Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jesuits In Obama's Inner Circle

The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas,  is the head of the Jesuits 
The following people are Jesuit educated and part of Obama's inner circle. We know historically that the Jesuits have been kicked out of several countries because they undermined the king or government. Abraham Lincoln said the Civil War could not have been fought except for the evil influence of the Jesuits.
NAME                                                               COLLEGE                                                            
1. Leon Panetta, CIA,                                         Santa Clara                  
2. Robert Gates, Sec'y of Defense                       Georgetown                  
3. Joe Biden, VP                                                 St. Joseph's University - honorary
4. Jon Favreau, speech writer                               Holy Cross                  
5. Janet Napolitano, Sec'y Homeland Security      Santa Clara, also Order of Malta
6. Jane Oates, Asst Sec'y Employment Training    Boston College H.S.
7. Gabriella Gomez, Asst Sec'y of Legislation       Loyola of Marymount
8. Martha Kanter, Sec'y Office of Legislation       University of San Francisco
9. Bob Shireman, Office of Legislation                 Georgetown
10. Julius H Horwish, Office of Legislation           Georgetown
11. Douglas Shulman, IRS commissioner            
12. John Colvin Judge ?                                       PHD from Georgetown
13. General David Petraeus                                  Georgetown Foreign Service School

Also 13 Senators and 41 House members are Jesuit educated including:
1. Steny Hoyer
2. John Boehner
3. Chris Van Hollen
4. Richard Durbin                                  

By the way, the U.S. is divided into 16 Jesuit regions.
Interesting Jesuit links are below.:

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