Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pinto Speaks About the Jesuits

First, I want to say I will blast any false biblical doctrine or false church.
I found the video below to be very interesting, especially Ian Paisley's remarks about the Jesuits.
Adolph Hitler died on 3 May 1945 (an occult holy day). Hitler said that he was only doing what the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) did for a 1000 years, he was just doing it better and more effectively.
On the day of Hitler's death Generalissimo Franco of Spain had the following statement published in the Spanish newspaper Reforme: "Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death........when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the Palm of the martyr God gives Hitler the laurels of victory.
This quote is on page 163 of Edmond Paris' book: The Secret History of the Jesuits and reportedly this message about Hitler went from the Vatican to Franco to Reforme.
I find it interesting that the Catholic Center Party of Germany was the key political bloc that granted Hitler totalitarian power. To the RCC Hitler was  the new Holy Roman Emperor ruling on behalf of the Pope.
Also consider the the fact that the RCC created a Jewish ghetto in Rome that lasted from 1570 to 1870 and that Pope Innocent III made Jews wear yellow badges and Pope Innocent began the Inquisition. It seems to me that the Pope was not so innocent!
Pinto's video is below.

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