Saturday, November 17, 2012

End Times News And Gospel Message

Friends, I preface the following comments by reminding you of Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. I say this because you have probably heard me say this before in reference to the intelligence arena. There is the white world of truth, the black world of lies and evil, the gray world in between and then there is never-never land. Well, do not believe any of the stories concerning General David Petraeus, General Hamm and General Allen. Quite frankly, I do not believe we will ever know the truth. Remember the Illuminati via the administration, CIA & FBI are controlling the story line concerning Petraeus, Benghazi, Hamm and General Allen.
General Petraeus
General Carter Hamm
USMC General Allen

An Israeli missile from the Iron Dome defense missile system is launched to intercept and destroy incoming rocket fire from Gaza on November 17 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Israeli troops have been massing on the border as some 200 targets were hit overnight in Gaza, including Hamas cabinet buildings.
Iron Dome Battery counter-fires against Hamas Grad Missile
Now to Israel and Egypt, the Israeli ambassador to Egypt has left Egypt. Egyptian President Morsi recalled his ambassador o Israel. The Egyptians demanded an urgent UN Security Council meeting to discuss “Israeli aggression.”
Israeli armor masses on Gaza border
The Israelis are massing their armored brigades for ground operations in the Gaza Strip to put a stop to Palestinian missile barrages. This week over 400 Hamas Grad rockets hit Israel.

A rocket fired from Gaza toward Israel sails into the air Friday.
Hamas Grad rocket flies to Israel
All schools within rocket range of the Gaza Strip have been closed. Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gantz is running the military operation from the Israeli Air Force underground war-room.

Ahmed Jabari, commander of Hamas’s military arm, Ezz e-din al-Qassam, was killed in a targeted Israeli air attack in Gaza City this week. Jabari was killed by a missile while riding in a black Mercedes in Gaza City. Israel’s counter-terror Gaza operation is called Pillar of Cloud.  After Jabari’s death Hamas declared war on Israelis.

Tamuz missile
Last Sunday, Nov. 11, the IDF fired a Tammuz guided missile at a Syrian mortar position as a warning after a stray mortar shell hit a Golan defense post. It was the fourth incident in 10 days.
Back in the U.S. Obama will launch direct, fast-track nuclear talks with Tehran in December with a three month deadline for their conclusion.

And now to Jerusalem, why is Jerusalem such a big deal in world news? Why aren’t we talking about Los Angeles, Paris, Rome, or some other major capital in another part of the world? Why this little city?
I will tell you why. Because God said that in the last days, Jerusalem would play a vital role: In Zechariah 12:2-3 God says “I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves.”
Scripture also foretold in Ezekiel 37 that the Jews would be re-gathered in their land, and this prophecy’s fulfillment began in earnest when Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948. 
God in Ezekiel 38 tells us about an attack against Israel by a large nation to the north of the Jewish homeland. This nation of the north will be accompanied by a number of allies invading Israel from every direction. Scripture emphasizes multiple times that this will happen in the last days. This is still in our future.
In speaking of Israel’s enemies, Ezekiel 38:8–11 offers an interesting detail from God: A long time from now you will be called into action. In the distant future you will swoop down on the land of Israel, which will be enjoying peace after recovering from war and after its people have returned from many lands to the mountains of Israel.
You and all your allies – a vast and awesome army – will roll down on them like a storm and cover the land like a cloud.
This is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘At that time evil thoughts will come to your mind, and you will devise a wicked scheme. You will say, “Israel is an unprotected land filled with un-walled villages! I will march against her and destroy these people who live in such confidence!
The Bible says These people who live in such confidence? Can you imagine that statement being made right after the Holocaust in 1945, after Israel’s war of independence in 1948, after the Six Day War in 1967, after the Yom Kippur War in 1973 or now? No way Jose! 
Today Israel has one of the most powerful military forces on the face of the earth. They are not the largest, but they are known for their military prowess and for their military intelligence. 
And for quite a long time now, they have had nuclear weaponry. That is why Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has made it very clear that, if necessary, Israel will exercise a military option to protect herself.

Some people say, “Well, who cares about what Ahmadinejad says? He’s just another crazy tyrant.”
But this is a man who makes continual threats and has the ability to carry out those threats. In his address to the UN  last September, Netanyahu said, quote “Iran’s apocalyptic leaders believe that a medieval holy man will reappear in the wake of a devastating Holy War, thereby ensuring that their brand of radical Islam will rule the earth. That’s not just what they believe, that’s wha’s guiding their policies and their actions.”
Here is another statement Ahmadinejad said recently at the UN: quote “God Almighty has promised us a man of kindness, a man who loves people and loves absolute justice, a man who is a perfect human being and is named Imam al-Mahdi, a man who will come in the company of Jesus Christ. Peace be upon him and the righteous.” unquote
This Islamic messiah, the 12th Imam, according to Islamic beliefs, will bring about an Islamic kingdom and destroy  Judeo-Christian civilization. There must be chaos in for the 12th Imam to return.
Could this be what brings about the prophecy in Ezekiel 38 and 39? Up to this point, the U.S. has been a staunch Israeli ally. I believe one of the reasons God has blessed our nation is because of our support for Israel. But now we are deserting Israel. Remember according to Bible prophecy, one day, the entire world will stand against Israel. Israel will stand alone when the enemy from the north and its allies attack her.
The Bible also prophesizes that a national revival will come to Israel, when God will once again pour out his Holy Spirit upon the Israeli nation. But this will happen only after the rapture of the church. God says in Romans 11:25:  “Some of the people of Israel have hard hearts, but this will last only until the full number of Gentiles comes to Christ.”
Friends, I know people who can quote chapter and verse in the Bible and know the chronology of events of the end times, yet they are not living godly lives. These people are missing God’s point. If knowing what the Bible predicts about the last days doesn’t impact us in the way that we live, then we have missed what God is trying to say. Jesus didn’t say listen to what I say and then ignore me.

