Thursday, November 22, 2012

End Times News And Gospel Message

First, let’s consider what God says about the Middle East. In Psalm 122 verses 6 to 9: says Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.
For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek thy good. We must pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for all of God's prophecies to be fulfilled in this region. Don’t tie your shoes too tight because I think I hear the footsteps of Yeshua Hamashiach.
In Isaiah 62:1 God says For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet, until her righteousness goes forth like brightness, And her salvation like a torch that is burning.
In Zechariah 8:8 God says: And I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness.
In Zechariah 12 verses 2 to 4 God says     Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. In that day, saith the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness.
amas fighters
Now to Hamas and Israel Friends, I have been following events in the Middle East since the 1967 six day war. Watching events there is like Ground Hog day, it is the same thing over and over. However, since 1967 each Ground Hog incident has gotten worse. The road map to peace has proven to be the pothole to peace. Each time we resort to diplomacy, a cease fire, or Israel grants a land concession things get worse. Without God, there is simply no solution to the situation in the Middle East. Unfortunately, one side or the other must eliminate its opponent and ultimately that will happen.
God says in Obadiah 1:18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it. Friends, the Palestinian Arabs are decendants of Esau.
Interior of the Dome of the Rock
The Illuminati Plan calls for the Dome of the Rock to be reduced to rubble just before the anti-christ arises. But, shockingly, the Arab Illuminists are going to blow it up and blame it on the Jews. The Arabs have begun firing rockets at Jerusalem and eventually one of those rockets will hit a holy site. Jerusalem is nearly 50 miles from Gaza.
The Arabs will employ the Nazi Reichstag Fire lie to convince the world that the evil Jews were behind it. The stage is being set for the fulfillment of Zechariah 12, where God calls all nations to attack Jerusalem, so He can manifest his glory and power by destroying Israel’s enemies.
Karin A weapons.jpg
Weapons confiscated from the freighter Karine A
An Iranian freighter departed Bandar Abbas port on Sunday, Nov. 18, with 220 short-range missiles and 50 improved long-range Fajar-5 rockets for the Gaza Strip. The new Fajar-5s have a 200-kilo warhead, packing a bigger punch than the 175 kilo-payload of the rockets now in use with Hamas in Gaza.  The Hamas rocket arsenal is becoming more and more deadly.
Since World War II, western politicians have almost always thrust the military into a war, and denied their armies sufficient time, military power and the correct strategy to win a war.  Now, the Israelis have slipped into the same problem. The Arabs, the U.S., the UN and the International Community are urging Israel to "seek a diplomatic" solution and to not launch a ground offensive. This Israeli strategy can only lead to failure. There is no substitute for total victory in war. Stalemates, armistices and cease fires only lead to worse wars. The enemy must be totally vanquished. I can already predict the outcome of the fighting, Israel will cancel or scale back the ground war option, and will retreat back into Israel without having struck Hamas a fatal blow. Israeli politicians, including Netanyahu, are afraid to go against U.S. and world pressure. Israel has already lost the public relations war. The fact is there is little enthusiasm in Israel politically or militarily for a ground offensive into the Gaza. The risks outweigh the reward in the Israeli mind. Israel is in a lose-lose situation in the power paradigm in the region. Israel is now like the giant in Gulliver’s Travels who was tied down and crippled by string.
Hamas will not stop until it is low on rockets and needs to rebuild its shattered rocket arsenal and its citizens become to war weary for Hamas to carry on.

The people of the world are slowly being drawn to Jerusalem, just as God foretold 2,600 years ago, in Zechariah 12!
Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38 and mother of all Battles - Armageddon await the unbelieving world.
"Israel pounded Gaza enclave with a barrage of missiles from land and sea last Sunday, killing at least three children, targeting media houses and threatening to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages. The first round of strikes destroyed a building housing Arab Al Quds television network, the second round of raids hit a building with offices of Sky News, al-Arabiya, and the official Hamas-run channel al-Aqsa TV, Russia Today’s office was also damaged."
So Hamas continues to bedevil Israel by living in close contact with the Jewish people just as the Bible prophesied. Therefore, the only way in which Israel shall finally remove this daily curse is to carry out the annihilation by fire foretold in Obadiah 15:18!
Next to Europe, In Greek mythology, the Phoenician princess Europa was abducted and raped by the king of the gods, Zeus.
Europa riding the beast
Next year Europa’s image will be placed on Euro banknotes as a so-called security and decorative feature. Europa will appear on the €5 Euro notes in May, with other notes introduced in ascending order in the next few years. 

lluminist and European central banker, Mario Draghi said "Portraits have long been used in banknotes around the world and research has shown that people tend to remember faces. Is there any better figure than Europa to serve as the new face of the euro?"

