Saturday, January 19, 2013

End Times News & Gospel Message Jan 19, 2013

Ain Amenas gas field and facility in Algeria

Al Qaeda (AQ) terrorists in the Islamic Maghreb are threatening to blow up an Algerian gas field and murder their hostages.  A large  AQ force surrounded the Algerian Ain Amenas gas field, planted land mines and threatened to blow it up with dozens of their hostages unless French troops leave Mali. The hostages are Americans, British, Japanese and Norwegian. Unconfirmed reports say two hostages and a security guard were killed in the attack. AQIM attacked with 50 minivans and seized a bus carrying personnel on their way to the gas field. The Algerian army refuses to negotiate with the terrorists.  AQIM demands that the French end their operation in Mali or else their 10 French hostages will be executed.
Not surprisingly, Bush was sworn in on a Masonic Bible
Below is a link to Presidential swearing-in Bibles.
MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell suggested that the Bible is causing too much hassle at inauguration ceremonies and should no longer be used to take the oath of office.
What is the hassle at inauguration ceremonies to which O'Donnell is referring? As it turns out, the pastor who was to officiate was forced out of the ceremony because he preached a sermon almost 20 years ago in which he was bold enough to uphold Biblical standards about homosexuality!
Therefore, O'Donnell wants to throw the Bible out of our presidential inauguration ceremony because it dares call homosexuality in all forms to be an abomination in the sight of Almighty God. However, when you read his full statement, you can see that he is taking this stand in order to prevent hypocrisy by Barack Obama. O’Donnell said, the president, following one of our most absurd traditions in the government that invented the separation of church and state, will put his hand on this book filled with things he does not believe, filled with things that no one in the United States of America believes, O'Donnell said.
America is under the hand of God's End Times judgments. Our rates of murder, sex abuse, theft, lying and abortion are all signs that God's judgments are beginning to fall right here and right now. But, friends let me warn you the worst is yet to come.
Not only did the media admit no "assault" rifles were used in the Sandy Hook school shootings, an AR-15 is not a so-called "assault" rifle anyway.
At the same time the Sandy Hook school shooting was occurring, a simulated school shooting exercise was occurring nearby in Carmel, Connecticut.
Did you know that when the attacks on 9/11 and on the London Subway were occurring, authorities were conducting a simulated exercise nearby? This pattern is an "Illuminati Signature".
As the terrible events were unfolding in Newtown the Putnam County Emergency Response Team happened to be assembled for regular training in Carmel, and team members were at that very moment engaged in a mock scenario of an active-shooter in a school. The ERT is comprised of specially trained and heavily armed officers from the Sheriff’s Office and the Carmel and Kent Police Departments."
By itself, this simulated school shooting exercise would raise no red flags of warning. But, when you consider the following facts, this incident raises a lot of most questions. Did you know that?
1) On 9/11/2001, at the very same time the doomed airplanes were set on a course to fly into the Twin Towers (WTC), authorities were conducting an "exercise" in the vicinity using large commercial aircraft. What was the purpose of this so-called "exercise"? Authorities were simulating an attack on the Twin Towers by large commercial aircraft.
2) At the same time the London Subway attacks were occurring on 7/7/2005, authorities were conducting an exercise in the same vicinity testing response to a simulated exercise with the same theme as the real attacks. Consider the following report as evidence.
"A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as the morning of July 7th. On a BBC Radio 5 interview that aired on the evening of the 7th, the host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants. Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official who worked in the anti- terrorist Branch."
"Power told the host that at the exact same time that the London bombings were taking place; his company was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as the actual bombings.
What is this all about? Since the area of the bombings has thousands of closed circuit TV cameras recording nearly everything going on in "real time", it is highly probable that British agents in that area would be picked up on camera. How, then, does one explain pictures of an agent dropping a bag in precisely the same area where an explosion occurred later?
The answer is simple: very matter-of-factly announce that "anti-terror" exercises are occurring at the same location, following the same scenario as what the "terrorists" are actually carrying out. Thus, if someone noticed a British agent dropping a suspicious bag at a location where a bomb exploded shortly thereafter, the cover story is in place and deflects suspicion, at least for a vast majority of a population whose mindset simply will not allow for a "government false flag" operation. No one wants to think their government is capable of launching a deadly attack on its own citizens
Let’s return to the subject of the air exercise underway on the same day as 9-11.
The CIA said it was conducting a similar "anti-terror exercise" at the same time the 9/11 attacks were underway!
This is precisely what happened on the morning of 9/11/2001. The CIA was conducting drills of flying hijacked planes into the WTC and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning. It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11. This meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedures were postponed or delayed. NORAD radar screens displayed both real and 'drill' hijacked planes and explains why confused press reports emerged hours after the attack stating that up to eight planes had been hijacked."
We challenge our listeners to carefully consider the facts of the stories, above, for it provides excellent detail as to how America's CIA, Russia's KGB, and Britain's MI6 intelligence services have been caught "red-handed" in the past in carrying out "government false flag" operations that were blamed on terrorist factions. These types of operation are known as a "wet operations", because people will bleed and die. Friends governments run massive "government false flag" operations". From Putin blowing up his own apartment buildings to Israel creating and financing Hamas, to the Reichstag fire, to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, to 9-11, to the London subway bombings, the Aurora and Sandy Hook evidence is consistently clear that large scale terrorism is almost always state sponsored."
This type of exercise occurring at the same time and in the same general vicinity as the real terrorist attack has now happened so regularly that it constitutes an "Illuminati Signature". The more you understand how these evil people work, the more predictable they become.

