Thursday, January 31, 2013

End Times News & Gospel Message Jan 31, 2013

Fordo nuclear facility
The Fordo nuclear facility 

In Iran, the biggest blow in the Illuminati’s covert campaign against Iran’s nuclear program may have been delivered. Hamid Zakeri reported that a mysterious explosion was set off inside the underground enrichment site at Fordo on Monday. The Iranian regime predictably denied the report.

The Illuminati has waged a covert war against Iran for the last 3 years. The explosion would be just the latest in a series of likely covert operations against Iran’s nuclear program. In January 2012, five nuclear scientists were killed. In December 2011, there was an explosion at a steel plant in Yazd. In November 2011, an underground facility next to the Isfahan uranium conversion site was destroyed. That same month, a Revolutionary Guards missile base blew up, killing the top missile engineer. In October 2011, an ammunitions stockpile at another Revolutionary Guards missile base at Khorramabad exploded. And of course, there is the famous “Stuxnet” cyber attack on the Natanz centrifuge site.

I believe the motive is to provoke Iran into the Illuminati war. Hamid Reza Zakeri is a former Iranian intelligence officer who defected in 2001. Zakeri worked in Supreme Leader Khamenei’s Intelligence Office and his information helped convince Judge George Daniels to rule in December 2011 that Iran and Hezbollah were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
The Fordo site is about 300 feet under a mountain to protect it from air attack and holds about 3,000 centrifuges, far more than is needed for a peaceful nuclear program. Fordo is the site drawing the most concern because it is where Iran is storing the uranium it has enriched to 20 percent. Nuclear experts say that 20% enriched uranium can be brought to bomb-grade level in as little as six months using 500 to 1,000 centrifuges.
The explosion reportedly took place at about 11:30 in the morning inside the third centrifuge chamber that lies above the stock of enriched uranium. The blast disabled two elevators, leaving no way for the 240 personnel stuck inside to escape. The report says that traffic was blocked off for 15 miles and the Tehran-Qom highway was temporarily closed. There was no evacuation of nearby residents.

Henry Kissinger, one of the world's most influential of the Global Elite, Bilderberger and Illuminatist has raised the specter of Iran getting close to starting a nuclear war when she finally gets her nuclear weapons!
The Bible prophesies that Iran will not be destroyed prior to  invasion foretold in Ezekiel 38-39! In fact, I have been saying for over three years that the Western power will not attack Iran.
Global Times News reported that "former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warned that a 'nuclear Iran' is "approaching' and urged relevant stakeholders to decide how to respond sooner rather than later. "For 15 years, the permanent members of the Security Council have declared that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable, but it is approaching", Kissinger told a meeting at the annual World Economic Forum (WEF).
Does Kissinger advocate a military strike? "I believe this point will be reached in a very foreseeable future', he said. "So in a few years, people will have to come to a determination of how to react, or the consequences of non-reaction", he added. While stressing that unilateral intervention by Israel would be "a desperate last resort, Kissinger warned against Iran using the negotiations as a tool to gain time to complete their nuclear program."
So, Kissinger is saying that military force should be used only as a "desperate last resort", which of course, implies that a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities is still being considered!
The joke is on Kissinger and his Illuminati henchmen. Consider these salient points:
1) Iran (Ancient Persia)" protected by the prophecies of Ezekiel 38-39. This fact is pertinent because God foretells in this Ezekiel prophecy that Russia will be the leader of the consortium of nations attacking Israel.
2) Kissinger is lying as usual, Iran is not about to achieve nuclear weapons status in "a very foreseeable future", because she already possesses them! Kissinger knows that shortly after the attacks on 9/11, Iran quietly purchased nuclear warheads "off the shelf" from cash-starved Pakistan and then purchased theater missiles from North Korea. The exciting truth is that Iran has possessed a nuclear military capacity since mid-2002, and has not attacked anyone.
Truly, this nine-year propaganda campaign designed to convince the world that Iran is "almost ready" to achieve nuclear capability and poses a threat to the world is laughable. Iran like Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria are being attacked by the New World Order.  
Jesus said that one of the "End of the Age" prophecies is that the world will pass through a time of "wars and rumors of wars".
The world has been subjected to this false fear of a nuclear-armed Iran for nearly nine (9) full years!  This is a false flag!