Mahmoud Abbas
Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas announced on Monday that the PA will present its bid for non-state UN membership on 29 November, despite U.S. and Israeli opposition.
November 29 was chosen on purpose, as it is the anniversary of the day in 1947 in which the UN voted in favor of the partition plan. The resolution recommended the creation of two states, one Arab, one Jewish and granted a small portion of the area, under the British Mandate, to the new Jewish state.
In a phone conversation with Abbas on Sunday, Obama reiterated the U.S. opposition to the PA’s unilateral efforts at statehood.
Abbas said, "We don't want any confrontations with the U. S. or Israel. If we could start a dialogue or negotiations the day after the vote, we will. "We know we are a country under occupation, but we want our land back that was occupied in 1967, including Jerusalem”. unquote
Palestinian negotiators said the bid had been delayed at Obama's request until after the U.S. presidential election.
Abbas will attend the Assembly General session for the vote.
The Palestinians played down threats by Israel to take punitive measures against the PA if the PA presses ahead with its UN bid. The Palestinians said these are empty threats. The Arab League promised the PA $100 million a month in the event of punitive Israeli sanctions. The U.S. could block PA money, close the PLO office and halt aid. The threats are not coming from Obama but from the Congress, which has draft legislation that requires the closing of the PLO office in Washington and cutting off U.S. aid if the UN bid goes ahead.
Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman has threatened that if the PA goes ahead with its unilateral statehood bid Israel quote “will work to ensure the PA will collapse.” Unquote. A unilateral statehood bid by the PA will put an end to the chances to resume peace negotiations.
Israel’s Finance Minister Steinitz said that Israel would halt the transfer of the taxes it collects for the PA if the PA pursues its statehood bid.

In China, Amity Printing announced that China now has 100 million Bibles in circulation. You heard that correct - 100 million Bibles and that is just a fraction of the Chinese population of 1.3 billion people.

Now, to the world of genetics, we have already seen genetically modified mosquitoes, plants, cows and goats, but could we soon be dealing with genetically modified humans?
As the months and years pass, scientists seem to be getting closer to ‘manufacturing’ human beings. Recent advances revolve around a new approved drug therapy that is designed to ‘correct genetic errors. Glybera, the drug which was approved in Europe on November 1, was created to combat a rare disorder leading to disrupted fat production. Those suffering this rare disease possess a damaged gene. Glybera is meant to repair the damaged gene.
Glybera will only be given to 1 or 2 out of every million people, but Glybera paves way for further experimentation into the field of human alteration.  Soon, doctors may be giving out drugs to treat any ‘defects’ in genes.
Here is the scary part, it could even apply to purported ‘criminal’ genes that are said to predict an individual’s future ‘life of crime’. This may sound crazy but keep in mind the Illuminati puts their ideas, developments and goals in movies and on TV. Do you remember the movie Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise. Frenkensteinian scientists are serious about altering and creating human beings.

Geneticists want to use this genetic modification to create people with special characteristics such as strength or high intelligence. Do you recall the evil Eugenics movement promulgated by Margaret Sanger. It was American eugenicists who advised the Germans on their eugenics program, sterilized Americans, and gave unsuspecting black people Syphilis. Leading scientists are now pushing for selective breeding based on genetic makeup and  developing cloning technology to ‘grow’ human hybrids. World governments and the Illuminati want to genetically modified ‘super soldiers’. These soldiers would not require food or sleep and would perform Olympic-style physical feats. They could also re-grow limbs that were destroyed in battle.
While the media will have you believe that drugs to repair damaged genes is good, no one really knows the kind of dangers that could come with such developments. We’ve already seen how genetically modified foods can cause tumors and early death.

In other genetic news, genetic switches' determine much about our bodies, including hair color, blood type, and immunity to certain diseases. Now, researchers believe they have found a gene that regulates something far more eerie: the time of day a person is likely to die."
Scientists are saying these genetic switches can tell us the exact hour of our death. The Bible clearly teaches that God controls the day we die, and that He rejoices whenever one of His creation comes to Heaven.
Cloned goats
Back in the  U.S. A San Antonio sophomore who opposed micro-chipping student IDs that would track their every movement has inspired a groundswell of 300 students in her huge district who now refuse to wear the identification chips because of religious, personal privacy, safety and civil liberties concerns. In addition, some 700 other people have signed petitions opposing the micro-chipping program."

