Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Genocide & Black Marxism in South Africa

What a Waste of Tire with Perfectly Fine Thread
Can there be any doubt that satan rules this world? The situation in South Africa is horrible. South Africa is becoming another Zimbabwe. Please pray for the people in South Africa.
This article was written by Shaun Wilcock
The purpose of these articles is to provide an analysis of the contemporary South African and southern African scene from a Christian, “politically-incorrect” perspective, in order to counter the propaganda of the Reds, almost-Reds (liberals and others), and religious Reds (“liberation theologians”); to warn Christians living in South Africa of real and potential dangers; to encourage Christians elsewhere to pray for the people of this part  of the world, especially for their Christian brethren; and to do what they can to assist them.

Christians are to pray for those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1,2), and to obey them in all matters not contrary to the Word of God (Rom. 13:1-7; Acts 5:29). But any danger to believers, whether from a religious or political source, must be brought to the attention of the Church of God (Acts 20:28-31; 2 Thess. 2:1-9; etc.); and this is what we seek to do.

 In this article:
* Genocide Looms for White Farmers (pg. 1)
* How Free is South Africa? Not Very, According to Study (pg. 4)
* Horrific Incidents of Witchcraft Mutilations and Murders (pg. 5)
* Elderly White Woman Brutally Assaulted – Twice in One Year! (pg. 6)
* Government Seeks to Ban Parental Spanking of Children (pg. 7)
* President Zuma’s Subtle and Hypocritical Attack on “White” Culture (pg. 7)
*Talking Buses, Mermaids and Goblins: Black Africa Will Always be Backward with
Superstitions Like These (pg. 8)

