijacking" their movement ring especially hollow when looking at both his and Bersih's entwined foreign financial and political backers.

Two Years of Western-Engineered Chaos in Arab World Justifies Malaysia's Decision to boot Xenophon.  

Clearly Senator Xenophon's visit to Malaysia was not one of "monitoring," but of checking up on a group of clearly compromised, openly foreign-funded, subversive elements operating behind the guise of disingenuous principles in Malaysia. Malaysian government claims that Xenophon constituted a security risk was absolutely justified. The last two years of Western "democracy promotion" in places like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Syria, have left devastation, rising despots, and extremists in its wake. Last year, Russian officials began purging Russia of the same meddlesome, disingenuous CoR "NGOs" that are backing Bersih and Anwar Ibrahim in Malaysia.

"Human rights" observers, U.S. foreign policy and the UN have been abused to pursue the agenda of CoR around the world.

With articles like "
The Redirection" by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker, and the Wall Street Journal's article "To Check Syria, U.S. Explores Bond With Muslim Brothers" disclosed that as far back as 2007   the West via the CoR was  planning to put armed extremists in power across the Arab World, it is clear that the terrorism and despotism now unfolding across the Arab World is not an unintended consequence, but a long premeditated conspiracy unfolding as planned. Similar plans to use faux-democracy movements, front groups and even violence in Southeast Asia to serve as cover for CoR instigated regime change have also been well documented in Malaysia as well as Myanmar and neighboring Thailand

Russia has set the precedent, Malaysia is following suit and lending Russia's decision much needed legitimacy in the face of a still Western-monopolized global media landscape. Other nations must follow, dropping the pretense that the CoR and Soros have noble intentions. This is about One World Government and ill-gotten profit. Xenophon exceeded his mandate and responsibilities in representing the interests of the Australian people, breached Malaysia's national sovereignty, while misappropriating both Australia's time and resources as he meddles in the sovereign affairs of a foreign nation.

The CoR uses "democracy" and "human rights" groups as a cover for its insidious plan. For example, Al Qaeda terrorists are CoR pawns who commit mass murder of civilians in Syria. They are not "freedom fighters" because they do not know who their real masters are.  

Bersih and Anwar Ibrahim are taking cash and support from the same interests. What does that make Senator Nick Xenophon for using Australia's reputation and resources to aid and abet such people? It makes him a CoR co-conspirator.

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