One critic said mandatory use of trackable microchip IDs makes better ‘prisoners’ but not better ‘students’."

Next  to the earth’s climate. Listen carefully to what the Lord says in Jeremiah 23:15 “Therefore thus says the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets, 'Behold, I am going to feed them wormwood And make them drink poisonous water, For from the prophets of Jerusalem pollution has gone forth into all the land.”
At his first press conference since re-election, Obama said he aims to curb the effects of climate change while growing the economy." Don’t be shocked by the President’s radical climate change and green programs.
Mr. Obama said, quote "I am a firm believer that climate change is real, that it is impacted by human behavior and carbon emissions and as a consequence, I think we’ve got an obligation to future generations to do something about it." Unquote. Then, the President dropped a bombshell saying quote "One of the things that we don’t always factor in are the costs involved in these natural disasters. We just put them off as something that’s unconnected to our behavior right now, and I think what, based on the evidence, we’re seeing is that what we do now is going to have an impact and a cost down the road. " unquote
Did you catch what Obama just said? He stated that natural disasters are connected to our behavior! This concept is straight out of the New Age handbook, which advocates that "Mother Gaia" -- this Earth -- is a living, breathing goddess who is overburdened with our Industrial Civilization. When mankind refuses to change his behavior, Mother Gaia sends natural disasters in the areas where she is overburdened to get our attention.
When mankind insists upon rebuilding in the areas Gaia sends more and greater storms. Finally, Gaia may one day send a continent-wide storm which will kill the Industrial Civilization causing her so many problems.
The TV movie, "Day After Tomorrow" is a perfect  representation of this New Age belief. On May 28, 2004, the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" opened in theaters throughout the country. The movie closely followed a book published in 2000 by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber entitled, "The Coming Global Super storm". Again, the New World Order is telling us in advance their game plan. Now here is what Protocol #13 of the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"states quote "When we come into our kingdom [New World Order], our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it at the end under our beneficent rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?" unquote Protocol #13]
Now even the President of the United States is part of this plan, helping to turn quote "upside down in order to bring it at the end under our beneficent rule". Unquote. You see, the proposed laws designed to "prevent climate change" are not so much designed to correct a problem than to bring citizens under the control of a global dictatorship.

Take a look at how the 2nd largest US airline, United Airlines defines its liability for lost luggage: For international travel to which the Montreal Convention applies (including domestic portions of international travel), United’s liability is limited to 1,131 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) per customer for checked and unchecked baggage.
That’s right. United Airlines uses SDR as part of its normal and customary business practices. Now technically, only a sovereign country can acquire and hold SDR right now so what is United Airlines doing quoting SDR as a measure of value.
But it gets better. In 2011 there was a serious proposal to price oil, gold and other hard assets in SDR. This would, in one fell swoop, replace the US Dollar as the world reserve currency. As long as SDR are country to country, they represent a sovereign reserve. But when lost luggage is priced in SDR, and maybe oil too, this sounds like a new form of money.
And now, SDR have been proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a possible global currency. In their own words: “In the even longer run, if there were political willingness to do so, these securities could constitute an embryo of global currency.” And, “generalized use of SDR as a unit of account for global trade invoicing would also create demand for SDR- denominated assets as both the public and private sectors develop exposure to SDR- denominated flows.”
Where did all this start? The International Monetary Fund (IMF) invented the SDR in 1969 to function as an “international reserve asset.” The SDR were created as part of the Bretton Woods Agreement, which operated on a gold/US dollar standard until 1973. Initially the SDR was tied to gold, but with Nixon’s breaking of the gold standard, the value basis was switched to a basket of currencies and has remained such since. Exchange rates for the SDR to the Euro, Yen, Pound and Dollar in August 2012 are as follows:
The SDR has now taken on a life of its own. The IMF now also sees the SDR as a means to create liquidity in the system. In 2009, when banks in the US and around the globe were teetering on the brink of collapse, the IMF “printed” about 180 billion new SDR to inject into the financial system. To help mitigate the effects of the financial crisis, a third general SDR allocation of SDR 161.2 billion was made on August 28, 2009.
Separately, the Fourth Amendment to the Articles of Agreement became effective August 10, 2009 and provided for a special one-time allocation of SDR 21.5 billion.
Money Magazine’s online edition reported in 2011, that “Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the IMF, acknowledged there are some ‘technical hurdles’ involved with SDR, but he believes they could help correct global imbalances and shore up the global financial system.” He went on to say, “Over time, there may also be a role for the SDR to contribute to a more stable international monetary system.” Recent proposals have been floated to increase the amount by another couple trillion more.
The IMF and member countries see the SDR as a powerful way to keep the financial system stabilized, but that stability rests on a house of cards created by the IMF and each country’s ability to print more money as needed. The US dollar still remains strong even with the trillions injected in various stimulus packages in the past decade. The main reason is that even though huge sums of new dollars entered the system, the velocity of those dollars is slow. Most of it has gone into propping up the capital reserves of regulated banks and financial institutions. If and when these dollars begin to circulate in the economy, the effect will be felt as inflation to the consumer.
In the last decade, the cost of commodities in dollar terms has sored. The HIRE act has wittingly or unwittingly made the US dollar difficult to utilize as an international means of settlement. In November of 2010, China and Russia stopped requiring companies to trade in dollars and settled accounts in Rubles and Yuan. What company would want to risk the seizure of 30% of their transfer just for the privilege of trading in dollars? As more and more companies decide to use their own currencies, the strength of the dollar is bound to fall. The SDR is the logical replacement and is being positioned to take its place.
China is running around the globe buying mining companies, oil production, and other hard assets with their huge stockpile of US dollars. They are effectively dumping dollars for commodities, or actually even better, the source and production of commodities. Talk about a long-term multigenerational play.
HIRE Act and Dollar Depreciation
Match this up with the draconian provisions of the HIRE Act, a strong form of US currency controls and, “The idea was that an off-market reserve pool managed by the Fund would provide an opportunity for large reserve holders to diversify their reserve assets while limiting the risk of market disruption, particularly a sharp depreciation of the dollar.”
Where this will end up is anyone’s guess, but the push for a new currency that takes the US dollar out of its current role as the world reserve currency is not happening willy nilly. There is a strategic focus behind the change and the better we understand what is happening and why, the better we can protect ourselves and the value of our assets.