Do not panic over the sudden forward lurch in gun control laws. The Elite are successfully using the recent rash of public school shootings as the catalyst for getting more restrictive gun control laws passed. But, the morning after these new laws are inked, the reality facing the Illuminati is that over 100 million Americans still own 300 million guns. And, they are not about to give them up - at least not without a fight.
Therefore, American Elitists are simply passing laws which set the stage for a future guns seizure during an unprecedented crisis, like the "false flag" Reichstag Fire that the Nazis used.  Prior to World War III.  they plan to topple the economies all over the world. Then they will bring in foreign armies to take away our U.S. guns. Since World War III is the key, we must watch the progress of the Club of Rome Plan to reorganize the world into precisely 10 Kingdoms.
The 10 Kingdoms of the Club of Rome
Do not let events panic you, God is in control. We have God's Sure Word of Prophecy to guide us. Jesus said: "So also when you see these signs, all taken together, coming to pass, you may know of a surety that He is near, at the very doors." (Matthew 24:34; Parallel Bible, KJV
Mature Christians must watch events unfold with relevant prophecies clearly in view. The good news is: We are one day closer to being "caught up".

This could be you or a loved one being beaten senseless without a gun
Natural News reported this week that  "Governor Cuomo, along with Democrat and Republican legislators, is ramming through a bill to restrict gun ownership, re-classify weapons in order to ban them -- and, in a far-reaching move, create psychiatrists as cops who must report patients to law-enforcement, in order to keep the patients from owning a weapon."
No one should be surprised to learn that this "gun control" bill would legally protect psychiatrists by linking them to the police state. After all, thanks to alternative websites like Cutting Edge, a lot of people throughout the land have become aware of the link between public mass murder and mind-altering drugs which the murderer obtained through a psychiatrist! People have learned to look for the link between the latest shooter and his psychiatric treatment in which he as given "anti-depressant" drugs like Prozac, Zoloft or some other drug within that family of drugs.
The formula to produce a mass murderer is very plain for any discerning person to see. Take:
1) A Troubled teen boy
2) A Psychiatrist trained in Mind Control
3) Heavy doses of the psychotic drugs mentioned above
4) And you get a public mass murderer who can murder many people in cold blood and then kill himself rather than be captured. He is the perfect patsy for the Illuminati. e.g. Hinkley, who shot Reagan  - his family was friends and big donors to George Bush. 
The Illuminati Card "Mass Murder" clearly points this out.
Hinkley - Another Manchurian Kandidate 
Since so many people are now looking at Psychiatry as part of the solution, the Elite have to pass a law which protects them. And, this new law in New York State does just that. 
Under the new New York law "Psychiatrists must report patients 'who could potentially harm themselves or others'. If such a patient owns a gun, it will be confiscated."
If I were a parent whose male child is seeing a psychiatrist, I would immediately stop taking him. The psychiatrist could report your son as "potentially harmful to himself or to others", and suddenly, you could have police calling at your door.
This law calls for a national interlinking database, which is a very useful tool to any Illuminati Dictatorship. "This means a comprehensive data base, accessible by law-enforcement personnel and anyone else involved in doing background checks These 'problematic' patients will be kept from buying a new weapon, too ... Psychiatrists will err on the side of caution and report many patients. No shrink wants to blink into television cameras after one of his patients has just shot his father."
"Patients who want to own weapons will lie to psychiatrists about their thoughts and feelings, never admitting they're considering suicide or murder ... For this and other reasons, such as the existence of the data base, doctor-patient confidentiality will go out the window."
A psychiatrists are now threatened with a mass exodus of patients currently seeing them. Concerned parents will pull their child out of treatment for fear that he may be unfairly labeled. In order to prevent such a loss from sinking their practice, psychiatrists will aggressively embrace the government program, thereby undoubtedly assuring their practice of substantial government funds.
This law threatens law abiding citizens in yet another way. It officially links people who want to own guns to mental illness. Don't laugh in disbelief. Under Communism, both Russian and Chinese officials ruled than anyone who wants to practice Christianity is insane; therefore, they used psychiatric hospitals to house millions of dissidents. In fact, psychiatric hospitals strongly resembled prisons.
The time will come when a majority of American citizens will come to the point of believing that anyone who insists he has a right to own a gun is mentally ill. That time is coming, and this bill opens that door, ever so slightly.
Liberal Democrats are plunging America down a very steep, and very slippery, slope.
Syrians are purchasing gas masks

In regards to Syria, a leaked State Department report by US diplomats in Turkey, said that Assad’s forces had used poison gas. This report was confirmed by the online magazine Foreign Report this week.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu refuses to return to the pre-1967 war borders and will keep Jerusalem united. He will continue to stand firm against international pressure. Barack Obama said Netanyahu does not know what Israel’s best interests are and is driving Israel into grave isolation.Well, Netanyahu knows his country's interest better than "sell out" Obama. Israelis go to the polls for a new parliament and government next week.
Bashir and his wife Asma
In Syria Assad spoke publicly Jan. 6, his first public speech in seven months. Sixteen Russian warships are deployed to Syria with thousands of marines.  Assad believes he deterred the West from invading Syria. Assad said ”Syria no longer takes dictation from anyone. Syrian citizens must defend their country against “a war fought by a handful of Syrians and many foreigners.” He rejected dialogue with the opposition as “puppets fabricated by the West.”
Tzipi Livni of the Hatnua Party 