Genocide Looms for White Farmers
South Africa’s Black President Sings Killing Songs as Thousands Massacred
(It is not often these days that we see an article from America standing up for South Africa’s besieged white farming community, or for South African whites in general, and exposing the ANC’s anti-white agenda. We were therefore very encouraged to see the following article, published by WND and written by Alex Newman, on 19 August 2012. It is well worth reading and digesting, and is reproduced in full here, and used by permission.)
 The eyes of the world were on South Africa two decades ago as the apartheid era came to
an end and Western governments helped bring the communist-backed African National
Congress to power.
Last month, however, when Genocide Watch chief Gregory Stanton declared that white
South African farmers were facing a genocidal onslaught and that communist forces were
taking over the nation, virtually nobody noticed.
Few outside of South Africa paid attention either when, earlier this year, the president of
South Africa began publicly singing songs advocating the murder of whites.
The silence is so deafening that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton didn’t even publicly mention the problems when she was there last week. Instead, she was busy dancing, pledging billions of dollars and praising the ruling government.
“I find that quite disturbing, as if Afrikaner lives do not count for the Obama administration,”
Dan Roodt of the Pro-Afrikaans Action Group, PRAAG, told WND. [the truth is, they don’t! –
Shaun Willcock].
He says the situation is rapidly deteriorating. Genocide Watch, a highly respected U.S.-based nonprofit organization led by arguably the world’s foremost expert on genocide, has been sounding the alarm on the genocidal onslaught facing South Africa for a decade. The world media, however, has barely uttered a word about it.
Over those 10 years, thousands of white South African farmers, known as Boers, have been
massacred in the most horrific ways imaginable. Experts say the ongoing slaughter constitutes a clear effort to exterminate the whites or at least drive the remaining ones – now less than 10 percent of the population – out of the country. In other words, South Africa is facing a genocide based on the United Nations’ own definition.
More than 3,000 farm murders have been documented in that time period, representing a
significant number considering the number of commercial white farmers is now estimated at
less than 40,000.
Tens of thousands of whites have been murdered throughout South Africa, too, according to
Disemboweled, drowned in boiling water
Many more victims have been savagely tortured, raped, disemboweled, drowned in boiling
water or worse. The horrifying evidence is available for the world to see on countless sites
throughout the Internet: pictures of brutalized dead women and children – even babies.
“We don’t know exactly who is planning them yet, but what we are calling for is an
international investigation that will try and determine who is planning these murders,” Stanton
The ANC government downplays the problem, claiming it is mostly just “regular” crime.
Experts, however, know that is not true.
“Things of this sort are what I have seen before in other genocides,” Stanton, who also
worked against apartheid, said of the murdered white farmers after a fact-finding mission to
the “Rainbow Nation” in June.
“This is what has happened in Burundi, it’s what happened in Rwanda,” he continued in a
speech to the Transvaal Agricultural Union in Pretoria. “It has happened in many other
places in the world.”
The true scope of the problem is almost impossible to determine, because the ruling ANC
refuses to properly track the figures.
Regular citizens are now working to compile the statistics and document the savagery
The government often classifies the brutal farm murders as simple “robberies,” for example.
Sometimes the crimes are not even reported.
South African exiles and family members of victims who spoke with WND said reporting the
atrocities is often useless or even counter-productive.
In some cases, experts also say, authorities are actually involved in the brutal crimes.
Police oftentimes participate in cover-ups, too.
The non-stop wave of grisly, racist murders in the Rainbow Nation – new incidents are
reported almost daily now – has led Genocide Watch to conclude that South Africa is close to
the final phases of the genocidal onslaught.
When ANC Youth League boss Julius Malema began singing “Kill the Boer,” Genocide
Watch moved up South Africa to stage six out of eight on the road to genocide – the
preparation and planning. The seventh phase is extermination of the target group. The final
stage is denial.
“It became clear to us that the [ANC] Youth League was this kind of organization – it was
planning this kind of genocidal massacre and also the forced displacement of whites from
South Africa,” Stanton explained.
When a court declared the racist song “hate speech” for inciting genocide against whites,
the self-styled communist president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, began singing it too.
It is all part of a vicious campaign of dehumanization aimed at whites, according to experts.