The Syrian National Council (SNC) has been concerned that it might be sidelined in a new broad coalition.
A source inside the meeting said the SNC had asked to continue the talks on Sunday but that it would be a "last chance" before the opposition figures behind the U.S.-backed initiative go ahead without the SNC.
The United States and Qatar, which has bankrolled the opposition to Assad and played a major role in Arab diplomacy against him, have kept up pressure on the SNC to agree a deal immediately, one diplomatic source said.
"I thought it was OK today, but then it's postponed," said prominent dissident Riad Seif who proposed the new body, as delegates hurriedly left talks in the Doha Sheraton hotel that lasted to the early hours of Sunday.
He said there was a 90 percent chance of reaching a deal.
Delegates said the United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed had earlier appeared to urge the participants to unite and finalize an accord.
Qatar's prime minister and Turkey's foreign minister both addressed the Syrians on Thursday with the same message. U.S. diplomats milled around the hotel lobby on Saturday in a further sign of the pressure on the parties.
The United States and Qatar have urged the foreign-based SNC to join an anti-Assad grouping likely to be called the Syrian National Coalition. Seif has proposed that this would include armed rebel groups fighting in Syriasuch as the Free Syrian Army.
The SNC, criticized for being ineffective, disunited and out of touch with insurgents and activists inside Syria, says its outside backers should do more to arm the rebels and protect civilians, and allow the SNC to reform itself rather than focus attention on creating a new opposition gathering.
The council's newly elected head, George Sabra, suggested that international pressure on the SNC to quickly approve the initiative was misplaced, saying inaction to back the rebels and hinder the government's room for maneuver was shameful.
"The international community has not been able to provide enough weapons for Syrians to protect themselves, while the regime is free to kill all and has resources for weaponry," the leftist Christian told reporters in Doha.
Anti-Assad protests erupted nearly 20 months ago, meeting a violent response which led to a conflict that has cost more than 38,000 lives and threatens to spill into neighboring countries.
The armed uprising, in which Islamist militants have come increasingly to the fore, lacks weaponry to counter the Syrian military's air power, tanks and artillery. Yet Assad's forces have failed to crush the rebels, who hold swathes of territory.
The SNC hopes it can squeeze guarantees from international backers for more military aid or a no-fly zone to protect "liberated areas" in return for agreeing to join the new body. Forms of international recognition have been raised in the negotiations so far as an enticement to sign.
But Washington rejects overt military involvement in Syria
The SNC argues that even if it bows to U.S. pressure for a body that could present itself as a Syrian government-in-waiting, the new organization could not be left undefended.
"If we have a transitional government or something like that, we will need protection since it will work on the ground inside Syria," said former SNC chief Abdulbaset Sieda.
A senior SNC figure said former ambassador to Syria Robert Ford had told the group bluntly earlier this week to forget dreams of direct U.S. military aid or intervention.
But the SNC official, who asked not to be named, said this did not exclude military help from other unidentified nations.
U.S. diplomats have been hovering on the sidelines in Doha, where the SNC held several days of internal talks to revamp its own structure before the wider forum opened on Saturday.
The new body, if it sees the light of day, would expect international recognition and more weapons. It would form a government-in-waiting ready to replace Assad, along the lines of Libya's Transitional National Council that took over last year, and could then take Syria's seat at theUnited Nations.
SNC figures said a basic agreement could be reached this weekend, but that it could take weeks to thrash out details.
The SNC, founded in August last year, is seen as dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists. It is wary of seeing its influence diluted in the proposed 60-member assembly, where it might have about two-fifths of the seats.
SNC activists suspect the United States is seeking to take control of the opposition. Some clerics and youth activists have signaled opposition to taking part in any new body.
The group says it is taking measures to get its internal house in order, holding leadership elections for the first time this week after previously choosing a figure from among its executive council, and including more activists and minorities - though women failed to win seats on its general secretariat.
"The people inside Syria don't see in the initiative a national vision. They see it as a way to undermine the revolution," one young activist said in Doha.
Brotherhood figures in Doha, though, said they were backing the initiative - one factor likely to help bring about a deal.
"The Brotherhood's and SNC's position towards the initiative is positive. The SNC has some reservations relating to preserving the SNC as an entity and its continuation as a force for Syrian opposition," said Farouk Tayfour, a senior Brother. "This may be the main reservation regarding the initiative."

