Saturday, December 1, 2012

Robert Welch The Prophet

Robert Welch Photograph - 8" X 10"Conspiracy
Robert Welch an American patriot and the international conspiracy
In 1958 Rober Welch spoke about the growth of big government and he foretold where the U.S. was headed:
1. The U.S. would surrender its national sovereignty to the UN and other int'l agencies.
2. Government spending would greatly expand.
3. Citizens would face higher and higher taxes.
4. The U.S. budget would be increasingly unbalanced.
5. The govt. would inflate the U.S. currency.
6. Government would control prices, wages  and materials.
7. Socialist control would increase in every aspect of our economy.
8. The federal bureaucracy would increase.
9. Federal power would further consolidate in Washington, states rights and power would be eroded and eliminated.
10. The federal govt. would increasingly control education and eventually completely control education.
11. U.S. citizens would allow appeasement and the gradual surrender of the U.S. military.
Welch offered the following solutions:
1. Restore U.S. independence and get out of the UN, kick the UN out of the U.S.
2. Return to a gold backed currency and thus end inflation.
3. Reduce federal govt. agencies by 50%.
4. Convince Americans of the wisdom of this course of action.
5. Withdraw U.S. troops from around the world, let congress decide where to station troops.
6. Use U.S. troops to protect U.S. citizens and U.S. property.
7. Only the U.S. congress should declare war.
8. Eliminate the U.S. govt. from areas not authorized by the U.S. constitution.

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