Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Number 10 In The Bible

Ten is the 3rd easiest number to figure out in the Bible. Ten is the Gentile number. Consider these facts:

1.  Noah was the 10th man from Adam and Noah was the father of the Gentiles.

2.  Gentiles count by ten’s.

3.  Genesis 10 is about the first Gentile kingdom.

4.  The last Gentile anti-christ empire has 10 kingdoms.

5.  The 10th chapter of Genesis is the list of the genealogies of the Gentiles.

6.  Acts 10 opens the door to the Gentiles in the New Testament.

7.  John 10 is the sheep of the “other fold” the Gentile.

8.  Romans 10 is the missionary call and message to the Gentiles.

9.  In Revelation 10 Jesus Christ puts His foot on the earth and takes possession of the Gentile kingdoms.

10.              The first time the word “ten” appears in the Bible, it occurs in Genesis 5:14 (5+1+4=10)

11.              There were 910 years in a man’s life. The ten refers to somebody’s life before the law – the 10 commandments. They are all Gentiles before the law.

12.              The second time ten occurs in the Bible is Genesis 16:3 (1+6+3=10)

13.              In Genesis 18:32, the ten is found in Sodom and Gomorrah, inhabited by Gentile Canaanites.

14.              The next time 10 occurs three times in a row in Genesis 24:10, 24:22 and 24:55 where 10 camels go out, the bracelets weigh 10 shekels, and the damsel abides 10 days.  The damsel’s progenitor was Laban, a Gentile.

15.              The last world power on this earth will be a 10 kingdom Gentile empire represented by the toes on Daniel’s image.

16.              The first Gentile kingdom was set up in Genesis 10 by Nimrod, the 13th man from Adam.

So what are we dealing with in the number 10?

We are dealing with a law like the law of gravity. God created the law of numbers. God uses numbers to give a non-believer proof that God wrote the Bible. God uses numbers to demonstrate the majesty of his creation, his Word.

Satan, being the perfect counterfeit, has his number system also. The occultist numbering system will not be discussed here.

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