Thursday, December 13, 2012

End Times News and Gospel Message

Scuds being launched

1. In HOT news Assad has used his Scud ballistic missiles, which are capable of carrying chemical weapons, against rebel-held areas. More than six have been fired so far. The Obama administration and Israel have warned the Assad regime of war if he resorts to using chemical weapons. Also Some of Assad’s chemical weapons may have been sent to Hizbollah’s Lebanese Beqaa Valley strongholds, to keep them 
Lebanon Map
out of Al Qaeda’s hands. Hizbollah split up the consignment among different bases to make them harder to attack. Assad is believed to have directed his troops to use chemical weapons if the rebels seize part of Damascus international airport. 
This week the U.S. declared Jabhat al-Nusra a group fighting against Assad “a foreign terrorist organization.” Consider the following facts:
1. Al Nusra is an affiliate of al Qaeda in Iraq.
2. The 10,000 fighters of al-Nusra are the best-trained and most professional component of the Syrian rebel front.
3. Al-Nusra has 3,000 fighters around Aleppo.
Photo of Al Safira CW plant and depot
4. Al-Nusra is at the front edge of the rebel force battling for control of the Syrian army’s biggest chemical weapons store at Al Safira, near Aleppo. They are just a kilometer from the base’s northwestern perimeter fence and advancing. Al-Nusra jihadists may smash into the base and seize control of the chemical weapons stocks stored there.

5.  Al Nusra is better armed and equipped than any other Syrian rebel force, thanks to the generous financial and logistical aid given by Persian Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait. These Gulf Arab states are American allies in the war against Assad. What will the U.S. and its allies do if al Nusra fighters reach Al-Safira and its chemical weapons? Will the U.S. be forced to attack al-Nusra? Can  the U.S. and its allies allow al-Nusra to fire chemical missiles at its enemies. Friends, the fall of al Safira would  transform the Syrian civil conflict into a chemical missile war.
2. In reference to 12-12-12, I thought it would be good to reflect on the number 12 as we  saw a very unique date in history yesterday 12-12-2012. Think about this date, it will never occur again in history. But what does the number 12 mean to God and His Bible? Consider the following twelve facts:
1. There are twelve saved nations in eternity. God tells us in Deuteronomy 32:7-8 that He has set the boundaries of the nations "according to the number of the children of Israel." Hence there are twelve children of Israel, and they have twelve breastplate stones that represent them in the book of Exodus.
2. There are twelve stars on the woman in Revelation 12 representing the twelve tribes.
3. There are twelve gates for the 12 tribes of Israel in Jerusalem.
4. There are twelve foundations for the apostles in the New Jerusalem.
5. There are twelve types of fruits for the nations.
6. There are twelve constellations in the Jewish Mazzaroth and all twelve constellations in the heavens tell us something about God or His Son Yeshua.
7. There are twelve months in the year.
8. There are twelve chapters in Daniel.
9. In Genesis 12 the first Hebrew or Jew is called out, there are no Jews before Genesis 12.
10. Exodus 12 is the beginning of the Jewish nation.
11. The number twelve always represent Israel and anything connected to Israel.
12. When you put two of the stars of Moloch together, the stars of Remphan, mentioned in Acts7, you have twelve points (six points in each star)