Demonizing the victims always precedes genocide.
Known as Boers or Afrikaners, the descendants of Northern Europeans, mostly Dutch,
arrived in Southern Africa hundreds of years ago, in some cases as far back as the 1600s.
Still, racists refer to them as “settlers,” implying they do not belong there.
“Whenever you have that kind of dehumanization,” Stanton explained, “you have the
beginning of that downward spiral into genocide.”
The National Socialists (Nazis) did it in Germany, and the Islamists did it in Turkey before
exterminating Armenian Christians, he added.
The government, meanwhile, has already launched a campaign to disarm Afrikaner farmers.
As Genocide Watch observed in a recent report on South Africa, disarmament of the target
group is one of the surest warning signs of impending genocide.
Whites have not been the only victims. Even before apartheid was dismantled, the ANC
was notoriously brutal to its opponents, using some of the most barbaric tactics imaginable
even against blacks who refused to bow down.
Necklacing, in which a tire filled with gasoline is placed around a victim’s neck and set on
fire, for example, became a common form of punishment for dissenters and ANC opponents.
Even Nelson Mandela’s wife endorsed the monstrous practice.
Beyond genocide against whites lurks another largely overlooked but related phenomenon:
the efforts by communist forces to completely take over South Africa.
It is hardly a secret. The Communist Party of South Africa has always been a firm ally of the
ANC. Both of the last two presidents have been members of the Communist Party.
As in Zimbabwe after Marxist dictator Robert Mugabe seized power, the issue of land
distribution is being used to advance the same dangerous agenda in South Africa.
“Whatever system of land tenure is adopted in South Africa, the communists – in the long
run – have in mind to take away all private property. That should never be forgotten,”
Stanton warned during his recent trip.
The idea, he said, is to crush all potential resistance.
“Every place you go where communists have taken over, they take away private ownership
because private ownership gives people the power – the economic power – to oppose their
government,” Stanton continued. “Once you have taken that away, there is no basis on
which you can have the economic power to oppose the government.”
While the outside world largely refuses to understand or even acknowledge what is really
going on, white South Africans are keenly aware of what awaits the nation if the communist
schemes are not stopped.
“The ANC regime has publicly stated that it wants to nationalize all land, in effect doing
away with private property when it comes to agricultural land,” explained PRAAG’s Roodt.
“The Communist Party has always been the real intellectual home of the ANC, and even
government ministers call each other ‘comrade’ in public,” he added.
Land Redistribution
Since the end of Apartheid, the ANC government has been working to redistribute land –
much of which is still currently owned by the white minority – to blacks and others.
As in neighboring Zimbabwe, once one of the wealthiest nations in Africa, the schemes
have mostly resulted in failure. Under Mugabe, who gave the stolen land to his cronies,
estimates suggest millions of people have died from starvation. Others fled, ironically,
perhaps, to South Africa.
Now, the ANC wants to speed up the land reform process. Some elements within the
government are even advocating forced expropriation without any compensation.
The farm murders, analysts say, are the early phases of what may be coming.
“More and more, the ANC regime’s supporters are turning to violence and revolution to
achieve their aims of taking control over land and industry,” Roodt explained.
“Over the last few days there has been an increase in attacks on family owned farms with
the intent of driving owners off their land,” he continued, echoing a widespread sentiment
among South Africans that the situation is quickly spiraling out of control.
“Hit squads target specifically women and elderly farmers as they are seen as soft targets,”
he added. The government also disbanded farmer self-defense groups known as
“commandos” that formerly protected rural areas.
According to Roodt, South Africa, like every country during a communist takeover, is being
deliberately destabilized. Ethnic and racial tensions are being purposefully stirred up as part
of the scheme as well, he said.
“The ANC regime has failed completely to create jobs for its mass of supporters,” Roodt told
WND. “So it is using the white minority as a scapegoat, blaming them for its own economic
failures due to corruption, mismanagement, nationalization, racial preferences and so on.”
Roodt says the “revolution” could drag on, slowly, with a lot of talk but little action. On the
other hand, there could be a sudden, radical shift such as what happened in Zimbabwe,
where white farmers who refused to be driven off their land were tortured or murdered.
There could even be a Rwanda-type situation in which whites would be targeted for
wholesale slaughter, Roodt warned.
Sadists Encouraging Sadists
“Anything is possible,” he added, saying the ruling government was very similar to an