Yellow flash indicates location of Jamaraya

The video below is the Israeli air attack on Jamaraya.

In Syria government stated last night that the Israeli Air Force planes had struck an arms depot at Jamaraya near Damascus leaving dead and wounded and damaging military vehicles. There has been no comment from Israel.  Sources reported that the Jamaraya institute was used for developing unconventional weapons.

Patriots, it is important to keep in mind that the jihaidists fighting Assad in Syria are in fact armed and funded by the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel since at least as early as 2007. They are also in fact the direct beneficiaries of Israel's recent aggression. The Israeli "suspicions" of "weapon transfers" of course, remain unconfirmed, because the purpose of the attack was not to prevent the transfer of "chemical weapons" to Hezbollah in Lebanon, but to provoke a wider Illuminati conflict aimed not at Israel's defense, but to subvert and overthrow the Syrian nation. We are funding murderous terrorists.
The silence from the United Nations is deafening. While Turkey openly harbors foreign terrorists, arming and funding them with Western, Saudi, and Qatari cash as they conduct raids on neighboring Syria, any Syrian attack on Turkish territory would immediately result in the UN condemning and mobilizing against Assad. Conversely, Turkey is allowed, for years, to conduct air strikes and even partial ground invasions of neighboring Iraq to attack Kurdish groups accused of undermining Turkish security. It is clear the same double standard has long applied to Israel.

As far back as 2010, Brigadier General (Res.) Nitzan Nuriel, director of Israel’s National Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau, had warned at the Tenth Annual World Summit on Counter-Terrorism that if Syria transfers WMDs to Hamas or Hezbollah, the SSRC, Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center, which runs Syria’s WMD program, should be targeted and demolished by the international community.
Russian officials strongly condemned the attack stating it  “blatantly violated the UN Charter and was unacceptable, no matter the motives to justify it.“ Lebanese sources reported a Russian Mig-31 fighter had crossed over Sinai Wednesday in the direction of Israel. It veered west over the Mediterranean after encountering an Israeli warning not to intrude into its air space.