3. Press TV reported "Over 3,000 U.S. Army troops have secretly returned to Iraq for missions pertaining to Syria. U.S. troops are mostly stationed at Balad military air base in Salahuddin province and al-Asad air base in al-Anbar province. Reports say 17,000 more are set to secretly return to Iraq.
Balad airbase Iraq
It looks like Washington is planning to intervene in Syria. This will enrage the Shias and Malaki’s Shi'ite government in Iraq.
But, Iraqi or Syrian feelings in the region do not matter. The only thing that matters is that all entrenched dictators in the Middle East and Northern Africa be deposed so that satan’s kingdom  #7 can be established. Daniel 7:7-8 is being fulfilled before our eyes.
The Syrian flag
Hezbollah zones in red
4. Regarding Assad, Obama said the U.S. would formally recognize a coalition of Syrian opposition groups as that country’s legitimate representative. Obama is piling pressure on Assad to step down. Obama’s step is counter-balanced by the continued support for Assad regime by Iran, Russia and China.  In Marrakesh, Morocco the umbrella of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces was formally recognized as the “legitimate representative of the Syrian people". Assad was told to "stand aside” in a declaration drafted by 130 international representatives.
Watch the interesting video of Netanyahu putting the hammer down  on H. Clinton below.
5. "Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told Fox News that if any chemical weapons reach Hezbollah, Israel would consider it a 'red line. Translated this means war between Israel, Syria and Hezbollah.
Assad is reportedly readying his chemical weapons for use. Fears are being stoked that Syrian President Assad is preparing to use chemical weapons on Syrian rebels in a desperate attempt to retain his dictatorship. This could be the “false flag” that begins the Illuminati war in the Middle East.
"Syria has the largest arsenal of chemical and biological weapons in the world. The escalating civil war has sparked concerns that Assad's WMDs may find their ways to terror groups such as al Qaeda affiliate al Nusra.
Didn’t the U.S. raise this same “false flag” against Iraq's Saddam Hussein? Didn’t we accuse him of preparing to pass Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to terrorist groups like Osama bin Laden? Of course we did. Can we to believe our government or the Israelis who are telling us that Syrian President Assad is preparing to pass WMD to terrorists?
Ambassador Oren said, “Israel has a very clear red line, about Syria’s chemical weapons, passing into the wrong hands”. Can you imagine, if Hezbollah, with its 70,000 rockets, got its hands on chemical weapons, that could kill thousands of people'. Unquote U.S. President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton both said that any deployment or use of chemical weapons would constitute a red line for Washington."
The Israeli leadership -- both political and military -- have concluded that, in the next war between Israel and the Arabs, they will have to annihilate large numbers of Arabs. The Israelis are sick and tired of constantly being attacked by Arabs, and discovering that a Jewish military victory does not result in a permanent peace, but only sets the stage for the next war. Arab states are certain to get control of WMD sooner or later, and use them to destroy Israel, even if they suffered enormous losses themselves. Keep in mind Arabs outnumber Jews in the region by 270 million to 6 million. Israel’s enemies can afford to take the view that enormous losses are acceptable if Israel is destroyed.
Therefore, the next war has to result in the complete annihilation of their most implacable foe, the Palestinians, Syrians, Hezbollah, Hamas and Egyptians. Remember in Old Testament prophecy where God foretold the complete annihilation of the "House of Esau", the modern-day Palestinians.
Israel, the Church and the Gentiles are about to enter the most disastrous time in history - the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" or “The Great Trib”. But, God will deliver us and Israel.
Friends, please pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
3D View -- Full. Graphical representation of the biology and structure of a generic influenza virus, and are not specific to the 2009 H1N1 virus.
Image of the flu virus
6. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is off to an early start this year creating panic and hysteria about the upcoming flu season. The drug corporations allege the flu season is arriving much earlier than normal.
H1N1 Flu
Friends, we hear this every year. A few people are starting to get sick in a handful of states, so get your flu shot right away to avoid becoming one of the 24,000 Americans who will allegedly die this year as a result of the flu,or will it be 36,000 Americans, or 50,000 or 1000?
Swine Flu virus
This, of course, is the essence of the CDC's annual hysterical approach to pushing the flu shot on unwitting victims. The agency's goal in all this flu shot madness is to get as many people vaccinated for the flu as possible. Once again, like the annual return of the birds to Capistrano, the CDC is warning people that this year’s flu strain is the most deadly in more than a decade, and of course, this year’s flu shot is a perfect match to stop us from getting sick.

What is the reality? Doctors tell us that the flu is caused by a virus, and since medical science cannot beat a virus, we must get over the sickness naturally. Friends, your high school biology textbook declared the same reality. Science can only cure diseases caused by germs, not by viruses. This is one reason the cure for the common cold has eluded medical science.

Riddle me this Batman? Why is science impotent when it comes to effectively dealing with a virus? Because a virus is constantly mutating. A medicine designed to be effective against one year's virus will be totally ineffective against the next year's virus because that new virus has mutated and is no longer the same! For this reason, science has no answer against even for the common cold. A friend of mine is a registered nurse, she told me that the flu vaccine is an the "Old People Killer”. The flu shot for senior citizens is 4 times more powerful than the normal flu shot.

