Thursday, January 3, 2013

End Times News & Gospel Message

With all the problems the World is facing, it can be unsettling to the mind. Today, I will share with you ten predictions that are sure to come true next year!
Top 10 Predictions for the New Year.
 1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still be the most powerful thing on Earth.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still honor the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him. Isn't It Great to Remember Who Is Really In Control,
 and that: "the Word of the Lord endures forever." 1 Peter 1:25 
In the coming New Year, 2013, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address will occur on the same day.
This is an ironic juxtaposition of events.
One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to an insignificant creature of little intelligence for prognostication. The other involves a groundhog.
Ft. Knox, Kentucky
Stacks of gold 

Patriots, the Lord requires that we be good stewards with our money but listen to the foolishness below. Quite frankly, I doubt if we have any gold left at Ft. Knox the way we squander our money.

In the last few years we have provided direct cash aid to
Haiti - 1.4 B,
Hamas - 351 M,
Pakistan - 2 B,
Libya 1.45 B,
Egypt - 397 M,
Mexico - 622 M,
Russia - 380 M,
Jordan - 463 M,
Kenya - 816 M,
Sudan - 870 M,
Nigeria - 456 M,
Uganda - 451 M,
Congo - 359 M,
Ethiopia - 981 M,
Pakistan - 2 B,
South Afrika - 566 M,
Senegal - 698 M,
Mozambique - 404 M,
Zambia - 331 M,
Kazakhstan - 304 M,
Iraq - 1.08 B,
Tanzania - 554 M,
  with literally Billions of Dollars and they still hate us!!!! 

Golan Heights
Israeli officials have held talks in Jordan with Syrian opposition officials “in advance of a possible Israeli-US operation in Syria to protect the Golan Heights,” My sources  tell me there are nightly border clashes between US, Jordanian, Israeli SOFs and Syrian rebels, on the one side, and Syrian special forces on the other.
Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland Print
the fiscal cliff

 The L.A. Times reported the the House gave final approval to a bill to rescind tax increases for the vast majority of Americans, but only after a day of closed-door debate among Republicans, who were forced to allow a vote on a compromise many in their party disdained. What provisions were in this legislation?
1. It blocked income tax hikes for roughly 99% of households, but allowed rates to rise for those with incomes above $400,000 for individuals and $450,000 for couples.
2. It also renewed tax credits aimed at low-income households and college students.
extended unemployment benefits.
3. delayed automatic spending cuts in defense and other government programs for two months
4. resolved several other issues that Congress had left hanging
Republicans were opposed to the fact that this legislation provided for more taxes to be collected than spending cuts that were mandated. And, they were not wrong; however, Obama had literally backed them into a corner from which they could not escape. The White House maneuvered the situation to where, if Republicans refused to support the Democrat plan, the economy would plunge off the 'Fiscal Cliff', which would raise income taxes in tens of millions of Middle Class Americans. In the end, Republicans held their proverbial noses and voted for the Senate Plan. They were not going to allow the Democrats to paint them as being worried only about the fat cat wealthy while looking the other way to allow taxes to rise significantly on the Middle Class.
 woman in hospice care
I remember when I was in college and I was studying a graph of demographics. My "Baby Boomer Generation" was an unparalleled bulge in the demographic of this country. Mentally, I moved that bulge forward 60 years and wondered how the health care system could possibly take care of so many people bursting into old age at once. In every country, elderly people do require more financial resources than young people, but this "Baby Boom Generation" was going to strain the country's medical establishment like nothing in our country's history.
Now, I know exactly how the country is going to deal with this unprecedented demographic bulge: they are going to kill us in unprecedented numbers. When a Death Panel refuses medical treatment to a patient, causing that patient to die, that is genocide. But, the people on the Death Panels will believe they are doing the victims and the nation a lot of good by denying expensive medical treatment for the elderly. They literally will come to view the death they are administering as "healing", as providing for the "common good".
It is also the Nazi Biomedical Vision. This term is defined as justifying "genocide as a means of national and racial healing." ("The Nazi Doctors", by Robert J. Lifton).
Lifton simply was horrified that doctors could so reverse the normal terms of healing and killing and thus justify mass murder. He stated, 'This reversal of healing and killing became an organizing principle of the work of mass murder, and I came to suspect the relevance of that reversal for other genocidal projects." We are seeing this very reversal of terms in our papers today.
ObamaCare is nothing more than organizing the principle of "Quality of Life" into a systematic campaign of causing many elderly patients to die. When government or health care professionals begin making life and death decisions based upon age and "quality of life", genocide quickly follows.
Fateh A-110 missile
 In Syria, Assad’s forces fired at least two Iranian-made, Fateh A-110 ballistic missiles against Syrian rebels. The Fateh A-110s are more accurate than the Scuds used by Assad and can hit a target within 100 meters. They also save aircraft, some of which have been shot down by rebels with anti-air weapons. The Fateh A-110s, also in the hands of Hizbollah and have a 300 km range.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow does not back calls on Assad to step down, but "We actively encouraged the Syrian leadership to maximally put into action its declared readiness for dialogue with the opposition.” He made it clear that Assad must put all options on the table after 21 months of violence.
Iran Nuclear
Iranian technicians producing uranium fuel

You will recall that during the election campaign Obama he spoke about Iran attaining “breakout capacity” next year, Obama called it a development which must be prevented because it means, “we would not be able to intervene in time to stop their nuclear program.”
For breakout capacity, Iran would have to acquire highly-enriched uranium and components for a weapon and the technology to build nuclear weapons quickly. Breakout capacity would be too fast for US intelligence and Israel to catch Iran in time to take action. Obama said it was this eventuality that must be prevented.
The current situation poses two problems. Although the US president has often expressed his determination to prevent Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon, he has never explained how he would achieve this. The other problem is that according to my sources Tehran has already reached “breakout capacity.”
“Breakout capacity” has become a convenient slogan for delayed action, another red line to be crossed, like the20% enriched uranium threshold.
Khamenei has rejected the stipulations the U.S. laid down in the secret direct negotiations held earlier this month for settling the controversy over Iran’s nuclear program and there are no signs he is worried about repercussions. The only true words about the current stalemate were heard from Dennis Ross, that the Iranians “are convinced we are not prepared to use force.” Friends, we are doing the North Korean foxtrot with the Iranians.