organized criminal enterprise. “What is going on in South Africa today with the rape and
killing of children, torture of farmers and racial violence, is tantamount to a sadistic society.
We are ruled by sadists who encourage other sadists to go out to rape and kill.”
No matter how bad it gets, however, Roodt and other South Africans fear that the world will
shut its eyes and wash its hands.
“To many people in the West, especially liberals and leftists, I think it is seen as normal for
blacks to hate whites and oppress them,” he explained. “Because of their historical guilt
associated with colonialism, whites are deemed to deserve punishment, even of the most
extreme kind such as torture and mass murder.”
Even in South Africa, the press is largely silent about what is going on. Consider that after
Stanton announced his preliminary findings in late June – explosive by any measure – just
one newspaper covered it.
Many white South Africans believe that time may be running out. Some want their own
country in Southern Africa to preserve the unique Afrikaner culture, language and civilization.
Others are currently working with Western governments in an effort to raise awareness and
hopefully allow especially vulnerable populations to escape as refugees before the festering
tensions explode into a full-blown catastrophe. More than a few, though, have vowed to stay
and fight back if and when the time comes.
For now, activists, exiles and human rights leaders told WND they hope Americans will help
spread the word about the looming potential calamities facing South Africa. If the ANC gets
its way, they say, it will be an unmitigated disaster for whites, blacks – basically everyone
except politically connected cronies.
(End of article)
How Free is South Africa? Not Very, According to Study
A new study that charts countries according to how free they are has ranked South Africa
69th out of 123 countries.2
The study, Towards a Worldwide Index of Human Freedom, was released by the Fraser
Institute, a Canadian think tank, and Germany’s Liberales Institut. It looked at many factors,
including murder, assault, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and economic freedom.
Fred McMahon, one of the study’s authors, said: “Our intention is to measure the degree to
which people are free to enjoy classic civil liberties – freedom of speech, religion, individual
economic choice, and association and assembly.”
The study placed New Zealand in the first position, then the Netherlands, then Hong Kong.
The United States was ranked seventh, and the United Kingdom eighteenth. The three
lowest ranked countries were Zimbabwe, Pakistan and Myanmar.
South Africa, ranked 69th, actually came in fourteen places lower than Ghana, which was
the highest ranking African country.
Leon Louw, executive director of the Free Market Foundation in South Africa, said the study
was important because “never before have we had such a comprehensive assessment of
freedom.” And he added that South Africa’s position was cause for concern, because “we
are slipping (down the freedom table) on average.”
Indeed it is cause for deep concern. The fact remains that, all the liberal and Marxist hype
notwithstanding, South Africa was freer under apartheid and its previous white government
than it is under the black Marxist-oriented African National Congress. But as useful and well-
researched as this study was, we believe South Africa’s actual state of freedom is much
worse, even, than 69th place. For example, freedom of religion has been severely eroded
under the ANC government – but depending on the position one takes regarding religion, this
may or may not be fully perceived. Freedom of speech is severely eroded in SA, as there is
hardly any freedom left to criticise certain evil practices, such as sodomy. Personal freedom
within families has been severely eroded – such as by the attacks on corporal punishment of
children, the massive attacks on morality, the huge push for perverse sexual behaviour to be
accepted as normal and the criminalisation of those who disagree with this, etc. – and yet
these things would not be seen as attacks on freedom if those conducting the study were
biased towards a liberal agenda, for example. It is even shown by the fact that New Zealand
was ranked first – and yet this country has greatly interfered in families, in parental authority,
and much more. And to place the Netherlands in second position, or Hong Kong which now
falls under Red China, is ridiculous and displays the simple fact that researchers are humans
and err, sometimes greatly.
Nevertheless, we should always be glad when studies like this come out, for at least they
demonstrate to the world that South Africa is not the land of freedom, the paradise on earth,
that the ANC and other liars and deceivers want the world to think. When ex-terrorists and
unrepentant Communists rule a land, true freedom is a very distant dream. It is not a reality.
Horrific Incidents of Witchcraft Mutilations and Murders
In September 2011, a shocking mutilation of a toddler occurred, when her lips, eyes, ears,
nose, and two fingers were “harvested” for muthi (magic potion).
She was just nine months old when a female relative, who was looking after the child while
