Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Mossad Death

Ben Zygier
I received the following comment from one of my intelligence sources on this story.

What caused Ben to betray his country to Dubai? Putting all the recent pieces together, the following picture emerges:
After Ben suddenly gets a phone call out of the blue from an Australian reporter asking him if he was a Mossad agent, he realizes his cover is over. Ben deduces that Australian intelligence has uncovered his Mossad work abusing their passports. Of course this is a federal crime against Australia, meaning he would sit for life in prison. Ben decides to sell his soul to the devil and seeks refuge in Duabi and Dubai security gaurantees him safety in Dubai for life. Somehow or some way Ben made a fatal mistake. Israel uncovered his betrayal and captured him in Dubai and returned him to Israel where he is placed in solitary. He was either murdered to keep him quiet, or actually did commit suicide. To Ben solitary was worse than death.


(Alan Williams is a retired counter terrorism intelligence officer, his comments are in parentheses.) (Ben Zygier was not the first Israeli to draw the ire of his government. (He joins a long list of Israelis who have died under mysterious circumstances including Yitzhak Rabin.)
Ben Zygier, Australian citizen and Mossad agent, was not the first Prisoner X to be held secretly in an Israeli jail. Double agents caught after turning traitor or crossing the lines into crime for personal motives are the exception but not unknown in most spy agencies. In the 1950s, Israeli agent Mordecai (Mottele) Kedar was secretly incarcerated for many years for betraying his mission.
Ben Zygier, the Israeli-Australian double citizen, aka Ben Alon, (allegedly) committed suicide on Dec. 15, 2010 at the age of 34 in a top-security cell of Ayalon Prison where he was held in solitary confinement. (Ben joins a growing list of special operators who are being murdered by the Illuminati because they knoiw too much.)
After a longstanding Israeli gag order, Zygier's name was finally released for publication yesterday.(Wow, that only took over two years.)
After his death, Zygier's body was flown to Melbourne, Australia, where his family, active in the local Jewish community, buried him one week later. The headstone on his grave bears his name and the dates of his birth and death. An autopsy was conducted by the Israeli Forensic Institute which issued a death certificate listing the cause of death as asphyxiation by hanging in the name of Ben Alon. Also found was a second Australian passport in the name of Ben Allen.
An Israeli organization called ZAKA, religious volunteers known for recovering the remains of Jewish terrorism victims, arranged for the body to be flown to Melbourne.
The Israeli government engaged in an extraordinary cover-up concerning Zygier. Was this a matter of national security? And what did the Australian authorities know? When Ben Zygier died in that prison what questions were asked by Australian diplomats and what were they told? And, finally, how did he manage to kill himself in a top-security cell under constant surveillance?
A senior Israeli intelligence official, who remained anonymous, told Australian TV that if what Ben Zygier did and knew were made public, it would pose an immediate threat to Israel as a nation state.
In my opinion Zygier could have been a trained Manchurian Kandidate versed in the finer arts of assassinations  and engaged in international operations for the Labor Zionists.
International protocols demand that when a foreign national is jailed or dies, their diplomatic mission must be informed. The Australian new investigators assumed that whatever crime or sin Ben Zygier committed, it must have involved espionage, possibly treachery, and very, very sensitive information endangering Israel.
( I am not surprised that,) despite their best professional efforts, reporters did not find a single lead to the mysterious story of Prisoner X or verify any wild conjectures. (The evil Illuminati Israeli Zionists cover their tracks very well.)  Possible leads tied him to various episodes in which Israeli Mossad undercover agents were found operating on Australian passports; another, to the Iranian defector, Gen. Ali Ashgari, who disappeared from his hotel in Istanbul with suitcases full of Iranian nuclear secrets.
They were only able to establish that Ben Zygier was a lawyer by profession. (Wow, this is a strange profession for a Mossad agent, a specially trained, professional killer; but then again a well trained barrister is quick on his feet.)
One of the many questions still open is how was he able to commit suicide?  Warren Reed, a former Australian secret service agent, disclosed that not only are cameras installed in this type of cell, but sensors which measure the inmate’s heart, respiration and perspiration rates. How did his watchers fail to notice that he had stopped breathing and his heart was no longer beating? (Does one really think these instruments that would stop his evil handlers? Zygier had to be removed at all costs) 
(Well, here comes part of the good cover story.) One possible answer is that in the Mossad training courses he underwent, he was taught how to take his own life under the noses of his captors, and used this method to kill himself.
Early Wednesday, the Australian Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the minister, Bob Carr, had ordered a new investigation into Canberra’s conduct in the affair, (I bet they don't learn anything substantive. The cover story is in place.) after it emerged that Israeli authorities had told a diplomat at the Australian Embassy in Tel Aviv about the arrest of Australian citizen Ben Zygier. But the diplomat never relayed the information to Canberra through the conventional channels, (intelligence channels) he said. (Gee, that is not surprising when the Illuminati is involved.)
“Conventional channels” is a term used in inter-governmental intelligence relations. Its use may indicate that the Tel Aviv embassy passed the Israeli notice to the Australian spy agency – not the “conventional channels” of the foreign ministry.
This comment opens up more suggestive enigmas: Who was Ben Zygier, or Ben Allen, working for? Was it the Israeli Mossad or Australian intelligence - or both? (Friends, we will never know the truth, in the end Ben Zygier probably was not a traitor or a criminal but a good Jew who found out he was being used by the Illuminati. He probably wanted out and couldn't get out. He knew he was trapped.) 
In any case, the Australian authorities may have had their own reasons for cooperating in the tight information clampdown imposed by Israel on the Ben Zygier affair.
(Friends, I learned a long time ago in the world of intelligence there is the white world of real of truth, the black world of lies, the murky gray world and then there is never-never land. Ben Zygier was in never-never land. He got in over his head and it cost him his life.)

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