Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Illuminati's Satanic Plot

The satanic plot was launched in the 1760s under the name Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt became a convert to Roman Catholicism (RC) and then a RC priest. Then, at the request of international bankers he defected from the RC and organized the Illuminati.
Adam Weishaupt
Every war since then, beginning with the French Revolution, has been promoted by the Illuminati operating under a variety of names. When the Illuminati was exposed Weishaupt and his fellow conspirators used a variety of names for their satanic activities.
Weishaupt used the word Illuminati because he said the word derived from Lucifer and means "holders of the light".
Weishaupt was a Jesuit trained professor of Canon Law, teaching at Inglecot University when he defected to satan. Weishaupt, in 1770, began to write out the master plan for the Synagogue of Satan. This is what Yeshua who named the satanists inside the Jewish temple.  Weishaupt's plan would impose Luciferianism on a global scale, what we now call the "New World Oder".
Weishaupt completed his plan on May Day 1 May 1776 and it is now a communist and Illuminati high holy day. All existing world governments and religions would be destroyed. The Illuminati's main weapon would be the Hegelian principle of thesis vs. anti-thesis equals synthesis. The masses in a target country would be divided into opposing camps in ever increasing political, social, economic and other issues. The opposing camps would be armed and extended fighting would weaken them eventually destroying the host government and the target nation's religion. Christianity was to be vociferously opposed.
The Illuminists would use the following tactics to accomplish their aim:
1. Money bribes and sex scandals would be used to control key men in high places. Blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, physical harm and murder to targets and their families.
2. Colleges and universities would recruit bright students from well-bred families with international connections. The Illuminati would use the Rhodes scholarship and other grants to lure students. These intelligentsia would be convinced that they had special talents that made them superior to the masses. They would also be taught that physically, mentally and spiritually the masses do not know what is best for them.
3. All influential people would be trapped by the Illuminati and used as spies, experts and specialists advancing the Luciferian plan of the New World Order.
4. The Illuminati would obtain absolute control of the press. All news and information would be slanted to convince the masses of the necessity of One World Government. Only the NWO could solve man's problems.
We know the Illuminati's four points of strategy but few people are aware of them. This is why so few people can make sense out of world current events.
Great Britain and France were the two world powers in Weishaupt's day and Weishaupt ordered high-ranking Illuminati members to launch colonial wars in order to weaken Great Britain and France. In 1784 the Bavarian government found evidence concerning the planned revolution in France but the French government refused to believe it.
A German writer named Zwack wrote a book that contained the Illuminati plan and the story of the Illuminati's origin. The book was sent to Robespierre, whom Weishaupt had delegated to foment and lead the french Revolution. Weishaupt's courier was struck by lightening and his documents were given to French authorities. The Bavarian Government raided Weishaupt's lodges of the Grand Orient and the homes of his associates. The evidence seized included the Illuminati planned to use wars and revolutions and a book entitled "The Original Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati" to bring about a New World Oder.
In 1785 the Bavarian government outlawed the Illuminati and closed the Grand Orient lodges. Copies of the Illuminati evidence were sent to head of state and church in Europe. However, the evidence was ignored and the Illuminati went underground.
Weishaupt then ordered his minions to infiltrate the Blue Masonry lodges and form secret societies within all secret societies. Only internationalist Luciferian Masons were initiated into the Illuminati.
John Robison
Weishaupt wanted to infiltrate the Masonic Lodges in Great Britain so he invited Scottish Rite Mason John Robison to Europe. Robison was a professor at Edinburgh University the secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Weishaupt gave Robison his revised conspiratorial plan. Robison wrote a book in 1789 entitled "Proof of a Conspiracy to Destroy All Governments and Religions", but Robison's warnings were ignored.
The internationalists who directed the French Revolution decided to start another plot. They organized the Napoleonic Wars in order to topple more kings in Europe.
One group of financiers supported Napoleon while another group financed Great Britain, the Germany states and other countries opposed to Napoleon. All the financiers were directed by the Illuminati.
The Illuminati assumed that after the Napoleonic wars nations would be so desperate and so tired of war they would be glad for an Illuminati solution. The Illuminati set up the Congress of Vienna. They tried to create the first league of nations.
The Illuminati falsely believed that the Crowned heads being so deeply in debt to the Illuminati financiers they would be Illuminati stooges. The Czar of Russia sabotaged the Illuminati plan. The Illuminati vowed to destroy the Czar and his entire family.  
The Illuminati operates on a long term basis over centuries by indoctrinating their children into the Luciferian system.
Although the Illuminati was rebuffed at the Congress of Vienna they decided to tighten the control of money in Europe. Led by Rothschild the financiers falsified the Battle of Waterloo by spreading a story that Napoleon won the battle. The stock market plunged to almost zero and Rothschild and his fellow conspirators bought all the stocks for pennies on the dollar. Now they had control of Britain's economy and most of Europe. The internationalists forced England to set up the Bank of England which they control till this day.
Weishaupt died in 1830 and his revolutionary New World Order program grew with Illuminati agents rising to the top executive positions around the world.
Karl Marx
 In 1848 a group of Illuminists directed Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto while another group Illuminists directed Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University to write the anti-thesis. The two philosophies would be used to brainwash and  divide human beings into opposing camps so that the two groups would fight each other. Again the core idea was to destroy sovereign nations and religious institutions.

Ritter's work was continued and completed by Friedrich Nietzsche the father of Nazi racism and the Superman. His philosophy was instrumental in the atrocities of WWI and WWII.
Friedrich Nietzsche

In 1834 the Illuminati selected Italian revolutionary leader Giuseppe Mazzini to direct their worldwide revolutionary program. Mazzini became friends with Albert Pike, an ex-confederate general. Pike eventually would lead the Luciferian conspiracy. Between 1859 and 1871 Pike wrote the blueprint for three Illuminati world wars. Pike set the conspiracy to climax in the 2oth Century. 

[Albert Pike]
General Albert Pike
 As I have written before the First World War would enable the Illuminati to destroy Czarism in Russia. Russia would become a stronghold of atheistic communism. After the First World War ended communism was to be built up and used to destroy the existing order worldwide.
The Second World War was to be fomented between Great Britain and Nazi Germany and the Nazis and Torah Jews with the purpose of again of building up international communism against Christian Europe.
The Third World War would be fought between Zionists and the Muslim world. During the course of the war Islam, Zionism and Israel would destroy each other and the remaining nations would be physically, mentally, spiritually and economically exhausted by war. Now the stage would be set for the New World Order.
In the final phase the New World Order will be led by a dictator. We Christians call him the anti-christ. The ruling elite would answer to the anti-christ while the rest of humanity would be become slaves of the Illuminati.
So we can see from generation to generation the Luciferians have advanced their satanic program. One branch of the Illuminati in England is now called the British Institute of International Affairs. The Illuminati has numerous front and subsidiaries much like the communist front groups. The Illuminati has tentacles like an Octopus and has infiltrated every phase of world affairs. All of the organizations are masterminded and controlled by the Illuminati elite.  

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