Comments by US President Barack Obama and Ambassador Dan Shapiro lack a US commitment to step in against the Syrian chemical threat. Obama claims he is concerned with juggling his global military priorities against a shrinking defense budget. The onus for coping with the chemical peril is being passed by Obama to Turkey, Jordan and Israel. US aid will be confined to setting targets, providing intelligence and coordinating Israeli-Turkish-Jordanian military operations if necessary to take control of the dangerous arsenal. Perhaps Obama doesn't want the onus of a New World Order attack blamed on him, let the zionist Israelis and others take the blame and heat. 
Syrian Golan units, Turkish, Jordanian, Lebanese,  Israeli armies  and Russian warships off Syria are on high alert for more military action between Israel andSyria. US air force units stationed at the Turkish Incerlik air base, the US special forces deployed at the Jordanian Mafraq air facility and the American, German and Dutch Patriot missile interceptors deployed in Turkey opposite Syria are on high alert since last week.
Paul wrote a major part of the New Testament
Is the Bible the Inspired Word of God? 
Recently someone asked me, "Why do you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God?"  Now this is a very interesting question; and probably one of the most important questions any Christian could ask themselves. 
What is so special, so unique about the Bible that Christians believe it is literally the inspired word of God?  
In answering this person's question, I encouraged him to consider the following facts about the Bible:  
1. the Bible is not just one single book.  This is a more common misconception than many people realize, especially with people who do not come from a Judeo-Christian background.  
2. The Bible is actually a collection of 66 books, which is called the canon of scriptures.  These 66 books contain a variety of genres: history, poetry, prophecy, wisdom,  literature, letters, and eschatology just to name a few.  
3. The 66 books were written by 40 different authors.  These authors came from a variety of backgrounds: shepherds, fishermen, doctors, kings, prophets, and others.  And most of these authors never knew one another.  
4. The 66 books were written over a period of 1500 years. Yet again, this is another reminder that many of these authors never knew or collaborated with one another in writing these books.  
5. The 66 books of the Bible were written in 3 different languages, Hebrew, Greek, the ancient world’s language and English, today's world language. The books are a reflection of the historical and cultural circumstances in which each of these books were written.  
6. The 66 books were written on 3 different continents: Africa, Asia, and Europe.  Once again, this is a testament to  the varied historical and cultural circumstances of God's people.  
Think about the above realities: 66 books, written by 40 different authors, over 1500 years, in 3 different languages, on 3 different continents.  
7. The collection of books shares a common story line 
a)  the creation, fall, and the prophecy of a Messiah - Jesus Christ (Yeshua). 
b) The redemption of God's people through the blood atonement of Jesus and his resurrection as the Pesach Lamb; indeed, the Old Testament prophecies disclose a hidden Jesus and the New Testament Jesus Christ revealed. 
c) The book culminates in Jesus' second advent as the Lion of Judah and Jesus Christ revealed in the Book of Revelation.  
d) The Bible displays a common theme - God's universal love for all of humanity. 
e) and a common message - salvation is available to all who repent of their sins and commit to following Jesus Christ with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength. 
8. In addition to sharing these commonalities, these 66 books contain no historical errors or contradictions.  God's word truly is an amazing collection of writings!  After I had shared the above facts with this person, I offered him the following challenge: I said to him, "If you do not believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, if you do not believe that the Bible is of a supernatural origin, then I challenge you to a test."  I challenge you to go to any library in the world, you can choose any library you like, and find 66 books which match the characteristics of the 66 books in the Bible.  You must choose 66 books, written by 40 different authors, over 1500 years, in 3 different languages, written on 3 different continents.  However, they must share a common story line, a common theme, and a common message, with no historical errors or contradictions."  I went on to say, "If you can produce such a collection of books, 
I will admit that the Bible is not the inspired word of God."  The man's reply was almost instantaneous, he emphatically stated, "But that's impossible!"  It truly is impossible, for any collection of human writings.  However, the Bible passes this test.  The Bible contains 66 books, written by 40 different authors, over 1500 years, in 3 different languages, on 3 different continents, with no historical errors or contradictions.  
9. The entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, bears the mark of Divine inspiration.  The next time you encounter someone who asks you why you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, try sharing this challenge with them.  Better yet, don't wait until you're asked, just go ahead and share this challenge with a friend today. You don't even have to mention the Bible up front; just ask them if they think it would be realistic to assemble such a collection of books.  After they say,  "But that's impossible!" you've got a ready-made opportunity for sharing the truth of God's word with someone.

The Number One
Since we are ending the first month of the year I want to discuss the number one. Numbers are strange things in that they have something to do with the function of the universe. Mathematics is an exact science.
Numbers like colors have universal significance attached to them.  Likewise music is a universal language. Glenn Miller’s “In The Mood “ says the same thing to a Russian as it does to an American.
God fixes universal symbols and defines them and He cannot lie. The harmonies and the laws of physics God has established in the universe must be relative to His own divine person and expression of Himself.
The number one has certain things connected with it in the mind of everyone, anytime, any place, anywhere. Basically, one means the same to a Chinese man as it does to Israeli woman. There are certain things you can lift with two hands that you cannot lift with one. The author of absolute truth has a purpose in His revelation of the Scriptures in line with the fundamental thing of the universe – numbers. There is enough information in the Bible that we know the Creator designed it and gave numbers as a clue to His revelation. 
1.  One forever means unity, several things joined together to form a single, whole thing.
2.  One is fixed, it’s absolute.
3.  One first appears in Genesis 1:9, “Let the watrs under the heaven be gathered together unto one place.”
4.  One appears in the Bible so many times I cannot list all its appearances in the Bible.
5.  In Deuteronomy 6:4 God says “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord” “One” here, is fixed and means a plurality united, a oneness of a multiplicity, not a oneness by itself with nothing connected to it.
6.  The evil world is working toward unity without God and His Bible. In Genesis 11 God says the “earth was of one language and of one speech.” “The people is one and God said, “I’m going down to earth and break them up.” Hence, God “scattered human being abroad”.
7.  The number one has strength of unity. Paul calls believers to be of one mind, “one body, one Lord, one faith, one Spirit and one baptism. 