her mother was in hospital and her father was away on work, allegedly sold her to her
boyfriend for a mere R300 (approximately over U.S. $30) in the town of Matatiele, KwaZulu
Natal province. After slicing off these body parts, the suspect then wrapped the screaming
child in blankets and set her alight. Incredibly, she survived, but with the most terrible scars.
What made it so much worse, was that eight months after this brutal assault on a little child,
the criminal was still at large, even though members of the settlement where the attack
occurred said they knew the whereabouts of the alleged attacker. According to a local
councillor, the police did not appear to be interested in investigating the case, although a
case of attempted murder had been opened.3
This sort of thing happens on a regular basis all over South Africa. Human body parts are
used by witchdoctors to cast spells and in other rituals, and they are often willing to pay for
others to bring them the body parts they desire. The fear of what a witchdoctor can do to one
if he is able to obtains one’s body parts is so great, it even makes many black people afraid
to put their private waste, such as sanitary pads, hair and nail clippings into rubbish bins or
bags, in case someone takes this private waste to use for witchcraft!4
Witchcraft has always been an integral part of black tribal society, but there has been a
dramatic increase in such incidents since Nelson Mandela and his African National Congress
(ANC) came to power in 1994, and gave their blessing to witchcraft ceremonies, even using
witchdoctors in public ANC rallies, etc. As the Communist-controlled ANC has risen to
ascendancy among the black masses, so the influence of Christianity has sharply declined.
The powers of darkness are raging across the land.
In Durban in August 2012, a one-year-old toddler was pulled “like a rag doll” during a tussle
between a robber and the child’s mother at their home, and the mother and father believe the
robber and his two accomplices may have wanted the child for muthi, as they did not seem to
want cash, jewellery, or anything else from their home.
When the attackers broke into the house, the mother ran to grab her son and the men
grabbed him from her. One of them asked her if there were any other children in the house.
She was hit by one of the men who said he would kill her. She eventually managed to grab
her son and escape out of the house. The husband later said, “The police had said it did not
make sense that they broke in and didn’t take anything. They did not know if the men wanted
to kidnap our son for a ransom, but said it could have been for muthi purposes because there
was no motive.”5
In June 2007 two families in Phoenix, Durban, reported that they believed kidnappers had
targeted their children for muthi purposes. And in December 2007, a 17-year-old was
sentenced in the Durban High Court to 23 years in jail for killing and beheading a seven-year-
old, in what was believed to have been a muthi-related murder as the killer was told he would
be paid R20 000 for a child’s head.
According to police statistics, KwaZulu Natal province had the second highest number of
reported cases of kidnapping in South Africa since 2003, with the number rising each year.
In 2010/2011 there were 839 reported cases. And researchers, writing on the findings of the
South African Institute of Security Studies in 2007, said that South Africa, despite being one
of the most developed societies in Africa, had a frighteningly high rate of muthi slayings.
Police statistics estimated the number to be anywhere from one a month to 300 a year. Dr
Anthony Minnaar of the Institute said, “We have children going missing every week from our
[black] townships. The assumption is that those missing children are being put into
prostitution and also that they are being used for muti murder.”6
In November 2012, a murdered black teenager was skinned, and some of his body parts
removed in Mmakau Village, near the town of Brits in South Africa’s North West province.
The 13-year-old’s throat, tongue and kidneys were removed. A police captain said this was
possibly for making muthi.7 We would say not “possibly”, but definitely.
For more articles on this subject, see the following by Shaun Willcock, available on the Bible Based Ministries
website: Witchcraft, Bestiality, Cannibalism - Horrifying Abominations Being Committed in South Africa; Snippets from South Africa - June 2006; Witchcraft and Crime in South Africa; Witchcraft and Crime in South Africa - the Horror Continues; Snippets from South Africa - February 2010; Witchcraft Murders and Abductions-for-Marriage.
Elderly White Woman Brutally Assaulted – Twice in One Year!
In late December 2012, an 84-year-old mother and her 54-year-old son were brutally
attacked by four black youths in their home in Pinetown, KwaZulu Natal province.8 Daphne
Price was stabbed and beaten and her son Ian was tied up, gagged and kicked. Even with a
cloth in his mouth Ian pleaded with the youths to hurt him and not his mother.
The attack occurred in daylight after the youths broke through the security door of the
Prices’ home. They were armed with knives and demanded money from Ian. They tied him
