Tuesday, November 27, 2012

FEMA Camp Update

Photo from inside a FEMA camp during recent snow storm

This is a follow up to WR article 12-657 "What Sandy Taught New York"
Conservative Actor Chuck Norris  has warned America and written the article below about the use of  FEMA camps during Hurricane Sandy.  Many Christians have been feeling for years that there is a strong potential for these Camps to be used as  Re-education and Detention  camps  for principled Believers who believe in the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Constitution and Right to Bear Arms.
Because of the Patriot Act, any American can be detained without charges or a trial without any proof or evidence. We can now be charged as suspected terrorists (Sect 503b 
We must pray for God's  'Hedge of Protection' around each of us, our family and friends. We need the Lord's discernment and wisdom to ' understand these times like the sons of Issachar and know what to do ' (1 Chron 12:32 ) 
Eph 5:15-18  gives us God's plan for us   "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,( continually seeking Him and His guidance 
)The FEMA camp for victims of New Jersey Hurricane Sandy is a freezing tent city operated like a prison. Guards are everywhere, black helicopters patrol the sky, inmates even have to show ID to use the bathrooms. Apparently, FEMA is following the rule book prepared for these camps which really are designed as prisons, not rescue camps. FEMA is spending $300 million per day on this operation and is asking Congress for a bailout to cover the cost yet it is turning away food and water donations from the private sector. This article, written by Chuck Norris is an eye-opener for things to come.

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