Tomb of the British unknown soldier from WW1

And now a few more historical remarks about Veteran’s day. Last week on this program we honored our veterans. It is right that we should honor our veterans but we need to know the history of Veterans day which was formerly called  Armistice Day. It is celebrated every year on 11 November to commemorate the cessation of hostilities in World War I. This took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning—the 'eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month' in 1918.
Why would leaders choose such an odd time and date to sign the final agreement halting hostilities in World War I? To understand this you must understand that occult leaders then, as they do now, follow an elaborate plan for the staging on their anti-christ so he can initiate his New World Order.
Why is the number 11 repeated three times? The Illuminati deliberately formed the number '11-11-11', because it was a signal to occultists worldwide that they had successfully completed the First World War according to Albert Pike's Master Plan to produce anti-christ!
World War I was not an accident.  It was carefully planned, witten about and published secretly on January, 22, 1870. Masonic leader, Albert Pike, received an incredible vision from what he called his 'familiar, demonic spirit', concerning how Antichrist was to be brought to the world scene. Albert Pike, a former Confederate War hero, became the leader of North American Freemasonry after the Civil War. Pike is considered to be the greatest Freemason leader.
On January 22, 1870, Pike and one of his international co-conspirators, Guiseppe Mazzini, published the Plan which would establish the New World Order. This Plan has been kept very secret, known only to those at the top of   Freemasonry and the Illuminati. This information about Pike’s and Mazzini’s plan is taken from a book from a former Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis. His book the "Secrets of the Illuminati" reveals secrets known only to top Illuminists.
Pike and Mazzini secret plan to control the world foresaw the need for three world wars. Pike and Mazzini planned to introduce a new type of warfare to the world, war on a global scale to accomplish their goal. When Pike received his vision for three global wars, he must have been amazed because there had never been a global war before in human history.
The details of these World Wars to establish the New World Order are as follows:
Guiseppe Marzzini, notice the Masonic handshake; Garibaldi meeting Marzzini

I. The First World War was designed to overthrow the Czar in Russia. The new Russian government was to be atheistic, militaristic and totalitarian. Further, Pike specified that this new Russian Government was to be Communist.
II. The Second World War was to originate between Great Britain and Germany. The planned result of this war was to strengthen the Communist Soviet government, so that it could weaken and destroy other governments and Christianity globally but especially in eastern Europe. History again records that the Second World War did, indeed, accomplish this objective. Now you know why President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill gave Russia's dictator, Stalin, all of Eastern Europe when they were under no pressure to do so. They simply obeyed  Pike’s plan to strengthen the Soviet Union so that the USSR could compete with Western powers on the world scene.
III. The Third World War was foreseen to be between Judaism and Islam. This satanic prophecy is incredible in many ways. Remember Pike and Mazzini planned the three world wars in 1870, at a time when Israel did not exist as a nation, and when no one except fundamentalist, Bible-believing Christians believed Israel would ever exist again.
Watch the events in Israel and especially Jerusalem very carefully, because the final chapter is being written there as I talk to you. The demonic 'guiding spirits' of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome and the leaders of the New World Order are planning a final, definitive Third World War, which will begin between Israel and her Arab neighbors and spread to the entire world. Literally, out of the smoke and destruction of this Third World War, antichrist will come striding!
Getting back to World War I the Illuminati were being obedient to Pike's Satanic vision as to how Antichrist was to be brought to the world scene. They wanted to alert occultists throughout the world that they had been in control of the First World War and that it represented the first of the planned three world wars per Albert Pike's vision. How could they signal fellow Luciferians worldwide without alerting the rest of mankind? By carrying out the Armistice ceremony according to the occultic sacred number of '11' -- the number of Antichrist himself!
The Occult Satanists believe that a carefully planned event must be carried out according to the correct numbers, or it may not be successful. They go to great lengths to make an event occur according to the correct numbers. They are copy catting God and his pure number code in the Bible. 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect. In fact, most of their planned events in the modern era contain an "Illuminati number signature".
The Illuminati staged this event on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Thus, they created a triplicity of elevens, the greatest number of times a sacred number can be symbolically repeated in occult thinking.
Even the year symbolically pointed to Antichrist. The number, '18', is a hidden '666', because it is formed by adding '6+6+6' and 3X6.
Thus, the Illuminati flashed the mathematic symbol for their coming Antichrist in two ways:
1) By tripling '11' in the timing of the Armistice which ended the war.
2) Ending the war in a year which ended in '18', the occult number hiding a '666’.
Certainly, staging Armistice Day, in the 11th month, the 11th day, at the 11th hour, screamed to all fellow occultists throughout the world that the First World War of Albert Pike's vision had been successfully concluded and that the next two would be staged in due time. This event is one of the greatest proofs of all that world and national events are being guided by "The Unseen Hand" of the Illuminati and satan.

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