Netanyahu describing Iran's breakout nuclear capacity

Israel Natonal News reported that the weekly poll taken on behalf of Israel Radio by the Geocartographia polling organization shows the solid right trouncing the left and the center in the Knesset elections set for two and a half weeks from now. If accurate, the poll indicates that together, Bayit Yehudi and Otzma Leyisrael parties would act as “kingmakers,” making establishment of any government without them virtually impossible."
Prime Minister Netanyahu has even taken note of the trend toward the more militant right-wing, and is acting worried because his Moderate government is losing support.
The Telegrah reported .Netanyahu's intervention comes after the latest poll – published by Haaretz newspaper – showed the Likud Beitenu bloc poised to win just 34 seats in the Knesset in the January 22 poll, down from a current total of 42.
When you stop to think about current events in Israel right now, you should not be surprised that the moderate government headed by Prime Minister Netanyahu is losing support. After all, Netanyahu cannot stop the rain of missiles coming across the border fence against civilian towns. His government is widely seen as ineffective in dealing with the deadly Palestinian threat.
A possible war with Iran has been built up so dramatically that the average Jewish citizen has come to the belief that Netanyahu is not adequately protecting Israel. In other words, the average Jewish citizen has reached the point where they no longer have faith that neither the Liberal Jewish party nor the Moderate party, has any answers to solve Israel's life-or-death problems. And, when you are confronted with a life-or-death situation, you cannot afford to make any mistakes, because you will be too dead to correct your mistake and fight another day.
Consequently, the far right-wing rhetoric is catching fire in the minds and hearts of many Jewish citizens.
On the Arab front, far right-wing militants are also gaining power. From Egypt, to Lebanon to Jordan, and to the Palestinians, militants are threatening to overthrow the moderates. And, for much the same reason as militants are gaining support over moderates in Israel. People on both sides are tired of the continuous status-quo and want the situation to be resolved, once and for all.
Israeli people increasingly are coming to the belief that the Jewish militant plan to force the Palestinians to return to their homeland in Jordan is the only plan that will finally bring peace to tiny Israel.
Arab people are increasingly coming to the belief that the militant plan to force all-out war with Israel is the only plan which will bring peace.
The end result is likely to be just what End Times Bible prophecy states: an all-out war between Israel and her Arab neighbors. God has long foretold that He will use the tiny state of Israel to be His weapon of judgment upon the ancient hatreds of the sons of Esau, which today are the Islamic Arabs. Soon, Israel will lose the support from the United States during a critical time in a vicious warfare with Arab forces. At that time, the prophecy of Daniel 12:1 will be the only reason Israel is not annihilated. Listen:
"At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered." (Daniel 12:1; KJV
Israel is about to pass through her " time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then". Bible scholars have long called this period the "Time of Jacob's Trouble". But God is faithful and will not allow Israel to be defeated. He will allow her to go through unparalleled destruction and calamity, but will not allow her to be physically annihilated.
Remember, Satan can prevent Jesus from returning the Second Time if he can physically destroy Israel. Jesus is foretold to return as King to Israel. Therefore, Satan is pulling out all obstacles to physically destroying every Jew on earth. Watch Israel. She is a most important key to End Time events and God's city, Jerusalem.
In a NY Times Editorial Louis Michael Seidman wrote the following:
"As the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions."
Liberal Leftists like Seidman have always considered the Constitution to be "archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil"! After all, the Constitution stands in the way of accomplishing their lofty goals of a Socialistic nation, with a government that will responsible for the well-being of all its citizens and which will force an economic "Redistribution of Wealth"!
Finally, the Liberals have the most Leftist President in the history of the Republic, but that dastardly Constitution stands in the way.
By the way, Liberals view the Constitution as a most formidable foe, one who is single-handily preventing rapid movement into the New World Order.
The author of this editorial, Seidman, identifies himself very interestingly.
"... someone who has taught constitutional law for almost 40 years...."
We encourage you to read his rant against the Constitution because it is so incredibly ridiculous and is so detailed that we cannot possibly reprint it all here. But, let us go to his concluding remarks to see exactly where he is heading with this bold call for the Constitution to be dissolved.
"If we are not to abandon constitutionalism entirely, then we might at least understand it as a place for discussion, a demand that we make a good-faith effort to understand the views of others, rather than as a tool to force others to give up their moral and political judgments. If even this change is impossible, perhaps the dream of a country ruled by 'We the people' is impossibly utopian ... before abandoning our heritage of self-government, we ought to try extricating ourselves from constitutional bondage so that we can give real freedom a chance."
"Constitutional bondage"?
"Constitutional addiction"?
"Governments of the people" always have a Constitution regulating the powers and authorities of the ruler. Dictatorships never bother with such a silly document as a Constitution. Since we are heading directly into the greatest Absolute Dictatorship in world history, we should be defending our precious Constitution from those who would rip it out of the foundation of this country.
Within months or a few years of giving up our Constitution, we will be giving up our freedoms and our lives!

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