up and kicked him several times. Then two of them stood guard over him while the other two
manhandled his mother, throwing her on the floor, kicking and punching her, and hitting her
with sticks. She was screaming for help, and one of the young men stabbed her leg twice,
telling her to keep quiet or he would kill her.
They took jewellery, cash, and Ian’s gun, and demanded laptops and cellphones,
threatening to kill Daphne if Ian did not obey them. They continued beating Daphne.
After they left, Ian freed himself and called the police and paramedics. Daphne was
seriously injured and was taken to hospital.
Adding to the horror of this brutal attack was the fact that this was the second attack
Daphne had endured in the space of a few months. In August she had been attacked by
armed men in her home, who throttled and robbed her. “My wounds from the last attack were
healing and now this happens,” an emotional Daphne said.
Attacks on the elderly are on the increase in South Africa. For example, earlier in
December a white couple in their 80s were tied up, brutally beaten and left for dead on the
south coast of KwaZulu Natal province.9 And in many cases elderly women, black and white,
are being raped as well. In September 2012 a man raped a 70-year-old grandmother while
her three grandchildren were held at knifepoint in the Mandeni area of KwaZulu Natal. Other
incidents in the same province in 2012 include, among others: the rape of two women, aged
94 and 82, in KwaSayimane; the rape of a 74-year-old woman and the rape and murder of a
60-year-old woman in Mgungundlovu; and the rape of a 65-year-old in Ixopo.10
Part of the reason for the rape of the elderly was to express power over another human
being, but also, in South Africa with its astronomically high AIDS pandemic among blacks,
rapists were looking for victims who were not infected with HIV, and because elderly women
were less likely to report the rape because they feel embarrassed.11
For related articles, see the following by Shaun Willcock, available on the Bible Based Ministries website: Snippets from South Africa – March 2006; Snippets from South Africa – March 2007; Snippets from South Africa – March 2008.
Government Seeks to Ban Parental Spanking of Children
In August 2012 it was reported that legislation that would make it a crime for parents to
administer corporal punishment to their children was again being considered. According to
the Minister of Social Development, Bathabile Dlamini, her department intended to submit
laws in the 2014/2015 years that would govern corporal punishment by parents.12
This is nothing new. Back in 2007 we reported on a bill that was before parliament at the
time which had precisely the same purpose. It is highly likely that this wicked piece of
legislation will eventually become law. In that event, what are Christian parents to do? It is
simple. They “are to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29), and continue to administer
corporal punishment to their children. When the government of his day forbade any petition
to be asked of any God or man except of the king for thirty days, Daniel did as he had always
done: he continued to pray to God (Dan. 6:11). When a government enacts legislation that is
contrary to the law of God, then believers are bound to obey God’s law. This always takes
precedence. The Word of God commands parents to use corporal punishment to discipline
their children (Prov. 13:24; 19:18; 22:6,15; 23:13,14; 29:15,17). Children do not belong to the
State, they belong to their parents, and it is the parents alone who have the responsibility to
raise them. The State has its place, and believers are to obey all its lawful commands (Rom.
13:1-7); but God must always be obeyed above all. Regardless of the cost, Christian parents
are to continue to administer corporal punishment, even if the State falsely claims the
authority to forbid this.
For another article on this subject, available on our website, see Spanking of Children to be Banned – but 12-Year-Olds Given Access to Contraceptives, by Shaun Willcock. Bible Based Ministries, 2007.
President Zuma’s Subtle and Hypocritical Attack on “White” Culture
South Africa’s president, Jacob Zuma, is well known for his controversial statements and
actions. In late December 2012 he gave a speech in which he said that spending money to
buy a dog, taking it to the vet and for walks belonged to “white culture” and was not the
“African way”. According to him, the “African way” was to focus on the family. He described
people who loved dogs more than people as “having a lack of humanity.”13
He also said that there was a new generation of young blacks who were trying to adopt
other lifestyles and even trying to look like others. “Even if you apply any kind of lotion and
straighten your hair you will never be white,” he said. Instead, a black person lost dignity,
and was also likely to lose respect and love for his fellow human beings. He said black
people should stop adopting the habits of other cultures.
As he spoke, the audience of thousands of blacks laughed and applauded.
He was immediately lambasted by people from all walks of life, and not just whites. Many
blacks, even some prominent politicians, criticised him for his remarks. But unfortunately
