Sunday, November 11, 2012

What Sandy Is Teaching NYC That 9/11 Didn't

The pagan goddess of Earth Mother Gaia
by Eric Rosten, Bloomberg Business Week, November 6, 2012
"Superstorm Sandy delivers a message first heard on Sept. 11, 2001: New York, as a proxy for the United States, is unprepared for anticipated 21st century threats."
What could Mr. Rosten possibly mean when he said the city is unprepared for "anticipated 21st century threats"? He clearly meant Climate Change, as he strongly revealed in the rest of his column.
"The storm is different ... we're up against something much more elusive, an enemy we're much more poorly equipped to deal with than sleeper terrorist cells: the Earth."
The argument from people like Al Gore that Climate Change will ravage Mother Earth is undergirded by the occult belief that this Earth is a living, breathing goddess whom they call "Mother Gaia". This goddess is being terribly overburdened by man's current civilization, the Industrial Age. Our factories, our cars, our farming methods, and even our backyard barbeques, are placing a burden upon Gaia which she simply cannot take much longer!
Mother Gaia will at first warn mankind that he must change his civilization through sending storms and then sending greater storms, trying to relieve the pressure put upon her by man's activities. But, if man persists in refusing to dismantle his Industrial Civilization, Mother Gaia will send a storm so huge and so devastating that it can kill entire continents. This scenario was the basis for the move, "Day After Tomorrow".
Once you familiarize yourself with this "Mother Gaia" movie, you can better understand the rest of Eric Rosten's column.
"No one seems to care about the upcoming attack on the World Trade Center site', wrote Harvard psychology professor Daniel Gilbert ... 'it will involve melting ice sheets that swell the oceans and turn that particular block of lower Manhattan into an aquarium'." This scenario is exactly what was depicted in the movie, "Day After Tomorrow"
Listen to his final remarks.
"If you have to rebuild, instead of rebuilding what was there, how can you improve upon it?" asked John McDonald, director of technical strategy and policy development for General Electric's digital energy program. 'The extremes we're experiencing are more extreme than what we've experienced before', he noted in the same phone interview, on Friday. 'Storms are more severe. Flooding is more severe. When you look at the design of the city, you really have to take these things into account'."
Are storms getting more extreme because scientists working for the Global Elite are creating more storms that are delivering more devastating? Defense Secretary William Cohen certainly knew this to be the case. Since he was Secretary of Defense under President Clinton, he was able to read and to be told the highest secrets our nation has to offer. Listen to his revelation.
"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." (COHEN ADDRESS 4/28 AT CONFERENCE ON TERRORISM, Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy 
Sam Nunn Policy Forum, April 28, 1997 University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.)
Since human scientists can and do control the weather, they are certainly capable of creating more storms and more severe storms! What is the final planned agenda to this Mother Gaia scenario, backed by deliberately created storms?
The final act will be played by the New Age Christ. He will use his popularity to strike a death blow to our current Industrial Civilization. He will appear on worldwide TV to speak to the people. After noting the increase in both the numbers and the severity of natural disasters since 1980, he will declare that these storms were sent by Gaia to try to persuade mankind to reduce his Industrial Footprint. When man refused to do so, Gaia started sending more storms that were more severe.
The New Age Christ will then announce that he is implementing the "rewilding" plan of the U.N. Biodiversity Map, shown above for America. This term means to re-wild this continent. In other words, they plan to sweep aside all evidences of human endeavor, i.e., homes, businesses, structures, entire cities, allowing the land to go back to its natural state, before the wicked White Man took the land from the Native Americans (Indians).
Using Presidential Directive, normally exercised through various Federal Government agencies, this "rewilding" project will be accomplished by declaring huge tracts of land completely off limits to humans. These tracts of land would be called 'reserves'. Reserves would "include wilderness areas and national parks while inner buffer zones would permit no agriculture, no more than 0.5 miles of road per square mile of land, primitive camping, and only light selection harvesting of forests. The June 25, 1993, issue of Science magazine reports that the plan calls for 23.4% of the land to be put into wilderness (no human use) and 26.2% into corridors and human buffer zones (very limited use by humans)."
This "Rewilding" of all lands throughout the world is the ultimate goal of the Elite sending more storms and more severe storms throughout the world. Dr. Brannan, a Christian scientist, calculated that this plan would not work unless a 66% reduction in population occurred first. Since the judgments of God in the Book of Revelation reduce the population worldwide by exactly 66%, we believe that the Illuminati plans for their Christ to make this announcement after the first seven years of his reign.
Since the Bible declares that Antichrist will reign only seven years, mankind will never be forced to go through this final planned stage of rewilding. But, in the meantime, we are going to have to endure these increased storms.

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