The Times of Israel reported "Tzipi Livni, the leader of the center-left Hatnua party issued a scathing excoriation of Prime Minister Netanyahu saying the PM’s policies posed a mortal threat to the Zionist endeavor. 'Netanyahu will be the demise of the Jewish state,” Livni said. 'The choice faced by Israeli citizens in the upcoming elections is between Zionism and extremism'.”
"Livni was referring to Netanyahu’s purported efforts to sabotage the prospects of a two-state solution with the Palestinians, the absence of which, many warn, will precipitate a single state where Jews will be in the minority. Hatnua is running on a platform that emphasizes the urgent need to achieve a peace settlement with the Palestinians and pledges to vigorously pursue such a deal Livni, a former foreign minister, said. 'I am just as aware as anyone else of the right of the Jewish people to the entirety of the land of Israel, but, faced with a choice between Greater Israel and a Jewish state, I choose a Jewish state'.”
Livni is stating that a single Israeli nation will result in a demographic situation where Palestinians will greatly outnumber Jewish citizens, thus causing the Jewish state to be overwhelmed and supposedly destroyed. Her solution is to create a Palestinian State where Jews only live in what is left of Israel and the Palestinians live in their new state.
One only has to remember the warning of former President Richard Nixon, who warned that Israel could never accept a hostile Arab state so close to her national heart. Nixon said to do this would be to allow a mortal enemy sworn to her destruction to station a sharp sword only inches from her heart.
However, not only is it the Illuminati Plan to grant such a Palestinian State, Jewish leaders were planning to do so back in 1917, at the time of the Balfour Declaration. Can you imagine this sell-out by Rothschild Zionists to an Israel not yet even reborn as a nation?
Daniel 12:1 prophesies that Michael, Israel's Guardian Angel, is going to have to jump to Israel's defense.
Santa Fe bridge border crossing
 "Get ready for the very first 'unmanned' border station on the U.S.-Mexico border. It is slated to open at the end of January at the Big Bend National Park in Texas. It will be staffed by, you guessed it, computers. The station will be equipped with machines that can scan citizenship documents and conduct live video interviews with U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at a station in El Paso, Texas ... Mexican citizens will be able to use the crossing..."
This concept was borrowed from similar unmanned border crossing stations on the Canadian border.
"While similar unmanned border crossings are already implemented successfully on the Canadian border, this will be the first time a totally computerized station is built on the U.S.-Mexico border."
This unmanned border crossing will become a beehive of illegal crossings of both immigrants and drugs, but the major point is that this action is just one more sign that the planned merger of the three countries on the North American continent, what I call MexUCan, as created by the Club of Rome is moving forward on numerous fronts.
While I am totally opposed to America surrendering her sovereignty to the regional government, I realize that this plan will be successfully implemented one day because the Club of Rome plan fulfills prophecy in Daniel 7:7-8.
Warn your unsaved loved ones! The time for receiving Jesus Christ as Savior is quickly moving past us all.