It’s a story the establishment media is largely ignoring – a tent city set-up by FEMA at Monmouth Park in Oceanport, New Jersey, for Hurricane Sandy victims more closely resembles a military concentration camp than something provided by a loving and humanitarian government.
The Asbury Park Press managed to talk with internees who described huddling in freezing cold tents with Blackhawk helicopters circling above.
“The elections are over and here we are,” a resident told the Asbury Park Press. “There were Blackhawk helicopters flying over all day and night. They have heavy equipment moving past the tents all night.”
He said FEMA stopped them from taking photos of “Camp Freedom” and turned off the WiFi and said they couldn’t charge their smart phones because there wasn’t enough power. “Every time we plugged in an iPhone or something, the cops would come and unplug them,” he said.
The man described the “micro-city” (as FEMA calls it) as a prison. The Red Cross promised facilities with washing machines and hot showers, but sent victims to live in unheated tents.
FEMA’s response is predictable. After all, it was designed for martial law and rounding up and interning people in concentration camps. FEMA’s disaster response role in basically a sham and a public relations front.
Northwest General Hospital
An aborted baby with its legs and arms torn off
The election of President Obama returns a radically pro-abortion President to the White House, soon after he had endorsed same-sex marriage.
President Obama is likely to have the opportunity to appoint one or more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, and they are almost sure to agree with his constitutional philosophy.
Maine and Maryland (and probably Washington State) became the first states in the union to legalize same-sex marriage by action of the voters. There is no discounting the moral shift that momentous development represents.
Other states considered issues ranging from abortion and marijuana to assisted suicide. While not all were lost, the moral shift was evident in the voting patterns.
The election of (extremely Liberal) Elizabeth Warren (MA), and Tammy Baldwin (WI) and the re-election of Sherrod Brown (OH) point in this direction. Tammy Baldwin becomes the first openly-gay candidate elected to the U.S. Senate.
These disastrous voting results have occurred because America has undergone a dramatic change in our national worldview. This change began seriously in 1990, when President George H.W. Bush declared a New World Order, it continued dramatically under the horrific sex scandals of President Clinton, and was further continued by the senseless wars under President George W. Bush and now under President Obama.
No longer do American leaders base decisions upon the Biblical worldview of a Sovereign God and upon obeying His commands. Now, leaders base decisions upon antichrist values of same-sex equality, legalization of drugs, eroding our individual rights and liberties and lying to the American people constantly about matters both national and international. America is finally moving the entire world into the Kingdom of the Masonic Christ, known as the New World Order.
Our nation is drawing closer to the point where the anti-christ can appear. Constance Cumbey revealed in her book, "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow", that New Age leaders believed the Christ could not appear until and unless the majority of Americans were preconditioned to accept him. The results of last night demonstrate that these antichrist values are being embraced by a majority of Americans.
The moral door to the appearance of Antichrist is swinging open in America.
Rasheed Masih was killed for refusing to convert to Islam on March 9, 2010.
The murder Rasheed Masih - a convert to Christianity
The Christian Holocaust
The aftermath of collective punishment for Pakistan's Christians—the inevitable byproduct of the notorious Rimsha Masih blasphemy case, concerning a possibly mentally challenged, 14-year-old Christian girl falsely accused of desecrating a Quran—was more dramatic than the blasphemy case itself. 
Indeed, knowing what was in store for them, some Christians even held a symbolic funeral procession, carrying a Christian leader in a coffin and digging a grave for the "deceased."
Their apprehension proved too true—especially after another pretext for Muslims to riot emerged: the YouTube Muhammad video. After Friday prayers, Muslims attacked, killed, and robbed the Christians in their midst, who account for a miniscule 1.5% of Pakistan's population. St. Paul's Church in Mardan was attacked by hundreds of Muslims armed with clubs and sticks. 
After looting and desecrating the church, they set it on fire. Next, Muslims raided a nearby church-run school; they looted and torched it, as well, and burned down a library containing more than 3,000 Christian books. 
Although the library also contained thousands of books on Islam—making the Muslim mobs' actions blasphemous under Pakistan's law—"the attack continued for more than three hours, with minimal efforts by the authorities to stop it."
Separately, gunmen on motorbikes dressed in green (Islam's color) opened fire on the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Cathedral in Hyderabad , where they murdered at least 28 people. 
Their immediate target appears to have been a nun, Mother Christina. Days later, unknown men reportedly threatened workers at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Hyderabad.
"We will teach a lesson to the Christians," they said, and destroyed the hospital's windows and doors. Naeem Samuel, the bishop of Trinity Evangelical Church was assaulted, severely beaten, and injured as he exited his church.
Meanwhile, President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton, far from condemning such outrages, validated them by falsely accusing the Muhammad movie for all the violence—even as they exposed their double standards by refusing to denounce paintings offensive to Christians, such as "Piss Christ." 
The New York Times also exposed its bias by defending the anti-Christian "Piss Christ" as "art," while condemning the anti-Muslim Muhammad movie as hate-speech.
Categorized by theme, the rest of September's stories of Christian persecution around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed by theme and in country alphabetical order, not necessarily according to severity.