Friends, the best a flu vaccine could offer would be a protection against last year's virus, this year's virus will be  different. Therefore, a vaccination against flu is worthless at best and dangerous at worst. It is a big money maker for the drug industry and the retail pharmacy chains. Consider also, the inconvenient fact that flu shots do not even work, a fact that was revealed in a 2011 study published in the medical journal “The Lancet”. You need to know you are injecting your muscles and body with high levels of aluminum, formaldehyde, mono sodium glutamate (MSG), mercury and other toxins. Further, people who get flu shots only derive a 1.5% decreased risk of contracting the flu in a best case scenario, “The Lancet” found.
Since people are starting to understand that a flu vaccination is far more dangerous than it is helpful, the CDC has to resort to more shrill pronouncements of doom than ever before. Remember, the CDC is one of the cards in the Illuminati Card Game, which means that the real purpose for the CDC is to do its part to overthrow this old civilization so the New World Order can be established. In light of this fact, what is the real purpose of the flu vaccination scare every year?
New Age authors have bragged that the Illuminati is using vaccinations as a means to control the population growth before the anti-christ arrives. Further, we believe that when the time Antichrist arises, his henchmen, around the world will administer vaccinations which are toxic to create 100% death rates in the populations targeted for extermination in the New World Order. It will be their updated version of the Final Solution.

Finally, can anyone forget the horrific report which revealed that the deadly Spanish Flu of 1918-1920 was caused by vaccinations?
Please take a few moments to read this horrific article appearing in the Irish Examiner, in May. 2003. This article is entitled, "Vaccine -- not virus -- responsible for Spanish flu".
Now that you know the truth, spread the word to our fellow citizens!
For more information on the flu shot go to Read Watchman Report 12-706 “A Letter Against a Flu Shot”.
Photo of hi-jacked Cheerios page
"... anti-GMO campaigners have hijacked General Mills‘ Cheerios Face book page. What was supposed to be a warm-and-fuzzy page dedicated with childhood odes to Cheerios has turned into an anti-GMO (genetically modified organism) rant. GMO Inside, which describes itself as a coalition of organizations set to launch a 'safe food campaign' ... is behind these shenanigans ... the catalyst for the massive heckling of General Mills came as a response to the company’s contribution of $1.1 million to the anti-Proposition 37 campaign in California. Granted that sum is smaller than those from Monsanto and Pepsi Co, but General Mills alone spent more money on the Prop 37 campaign than the most generous contributor to the pro-37 side,"
"Consumers focused on the issue of transparency and right-to-know, and less on the “Frankenfood” argument that often muddies the debate over GMOs ... The oats themselves are not in question; but the sugar, corn starch, wheat starch and Vitamin E are described by the GMO Inside coalition 'are likely to be derived from GMOs'.”
"Until consumers are assured that GMOs are safe, the push to suppress any disclosure over GMOs will only create more suspicion and scorn. More consumers globally lean towards non-GMO foods if they know for certain that is the truth about their favorite products. And here in the U.S., long lines at the Whole Food and Trader Joe’s checkout counters are just one example of where customers are quick to spend their money."
But, there is still more horror!
8. Natural Society reports that "We Are All Eating Questionable Nanotechnology".
"GMOs and pesticides aren’t the only things that might be lurking on your dinner plate. It is now likely that we’re unknowingly ingesting and breathing nanoparticles. Why is this a problem?
Nanoparticle in food
Although nanotechnology may have its place in our ever-changing civilization, effects that may ensue when it hunkers down inside our organs is unknown—even to the manufacturers putting it in our food. 'At the moment, there is not much information available on the topic of ingested nanoparticles and human health', says postdoctoral research fellow Birgit Gaiser, Ph.D., of Heriot-Watt University in the UK. 'Some nanoparticles are present in the human diet, for example titanium dioxide in food products and cosmetics, and silver, which is sold as a nutritional supplement. There is evidence that a small percentage of these particles, or particle components like silver ions which can be released in stomach acid, can move on from the intestinal tract into the blood, and reach other organs'.”
How can the FDA allow untested nanoparticles into our food when no one really knows the effects on our bodies and minds?
The answer is that they do not care!
 The FDA doesn’t know or care if we are eating nanotechnology ... not all nanoparticles have the same effects on our bodies. “You can’t apply test results with one type of nanoparticle to all other nanoparticles—you have to test them all individually.” In other studies, nanoparticle consumption has been linked to cancer, brain damage, free radical and DNA damage. It seems unlikely that the FDA will take notice until the public makes enough noise."
In what foods are nanoparticles now present?
"... some of the offenders are caramelized sugar, nutritional supplements, toothpastes, gum, candies, Pop Tarts, Nestle coffee creamers, and purified water. Products like car batteries, appliances, aluminum foil, cookware, and health and fitness items—like workout clothing (and other clothing items) treated with antimicrobial silver particles—are other examples."
We cannot live in our society without ingesting some GMO foods and nanoparticles. Evidence abounds that these man made products cause damage to our bodies. Yet, government is cooperating with Big Pharma and Big Business and our federal officials look the other way!
What are we to do? We can and should protest mightily while we still have the ability to protest. But, more importantly, we must throw our lives and our health into the hands of Jesus Christ. God has promised to protect His own against pestilence and dangerous substances we might swallow.
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, Whose power no foe can withstand. I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I confidently trust! For then He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence." (Psalm 91:1-3; KJV
Notice that, if we meet God's conditions in verses 1-2, God will protect us from the "deadly pestilence". The next verse tells us that He will protect us from the evil plots of the wicked against us! Listen carefully:
"You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow (the evil plots and slanders of the wicked) that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you." (Psalm 91:5-7)
Friends, we must cast every evil facing us on the Holy Spirit and He will protect us.
We really need to ask the Holy Spirit for mature believing faith in God’s promises. The deadly perils facing us today demand we return to the mature Christian faith which allowed First Century Christians to face the death and destruction of the Roman Empire.