The New York Times reported Obama Will Seek Immigration Reform In One Fast Push
"President Obama plans to push Congress to move quickly in the coming months on an ambitious overhaul of the immigration system that would include a path to citizenship for most of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the country, senior administration officials and lawmakers said last week.
Why is the President so very interested in quickly providing "a path to citizenship for most of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the country"?
Some people might argue that the President has an eye on gaining the vast majority of those 11 million illegal immigrants, and that may be a factor.
However, there is another, more plausible explanation than just a sheer desire to garner more votes for the Democratic Party. Remember that the vast majority of these illegal immigrants are already voting virtually en masse for the Democrats.
The other explanation is to achieve a cherished goal of the Illuminati since 1972. In that year, the Club of Rome issued a plan whereby they planned to reorganize the entire world into precisely 10 Kingdoms, a plan which will fulfill Daniel 7:7-8.
Daniel 7:7-8 not only provides an understanding of how world events are currently fitting into this plan to reorganize the nations of the globe to precisely 10 kingdoms, but it also demonstrates that this prophecy provides a sequential understanding as to how close the appearance of Antichrist is.
Returning to the issue of forming Kingdom #1, MexUCan, we can see how an illegal immigration amnesty will provide powerful incentive for creating a kingdom out of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. For decades, politicians in power, whether Democrat or Republican, allowed illegal immigrants to pour over our borders and to work and to draw government benefits, even though they were not citizens. Such illegal immigrants also were granted the right to vote after the Supreme Court and other lower courts ruled that a person could vote even if they could not provide minimal proof of identification.
Alarmed Conservative citizens have long lamented this sorry situation, crying out, why doesn't the President and the Congress enforce our "border policy". These concerned citizens believed that American national illegal immigration policy was that we controlled the flow of immigrants from Mexico; however, This is not the national policy on immigration at all. The true national policy was to allow so many illegal immigrants into this country that no politician dare suggest sending them all back home. Also the real policy is to declare that the sheer numbers of illegal immigrants is so huge that the only reasonable solution is to create "a path to citizenship for most of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the country".
But, there is one more surprise. When the illegal immigrants are provided a "a path to citizenship", they will not be made American citizens. Oh, no, they will be made "MexUCan citizens", along with all current Canadian and American citizens. This is the plan whereby MexUCan is created. This plan will not be implemented in one big step, but many small ones.
But, now you know why President Obama is putting the issue of illegal immigrants on a political fast-track. Prophecy is being fulfilled here, and we have a front-row seat!
Dealey Plaza & the Texas School Book Depository
The Dallas News reported this week that "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stunned the crowd at the Winspear Opera House on Friday night by saying that his father believed there may have been a conspiracy in the assassination of his brother, President John F. Kennedy.His remarks went 'viral'.”
What was the basis for former Attorney General Robert Kennedy to believe that his brother had been killed by conspirators - the Warren Report. You see, Robert Kennedy read the report with the trained eye of a lawyer.
" 'My father believed that the Warren Commission report', RFK Jr. said, 'was a shoddy piece of craftsmanship'.”