Church Attacks
Bahrain: Long considered the most tolerant nation in the Arabian Peninsula, with a 30% non-Muslim population of foreign workers, Bahrain is the latest Muslim nation to exhibit intolerance toward churches: Sunni clerics strongly opposed the planned construction of a Catholic church, "in a rare open challenge of the country's Sunni king. 
More than 70 clerics signed a petition last week saying it was forbidden to build churches in the Arabian Peninsula, the birthplace of Islam." One prominent cleric, Sheik Adel Hassan al-Hamad, proclaimed that "anyone who believes that a church is a true place of worship is someone who has broken in their faith in God."

Egypt: Kasr El-Dobara, the largest evangelical church in the Middle East, located in Egypt, was besieged by "unknown people" hurling "stones and gas bombs." The first gas bomb thrown at the church was described as an "error" by police, but it was soon followed by other bomb attacks, which lasted through midnight until early Friday. 
Worshippers locked themselves inside the church and put on masks to avoid gas poisoning. Some of those trapped inside looked for help by trying to contact politicians, journalists, and even the "moderate" Muslim Brotherhood. 
All the Brotherhood did was announce on TV that the attackers were not members of the Muslim Brotherhood. After the men conducting the siege finally left, and the trapped Christians finally came out, not a single police or security agent to counter the attacks or protect the church could be found.

Indonesia: The several-year-long campaign against GKI Yasmin Church took another turn for the worse, as authorities ordered the congregation to relocate—a demand that abrogated a previous agreement which had permitted the church to exist, provided that a mosque would be built next door, and to which the church had agreed. 
Moreover, a Supreme Court ruling in 2010 ordered the GKI Yasmin's building to be reopened; it had been shut down in 2008 by local Muslims who, along with the mayor, to this day still refuse to comply with Supreme Court ruling. 
As one church leader said, "The rule of law in Indonesia has collapsed." Since its forced closure, the congregation has been holding services in the street in front of its half-constructed building or in private homes.

Lebanon: Two unknown assailants opened fire on the Saint Joseph Church in the town of Bqosta near Sidon; they damaged the building's windows.