most of their criticism was directed at his remarks about pets. Not much was said about his
remarks about whites.
A number of important points need to be made. And we must certainly acknowledge that
there are people, in this upside-down, confused world today, who do love dogs more than
people. “Animal rights” activists have pushed their agenda so far that for an ever-growing
number of people, animals should have more rights than humans. They will bend over
backwards to protect animals, spend a fortune rescuing animals, and yet think nothing of
human abortion and other crimes against people. In fact, in many “animal rights” and radical
environmentalist circles, human beings should be culled because of a mythical idea that the
world has too many of them, but animals should receive protection, including the protection
from being eaten by humans. The Christian does not exalt animals above people. Animals
do not have eternal souls, they do not go to heaven or hell when they die, and the Lord has
put them under the dominion of mankind (Gen. 1:26-28), both for the service of mankind and
as food. Nevertheless, the Bible also states: “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast”
(Prov. 12:10). He is never to be cruel to any animal, causing it unnecessary suffering for his
With that cursory nod to that one comment by Zuma, everything else that he said was
hogwash. In the first place, note his deliberate reference to black South Africans as
“Africans”, but to white South Africans simply as “whites.” The black racists of the ruling ANC
refuse to call white South Africans “Africans”, applying this only to blacks. And yet many of
the ancestors of white South Africans arrived in the territory now known as South Africa
centuries before President Zuma’s ancestors were even welded together as the Zulu nation.
White South Africans are as African as any black South Africans, and it is important that they
always refer to themselves as such; for this refusal on the part of black racists to refer to
them as Africans is done deliberately, thereby constantly keeping it fresh in the minds of the
black masses that whites do not belong here, that they are “settlers” who are not Africans.
In the second place, although Zuma claimed that the “[black] African way” is to focus on the
family, we must be forgiven for stifling our disgusted snorts behind our hands at this
ridiculous statement. All across the country, black men are murdering and raping elderly
white and black women and their children, destroying families in the process; and within black
society in general, the family unit is falling apart, with young black men sleeping with multiple
partners and making young girls pregnant out of wedlock, babies being raised by girls just
into their teen years, AIDS devastating entire black communities and leaving young children
to raise their infant siblings on their own because their parents have succumbed to the
disease, etc. For Zuma to talk of how blacks “focus on the family” is tragic, because it is just
so untrue in multiplied millions of cases.
Even the ANC’s Willies Mchunu, KwaZulu Natal’s MEC for Transport, Community Safety
and Liaison, spoke out angrily over the rape of elderly women, saying: “I am deeply angered
by these criminals targeting senior citizens. As a government we value our elders, but these
kinds of incidents... are barbaric.”14 President Zuma can claim that within black culture there
is a “focus on the family”, but why is it then that the vast majority of rapes like this are
committed by black men?
In the third place, regarding his complaint that young blacks are trying to adopt other
lifestyles and look like others (by whom he meant primarily whites), and his call for them to
stop adopting their habits: these comments are from a man who wears expensive western
suits, drives in luxury cars and flies on planes, and lives in a sprawling homestead with all the
trappings of western civilisation. All these things were invented and developed within “white
culture”. When he practices what he preaches and discards all these trappings of “white
culture”, reverting to wearing only animal skins, walking barefoot everywhere he goes, and
living in a smoky hut like his ancestors did, then he will be in a position to castigate other
blacks about adopting other cultures. Not before.
Lastly, he claimed that black people who did this lost their dignity, and were also likely to
lose respect and love for their fellow human beings; but to even comment on such statements
is a waste of time, they are so nonsensical.
This is the kind of “leadership” being provided, by the president of the most powerful and
advanced country in sub-Saharan Africa. As in almost all other African countries in the post-
colonial period, the leaders of South Africa are intent on taking the country back to some
mythical “golden age” before the hated whites arrived – just as long as they can still take all
the nice trappings of white culture along with them.
Talking Buses, Mermaids and Goblins: Black Africa Will Always be Backward with Superstitions Like These
So often, African leaders express anger that the rest of the world still treats black Africans
as witchcraft-steeped, superstition-bound, yelling, gesticulating savages. Well, no matter