In the 50 years since the assassination of President Kennedy, I have read numerous articles about the Warren Report, all of which were doubtful that the report was truthful or factual. For example, several members of the Commission were members of the Illuminati, for example, Chief Justice Earl Warren and John Foster Dulles. Yet, to this day, anyone questioning the official government report -- the Warren Report -- is sarcastically labeled a "conspiracy theorist" or a "nutcase".
My doubts about the official government story began the next week after the murder as I examined the drawing of the assassination scene in the Time Magazine article. I was a 16-year-old kid then. Looking at the layout and at the angles required to shoot the President in the three areas in which he was hit, it just seemed to me that more than one shooter would have been required. Physics seemed to deny the one-shooter theory.
And, then, when the Warren Report was issued and they reinvented physics in order to make a one shooter scenario plausible, I knew then that the government was lying and was covering up. That was the first instance in which I discovered that my government was capable of lying on a really large scale. The second was the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Subsequently, I read books like Roberts, "Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks At Dealey Plaza", and all my questions were answered. This trained sniper proved that one gunman could not have killed Kennedy; in fact, he believes three highly skilled gunmen shot from the grassy knoll from different angles and I watched a video called "Dark Legacy" which proved to me beyond a shadow of doubt that the Illuminati murdered JFK.
At the end of the book, Roberts records his belief that Kennedy's murder was ordered by the highest conspiracy authority in the world, the Illuminati. I concur wholeheartedly. At the end, Mr. Roberts laments: In its wake, the serpent of conspiracy has left behind a legacy of lies, theft, bribery, manipulation -- and murder. For the people of the world it has left a legacy of dishonor that made its most graphic public appearance in a kill zone called Dealey Plaza. And the Serpent lives on..." (p. 191)
I wholeheartedly agree, but would make one point of difference. The current drive to the New World Order began officially on May 1, 1776, when Adam Weishaupt, conspiring with Mayor Amschel Bauer (Rothschild) formed the Masters of the Illuminati. From that moment on, the secret society conspirators carried out their plan to produce Antichrist in a spirit of "lies, theft, bribery, manipulation -- and murder".
President John F. Kennedy was not the first, nor will he be the last, to be assassinated because he did not follow the Illuminati script precisely. The Kennedy family knows this reality quite well, because they have now lost three sons, JFK, RFK and John Jr. to the assassins bullet. Ted Kennedy survived because he quickly learned what he needed to do and what he needed to avoid doing, to become the last of Joe's sons to die. Ted Kennedy became a Senator from Massachusetts and died an old age -- all because he learned to read the script given him.
Returning to the issue of Robert Kennedy disbelieving the Warren Report, I wonder if he used the resources of his office of Attorney General to research pertinent facts about the Warren Commission and even about the assassination itself. Remember, Robert continued to serve as Attorney General for nine months after his brother's assassination. While the official Warren Report was not made public until three weeks after Robert left the office of Attorney General, Robert could easily have been given an advance copy.
If Robert used government resources to investigate the Warren Report, he could have reached shocking conclusions about his brother's murder. Then, if Robert had been elected President he could have used the resources of the White House to bring the truth to light about John's murder and he could have then enacted the radical changes his brother had planned.
Therefore, the Illuminati clearly had to assassinate Robert as well! The evidence graphically shows that JFK, Robert and John Jr. were all murdered.

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