Nigeria: A suicide bomb attack on Saint John's Catholic Church claimed three lives, including those of a woman and a child; 44 others were seriously injured. Another report describes the typical aftermath of church attacks in Nigeria: "One month after gunmen opened fire inside Deeper Life Bible Church [August 7] … members of the church have yet to resume worship services and other activities. 'All of us are traumatized by this attack. 
There is no family in this church that is not affected by this incident,' said Stephen Imagejor, an assistant pastor whose wife, Ruth, was killed, and their two daughters, Amen, 12, and Juliet, 9, hit by bullets and hospitalized. In all, 19 died. 
Church members say they were attacked specifically because of their Christian faith. They may have been a target, they say, because some of the dead include former Muslims who had converted to Christianity. 
And in the aftermath. 'Many are now saying that they can no longer come to the church,' Imagejor said. 'But we will eventually try to see how we can get those of us that have survived the attack to return to the church for worship services. But, I do visit them to encourage them to remain steadfast in the faith in spite of the persecution.'"

Spain: In Catalonia, a Catholic church was attacked by Moroccan Muslims, who, along with two other Moroccan Muslims, have been detained and charged with multiple assaults and robberies, including using clubs used to rob, terrorize and beat local Spaniards.

Apostasy, Blasphemy, Proselytism
Egypt: The U.S. embassy in Cairo issued a press release saying it had "credible information suggesting terrorist interest in targeting U.S. female missionaries in Egypt. 
Accordingly, U.S. citizens should exercise vigilance." Also, an Egyptian court sentenced a Christian teacher to six years in prison after convicting him of the blasphemy of "insulting Prophet Muhammad"—and defaming the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, Muhammad Morsi, on his Facebook page.

Maldives: Airport customs officials seized 11 books about Christianity from a Bangladeshi expatriate who came to the Maldives by way of Sri Lanka. Later the same day, another Maldivian national was caught with more Christian books, after he arrived in the Maldives also from Sri Lanka. The pair were handed over to police.
According to the Maldives Religious Unity Regulations, "It is illegal in the Maldives to propagate any faith other than Islam or to engage in any effort to convert anyone to any religion other than Islam. It is also illegal to display in public any symbols or slogans belonging to any religion other than Islam, or creating [sic] interest in such articles. 
It is also illegal in the Maldives to carry or display in public books on religions other than Islam, and books and writings that promote and propagate other religions…"

Saudi Arabia: The hunt continues for a 28-year-old Saudi woman, Maryan, who embraced Christianity and fled the country, first gaining sanctuary in a Lebanese church, and then fleeing to Sweden. Earlier, the woman had said that, although she "was raised to hate Judaism and Christianity she has come to love those religions since finding peace in Christianity." 
Two men, a Christian Lebanese and a Muslim Saudi are accused of proselytizing, and helping her escape. Prosecuting lawyer, Humood Al-Khaldi, said that while in Islam it is clear that the penalty for apostasy is death, "the roles played by the two men, the Saudi and Lebanese, in making the girl become Christian should be taken into consideration," meaning that they, too, must be brought to judgment. 
Swedish authorities are actually helping to find her to extradite her back to Saudi Arabia to face Sharia justice, including possible execution.

Somalia: Muslims shot three converts to Christianity. The men had converted while in Ethiopia in 2005, but when Muslims began noticing they were not serious about attending mosque prayers, the men were attacked by "militants," who burst into their home and opened fire. Similarly, another family that had embraced Christianity fled their village after receiving death threats. 
Still another convert, who fled to Kenya, said "Pastors and Christians are very afraid. I know people, mainly Christian converts, who had to leave their homes and their families because of pressures from these terrorists." 
The messages of the Islamists include statements such as, "Stop your harmful ideologies and preaching to the Muslims," and, "Some Somali Muslims are already affected by this cancer of Christianity… they will be under the sword of the mujahedeen (holy warriors)... We know where you are... We ask Allah to help us make his purpose reign... 
We are reaching millions of youth to join our jihad against the enemy of Islam and to terrorize by any means we can to make them understand that they are nothing but lowly infidels."

Uzbekistan: A disabled Christian woman, who walks with crutches, and her mother were brutally beaten with sticks in a violent police raid on their home. The officers turned the home upside down, seizing Bibles and other religious literature. 
At the police station, officers tried to pressure them to accept Islam, saying it was better than Christianity, and that a married man could marry them because Muslim men are allowed to have four wives. When the women refused to comply, the officers beat them again. The court ordered the destruction of the literature.