"Transit authorities in cities across the country are quietly installing microphone-enabled surveillance systems on public buses that would give them the ability to record and store private conversations ... The systems are being installed in San Francisco, Baltimore, and other cities with funding from the Department of Homeland Security...."
Homeland Security, like the Gestapo, is very anxious to bring all the population into a state of constant surveillance. You see, every dictatorship in history has set up the most extensive network of spies and surveillance in order to spot dissident behavior and prevent it from growing so as to threaten the life of the dictator.
"The use of the equipment raises serious questions about eavesdropping without a warrant, particularly since recordings of passengers could be obtained and used by law enforcement agencies... Four to six cameras with microphones are generally installed throughout a bus, including one near the driver and one on the exterior of the bus."
"Cities that have installed the systems or have taken steps to procure them include San Francisco, California; Eugene, Oregon; Traverse City, Michigan; Columbus, Ohio; Baltimore Maryland; Hartford, Connecticut; and Athens, Georgia."
"the audio could easily be coupled with facial recognition systems or audio recognition technology to identify passengers caught on the recordings."
Welcome to the New World Order, Revelation 13:16-18 is being literally fulfilled. Antichrist and his officials cannot control the people as this prophecy demands without minute, daily surveillance. High Technology is providing this minute surveillance in a way unprecedented in world history.
Christian, look up, for our Redeemer draweth nigh!
Auto Black Box

Interior of Auto Black Box
10. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration would like to make it mandatory for automakers to install a so-called "black box" in all new cars and light trucks. The devices, also known as event data recorders, have long been used by investigators to discover the root cause of commercial airplane crashes. In recent years however, automakers have secretly begun installing similar products in more and more cars."
Did you catch this last sentence?
"In recent years however, automakers have secretly begun installing similar products in more and more cars."
The fact of the matter is that, when the government publicly admits they have new technology, they have had it in operation for at least five years. This fact holds true here. The car industry has been installing black boxes in their luxury cars for at least five years. The push is on to get black boxes installed on all cars, even the tiny two-person "Obama -cars"!
"The data recorders track a number of items, including vehicle speed, whether a driver tried to step on the brakes before a crash, information about engine throttle, air bag readiness before a crash, and whether seat belts were buckled. Your car is being turning into a spy for large corporate insurance companies that may want to raise your rates if you make a mistake driving.
"There are important safety concerns here and they shouldn't be ignored, but there are also pressing privacy concerns', said Chris Calabrese of the American Civil Liberties Union. 'Chiefly, who's going to access this information and how long is it going to be collected? I'd make sure that the owner of the vehicle controls the data'."
It is impossible for the owner of the car to "control the data". Even if he is told that he can control who sees the data, that is a lie, because each of these cars is undoubtedly wired to automatically send the data to the government or the insurance companies.

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