how much they bleat about it, this image is never going to change as long as they continue to
kill each other in all kinds of savage ways, and as long as they continue to cling to the most
bizarre superstitions. What you are about to read sounds like it should belong to the
nineteenth century, before the coming of the missionaries and the European colonialists; but
no – it is a modern, twenty-first century phenomenon, all too common, taking a thousand
different shapes throughout the continent. It is well-nigh impossible to conceive of an African
nation ever advancing, ever making progress, when its people still believe such nonsense as
In Zimbabwe in January, a talking bus was making news. A talking bus? Yes, you read
right. An abandoned minibus in the suburb of Mount Hampden, Harare (incidentally this was
the suburb where my parents built their first house after they were married, when Harare was
known as the beautiful city of Salisbury, and Zimbabwe was once lovely Rhodesia before
black Marxism destroyed the country) “apparently drove itself to its current location, left no
tracks on the ground and ‘talks’ to anyone that tries to remove parts from the vehicle. Locals
say that when someone stole the wheels, they were mysteriously returned a few days later;
they suspected the bus had spoken or maybe it was something to do with the large and
mysterious snake that wasn’t really a snake that someone said they saw slithering out of the
And then, when a massive explosion in a house in a high density are of Chitungwiza,
Zimbabwe, killed five people, all kinds of bizarre theories about the cause of the blast did the
rounds – because the house belonged to a “traditional healer”. “A relation of the deceased
healer said the family believed the healer had supernatural powers and a mermaid spirit.
Reports told of people scattering salt on the road around the area to ward off evil spirits that
may have been let loose in the blast. Then came the story that the healer had been sending
lightning to strike a target in a process people apparently call ‘bluetooth.’ The story was that
the chosen target of the lightning was protected by a more powerful force and the ‘bluetooth
had been returned to sender,’ hence the explosion. No story so strange could be complete
without the goblins, yes goblins, also being blamed for the explosion although it wasn’t clear if
this was a disgruntled customer returning a goblin, or an angry goblin who didn’t want to be
returned. It took a few days before theories of juju, black magic and witchcraft were
squashed by experts who said this was a bomb of some sort.”16
It is only the true Gospel of Jesus Christ that can dispel such spiritual darkness and
superstition, and no country can truly succeed where the people believe such nonsense. The
despised and hated whites brought civilisation, progress, material prosperity, and with them
came the missionaries of Christ, who preached the true Gospel of liberty which set so many
blacks free from bondage to sin, Satan and witchcraft. The tragedy today is that although
Zimbabwe is full of “churches” and a very large percentage of the population professes to be
“Christian”, the reality is that these “churches” either proclaim a political/social “gospel” that is
a devilish lie, or are Pentecostal/Charismatic with a sizeable dose of black African
superstitions and religious practices thrown in. Zimbabwe’s Marxist leaders claim to have
“liberated” the country from colonialism; and yet the people are slaves to superstition and
witchcraft. Marxist “liberation” is one of Satan’s tricks to make people think they are free,
even though they are both materially and spiritually bound.
For the story of a witch who in 2010 tricked Zimbabwe’s powerful Marxist politburo out of R18 million by persuading them that she could miraculously make diesel fuel gush out of a rock, see Snippets from South Africa - November 2010, by Shaun Willcock. Available on our website.
January 2013
1. Art. “Genocide Looms for White Farmers,” WND, August 18, 2012.

2. The Mercury, January 10, 2013.

3. The Witness, May 17, 2012.

4. Learn with Echo (a supplement to The Witness), No. 1086, November 15, 2012.

5. Daily News, August 23, 2012.

6. Daily News, August 23, 2012.

7. The Witness, November 15, 2012.

8. The Mercury, December 27, 2012.

9. The Mercury December 27, 2012.

10. The Witness, September 13, 2012.

11. The Witness, September 13, 2012.

12. The Witness, August 28, 2012.

13. The Mercury, December 27, 2012.

14. The Witness, September 13, 2012.

15. Art. “Crocodiles, Mermaids, Goblins and the Constitution”, 26 January 2013.

16. Art. “Crocodiles, Mermaids, Goblins and the Constitution”, 26 January 2013.
Bible Based Ministries info@biblebasedministries.co.uk www.biblebasedministries.co.uk
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WORLDWIDE CONTACT:Contending for the Faith Ministries
Shaun Willcock is a minister of the Gospel. He runs Bible Based Ministries. For other articles
(which may be downloaded and printed), as well as details about his books, audio messages,
pamphlets, etc., please visit the Bible Based Ministries website; or write to the address below. If
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