Jesus, please forgive us for these evil abortions in China and the U.S.

Kirby Anderson wrote the following article concerning China
The three deadliest words in the modern world are: “It’s a girl.” 
That was certainly true in the ancient world, as Rodney Stark 
soeloquently documents in his book The Triumph of Christianity.
Gendercide was practiced in the Roman Empire to a point where
“there were 131 males per 100 females in Rome, rising to 140 
males per 100 females in the rest of Italy.”
Sadly, the sex ratios in China today aren’t too much different 
from those of the ancient world. This is the result of the One 
Child Policy in China. And it is worth mentioning that gendercide 
is also found in other parts of the world. If a mother is pregnant 
with a girl, there will be pressure for her to abort her daughter or 
abandon her when she is born. If a woman becomes pregnant 
illegally with a second child, she can be forcibly aborted. The 
United Nations estimates there are hundreds of million of 
females missing in the world because of gendercide.
Reggie Littlejohn is one of the most articulate voices speaking 
out against the One Child Policy. She is the founder of Women’s 
Rights Without Frontiers. She has also been a strong voice for 
the release of the blind activist Cheng Guangcheng. He endured 
years of brutal persecution for boldly speaking out against 
China’s policy. Now that he has escaped to this country, he 
continues to draw attention to what is happening in China and 
will be receiving an award from Reggie Littlejohn in two weeks.
You may have heard that China is in the midst of abandoning its 
One Child Policy. Don’t be fooled by the news stories or the 
Chinese government’s propaganda. They would love to remove 
the stigma of their policy, but it is doubtful China’s policy will 
change any time soon. Even if it did, it would still not stop 
gendercide of baby girls. Parents allowed to have two children 
would still likely abort a second girl.It’s a sad reminder that even 
in our modern world, the three deadliest words are: “It’s a girl.” 

