Saturday, November 3, 2012

Four Dead In Banghazi And Obama's Comin

Four Dead in Benghazi and Obama's Comin
Glenn, provided excellent intelligence information in this video but two things in the video disturbed me a lot.
1. Why does a self proclaimed Christian have a skull, an Illuminati symbol, with the king's symbol on his desk and why does the camera man display several camera shots of the skull?
2. Please notice the light on the walls of the studio, they form Maltese crosses which is an Illuminati organization.
This leads me to some conclusions and the reason I cancelled my Glenn Beck subscription. I love most of Glenn Beck's guests but I think Glenn has drank the Kool-Aid.
1. Glenn routinely displays Illuminati symbols. 2. I think Glenn Beck TV now the Blaze is actually Mormon TV. About a month ago Glenn gave a defense of his Mormon religion and quite frankly I found his explanations simple and superficial.
I think Glenn is in Mitt Romney's pocket. 3. I also believe Mitt Romney is a New World Order member. We already know he is a Bilderberger.
Bottom line: there is very little choice in this election. The Democrats under Obama are taking us two steps at a time into the NWO while the Republicans are taking us one step at a time.

I will vote but friends I am not putting too much faith in Mr. Romney. So urge you to watch the video for its intelligence value.

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