Dhimmitude [General Abuse and Suppression of Non-Muslims as "Tolerated" Citizens]
Bangladesh: A new report indicates that some 300 Christian children were recently abducted and forcibly converted to Islam: So-called intermediaries visit poverty-stricken communities, where they convince families to send their children to a mission hostel, charging them the equivalent of US$ 500 to $1,200 for school and board. 
"After pocketing the money, the intermediaries sell the children to Islamic schools elsewhere in the country 'where imams force them to abjure Christianity.'" The children are then instructed in Islam and beaten; after full indoctrination, they are asked if they are "ready to give their lives for Islam," presumably by becoming jihadi suicide-bombers.

Iran: Pastor Behnam Irani, imprisoned for "holding house church services and leading Muslims to Christ," continues to suffer health problems, while receiving no aid: "First, his eyesight is dimming and he has not been given access to a doctor to get prescription lenses. 

Second, he has a bleeding ulcer in his intestines. This has caused him to have bloody stool, vomiting blood, resulting in unconsciousness at one point. Third, from an accident several years ago, he had metal placed in his knee, and according to a family member it needs to be replaced every so often."

Syria: Christians fleeing to the Lebanese border are still being targeted, kidnapped, and in some cases murdered for ransom money. One report said 280 were held hostage by "armed gangs" taking advantage of the chaos of the war. Some of those kidnapped are later found slaughtered on the road.

Turkmenistan: A new report indicates how "the situation [for Christians] has got markedly worse since July and we don't know why." Among other reports, Christian homes were raided and Bibles confiscated; Christians were threatened for not participating in Muslim prayers; they lost their jobs and businesses; Christian children are being harassed and discriminated against in schools. 
In one instance, "secret police officers raided a flat where five elderly Christian women had gathered for worship, as was their regular practice. They were so frightened by the incident that they have stopped meeting together."

Uzbekistan: A former Uzbek Muslim who converted to Christianity and eventually became an active Protestant house church leader, was subsequently persecuted by the state, and fled with his family to Kazakhstan. 

Uzbekistan wants him to return to face charges that he practiced religion "outside state regulation." Because of its evangelical nature, Protestantism is banned in Uzbekistan. His case now rests before the country's highest court, which has yet to set a hearing date.

Pakistani Dhimmitude
Pakistan continues to show that it is one of the absolute worst nations for Christians and other non-Muslims; it requires its own section for September:
A 16-year-old Christian girl, Shumaila Masih, was gang-raped for hours by Muslims—joining the countless Christian girls and boys raped and murdered in Pakistan. 
Three Muslim men met her on the street, trying to persuade her to go with them. When she refused, she was forcibly abducted and taken to the home of one of the men, who took "turns raping her for hours. 
The attack took place at 11 am, in broad daylight, but no one intervened to save Shumaila, despite her desperate cries and pleas for help." Around 5 pm, her father and his cousins began searching for her; when they came to the rape-house, they heard her cries and rushed to it: "At the sight of the men, the three young Muslims fled, leaving Shumaila naked and in pain on the bed."
According to a new report, as many as 2,000 women and girls from various minority sects, especially Christianity, were forcibly converted to Islam through rape, torture and kidnappings, and 161 people were charged with blasphemy in 2011. 
"The actual number is larger as many cases go unreported… For instance, policemen are involved in more than 60 percent of sexual abuse cases of street children."
A separate report discussing the murder of a Christian youth by Muslims, notes that "Christians are harassed by criminal gangs and Islamic terrorist groups of ethnic Pashtuns: armed to the teeth, the militants enter the area to collect jizya [extortion money imposed on Christians and Jews, according to Quran 9:29]. 
Militants raid houses, steal and abuse women and children for fun. The local population is terrorized."
Another 16-year-old Christian girl, Sumbal, a maid working for Muslims, was "beaten harshly" by the family with "pipes and iron rods … afterwards, she was taken to the washroom and terribly tortured there." 
When the child's parents learned of the incident, they went to retrieve their daughter but were told by the family that they did not know her whereabouts. 
According to Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association: "Yet again we have violence against a teenage Christian maid. The fact that the family are refusing her mother access is very disturbing. What are they covering up? 
Is it the fact that the girl was murdered, as in a recent case where a senior lawyer in the same city tortured to death a young Christian girl servant? Is it to try and concoct a story about her condition, or has she been raped and forced to marry and convert as so many young Christian girls are?"
Soon after a Muslim opened a madrassa [Islamic school] near where Christians held their tent church worship, Muslims began harassing the Christians; they sprayed bullets on the Christians' homes saying things like, "Convert to Islam or leave this neighborhood." 
The Muslims also tried to trick a pastor into admitting he proselytized Muslims; and they gather in front of the church and harass Christian girls as they exit after services.

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