Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Another Disaster For France And Europe?

Pre- '67 war

Friends, I have written extensively in the past about disasters and linkages to policies and pronouncements against Israel. If France leads the European vote for a Palestinian state on Thursday November 29th  France will bring the anger of God upon France and or its leaders. If Israel returns to the pre-"Six Day War" map Israel's position will be untenable.
France announced Tuesday that it plans to vote in favor of recognizing a Palestinian state at the U.N. General Assembly this week.

France becomes the first major European country to come out in favor of a Palestinian state, dealing a setback to Israel.

 Foreign Minister Fabius told parliament that France has long supported Palestinian ambitions for statehood and "will respond 'Yes'" when the issue comes up for a vote."

The Palestinians say the assembly is likely to vote Thursday on a resolution raising their status at the U.N. from an observer to a nonmember observer state, a move they believe is an important step toward a two-state solution with Israel. A Palestinian state would still not be a full General Assembly member, however.

Unlike the Security Council, there are no vetoes in the General Assembly and the resolution is virtually certain of approval. But such a vote by France could weigh on decisions in other European capitals.

Europe is divided over the issue. Switzerland and Portugal have said they will vote for the measure, but Germany is among the countries that have opposed the bid. Britain's position remains unclear.

Palestinians believe an endorsement of their state will bolster their negotiating position. Israel strongly opposes the bid, accusing the Palestinians of trying to bypass negotiations. The resolution would endorse a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, the territories captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel opposes a pullback to the 1967 lines.

As French lawmakers applauded Tuesday,  many of them members or allies of the Socialist-led government, Fabius cautioned against raising Palestinian hopes too high.

Fabius said, "it's only through immediate negotiations without conditions between the two sides that we will be able to reach the realization of a Palestinian state".

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