In the U.S. the Obama administration is covertly recruiting Muslims to 
work at the State Department as Foreign Service officers 
representing the United States in one of 265 American 
embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions worldwide.
It appears to be part of the administration’s Muslim outreach 
effort, which includes a variety of controversial moves. Among 
them Homeland Security meetings with extremist Islamic 
organizations, sending an America-bashing mosque leader 
Feisal Abdul Rauf
(Feisal Abdul Rauf) who blames U.S. foreign policy for the 9/11 
attacks on a Middle Eastern outreach mission and revamping 
the way federal agents are trained to combat terrorism by 
eliminating all materials that shed a negative light on Muslims.  
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton even signed a special order to 
allow the reentry of two radical Islamic academics whose 
terrorist ties long banned them from the U.S.
Now comes news of a secretive State Department campaign, 
discovered in the course of a Judicial Watch investigation, to 
add Muslims to its roster. Presumably, the new recruits will be 
deployed around the globe to help the agency fulfill its mission 
of promoting the country’s international relations. The cam-
paign seems to be headed by Mark Ward, the Deputy Special 
Coordinator in the State Department’s Office of Middle East 
Ward held a 90-minute seminar at a recent convention 
sponsored by two groups—Muslim American Society (MAS) and 
the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)—with known ties to 
radical Islam. Both nonprofits are associated with the Muslim 
Brotherhood, which is known as the parent organization of 
Hamas and al Qaeda. In fact, the Investigative Project on 
Terrorism reports that MAS was founded as the U.S. chapter of 
the Muslim Brotherhood which strives to indoctrinate the world 
with Islamic Sharia law.     
Yet there was a U.S. State Department official, side by side at 
a radical Islamic powwow in Chicago with a number of 
speakers who advocate violent jihad. Among them was Kifah 
Mustapha, a fundraiser at terrorist organization (Holy Land 
Foundation) convicted of funneling millions to Hamas and 
Jamal Badawi, a MAS founder who praised the jihad of Gaza 
terrorists during a speech titled “Understanding Jihad and 
The conference that Ward conducted focused on career 
opportunities for Muslim youth. Here is how the event was 
billed: “Besides being a citizenship duty, there are benefits that 
Muslims can add to the American Muslim community and the 
global Muslim world by joining the US Foreign Services. This 
session will shed light on the different career opportunities for 
Muslim youth in the US Foreign Services Department. It will 
also clear any concerns that many people have feared about   
pursuing in this career.”
Joining Ward at the podium in the recruitment seminar were 
Ayman Hammous and Oussama Jammal.  Hammous is the 
Executive Director of the New York chapter of MAS and 
Jammal is the president of the Mosque Foundation, a 
conservative mosque in Bridgeview, Illinois that gave hundreds 
of thousands of dollars to the Holy Land Foundation and other 
Islamic charities accused of financing terrorism.
The UN says Israel must withdraw all of its citizens 
from the regions of Judea and Samaria. I say the UN needs to 
withdraw from New York! The recommendation came in a 
report issued 31 Jan 2013 by the U.N. Human Rights 
Council, which has a history of passing numerous biased reso-
lutions condemning Israel for various alleged "crimes" each 
"Israel must, in compliance with Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva 
Convention, cease all settlement activities without precon-
ditions," the report said in part. "It must immediately initiate a 
process of withdrawal of all settlers from the occupied 
Palestinian territories."
Israel"s Foreign Ministry responded in a fiery statement 
immediately to the report, which claimed that Jewish settle-
ment activity only "hampers peace efforts."
In response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said, 
"The Human Rights Council has sadly distinguished itself by its 
systemically one-sided and biased approach towards Israel.
"This latest report is yet another reminder of that," he added.
At least half a million Israelis live in Judea, Samaria and areas 
of Jerusalem restored to the capital during the 1967 Six Day War. 
The map doesn't show it but Yemen is in
In Yemen StratRisks News reported that as the UN Security Council continued its Yemen visit 
after holding a closed meeting with Yemeni and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) officials in Sana’a, the capital, 
residentwoke up under foreign military occupation.
Now an invasion of a small country like Yemen while international officials were meeting to plan an orderly transition of political power is a sign of determination, the likes of which are rarely seen in politicians. Remember, the entire war effort throughout the region the Pentagon calls the "Non-Integrating Gap" is remove all strong governments so they can be replaced with weak, divided leadership. This weak government then would provide no resistance to the planned kingdom the Club of Rome calls Kingdom 8. The New World Order demands that all nations within its geographical area surrender their national sovereignty. The war in Yemen has been going on for some time now and the moment of truth has finally arrived.
"Keen to guarantee the safety of its state officials and ensure that no faction, group or individual will try to derail efforts being made in regards to moving Yemen transition of power forward, the U.S., France and the United Kingdom took control between them of the sky and the ground."
The military power suddenly thrust into Yemen was impressive.
"Residents told the Yemen Post on Sunday they saw French warplanes patrol the sky of the capital in a great show of strength. On Saturday evening 250 Marines arrived in the capital, increasing yet again America’s military presence in the country. In addition to the Marines, several American  counter-terrorism units (CTU) are said to have been deployed throughout the capital to scoop out any potential threat. British troops scattered in Sana’a, to cover as much ground as possible. Dozens of French warplanes were sent to patrol the sky."
No one can doubt any longer how deep the New World Order commitment is to this "Non-Integrating Gap" plan. This military force is significant compared to any threat posed in Yemen and it came upon the capital quickly and without warning. A retired Yemeni General, Ali Mohsen Khawlani stressed that Yemen should have been put in charge of all security details . "Our armed forces are perfectly capable and well-trained. What kind of message does it send to see foreign troops invade our capital. Are we moving toward a military occupation? Did foreign powers come to announce they will divide Yemen into zones of influence?”
Dividing Yemen into "zones of influence", each of which will be significantly weaker than the present Yemeni government, is precisely the plan being carried out right now. The Global Elite are acting in full accord with the Club of Rome Plan which foresees reorganizing all nations of the world into exactly ten kingdoms that will answer to the anti-christ. Yemen geographically falls into Kingdom 8 and is being weakened so she cannot possibly provide any resistance to the demand to surrender her national sovereignty to the New World Order. Prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes if you are scripturally inclined to be looking, otherwise you will fall for the anti-christ's deception.

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