Friday, November 9, 2012

26 Million Americans Missing

2012 electoral map
Each year for the last 4 years the U.S. has lost between 6.5 million and 13 million people. These people have left the country and are called ex patriots. Over 4 years this adds up to 26 to 52 million people. sound incredible? Look at the census in 2000 USA had 282 million peole. The population was 307 million in 2010, only a 9.7% increase. Why? People were leaving the country in large numbers. These people included business people, wealthy people, reitred military, legal immigrants and free-thinking Independent people. These are not generally the people who vote Democrat. We should have a population of 325 million or better but we don't.
This is a major reason why Romney got fewer votes than McCain. Many of the people leaving are conservatives and left because they did not like where the country is headed.
Another factor, the World War II generation is dying off, soon this generation will be gone.
Obama won by 3 approximately million votes.
Romney came a lot closer to beating Obama than McCain did. Those 6.5 million votes would have made a huge difference especially in Florida, Ohio, Virginia and other conservative leaning states. In some states Obama got 49.7% to Romney's 49.1%. The missing Americans were the difference.
Voter fraud was a factor also. Colorado reportedly had 10 counties with more voters than registered voters-blatant fraud.
U.S. demographics are changing.  In 4 more years 80 % of doctors may quit, more businesses and corporations will close down or move overseas.
Republican registered voters were way down from 2008. Reportedly 3 million Republicans did not vote.
 Tea party people, Ron Paul people, Libertarians. You can bet some left the Republican party affiliation and went independent. If Rush is right then if every registered Republican voted for Romney, he still would have barely squeaked out the popular vote. Don't forget the Republican base shrank.
Remember Obama had 8+ million less voters show up--people fed up with Obama but who would not
vote for a Republican in most cases. His base while intuitively  larger than 2008 was less energized. Ripe for
the pickings.
The demographics of the country will continue to change as more Americans continue to leave. Citizen flight overseas  will likely will exceed 13 million a year as business people sell off the businesses and retire. Doctors will retire and leave to avid Obamacare. The conservative base will continue to shrink due to aging.
Get used to the new post American world. Get use to a leftist nation. Estimates indicate there will be 3-6 million more young people able to vote in four years. Most will be so indoctrinated in communism-redistribution that the vote
totals will continue to go left. The math does not lie. Two states at least passed same sex marriage.
Two others voted for recreational MJ. The leftist-state will make us so immoral or amoral that our citizens will believe anything especially God and His Bible. Who made the laws of gravity, thermodynamics, etc.Not even science
calls them laws. To have laws you must have a law giver. Laws don't just happen. If one can't think then  truth becomes a joke. Pilate asked Jesus "What is truth?" Pilate did not understand what Christ was talking about.
Finally the real reason Obama won is  that God has spoken. It is God who puts presidents, kings and prime ministers in power. God is giving us this type of leadership..because we have forgotten our God. Maybe now those who claim to
be conservative and godly will  really start examining themselves and see just how far we and the country have drifted awayfrom the Living God. Repent for in earnest the Kingdom of God is at hand. Time is short. Make your choice now..Exercise your right to choose..because that right is soon to leave the house.
I am sure some of my ideas below are probably wrong, so just consider it the musings of an "Ole War Horse" about Tuesday's election. First, WOW, boy was I wrong! I predicted 318 to 330 electoral votes for Romney.
It was a huge mistake for the Republicans to nominate Romney. He lost the Hispanic vote, youth vote  and the female vote big time. 
My biggest mistake was I did not take God's word - the Bible into consideration and I should have. The Lord says if nations insist on dividing his land Israel and Jerusalem, God will divide those nations at fault. Well, the national vote was almost DIVIDED down the middle. I knew what God said and I refused to listen to Him. God will further divide our nation each time we DIVIDE Israel. I pray that the Lord forgives me for not listening to him. I was thinking as an American when I should have been thinking as a Christian and a citizen of heaven. 
If I am not mistaken this is unbelievable, Romney cut Obama's winning margin from 7% to 1% and still lost. Romney pretty much got the maximum Republican turn out he could.
Obama defied all economic statistics and should have lost. To the best of my knowledge, no president except FDR has done that and won. How was Obama able to do this?  The Obama campaign used a computer matrix - algorithmns to divid the U.S. counties and precincts into a computer matrix. Obama received an update of every county and key precincts every day prior to the election. I do not know if Romney had a similar matrix. If Romney did not it was a huge mistake. I know about the use of a matrix from my work with the U.S. Army intelligence. The U.S. Army developed a matrix, I believe it was called Able Danger, that correctly identified all of the 9-11 hi-jackers prior to 9-11. The program was shut down after 9-11 even though it was highly successful. By using certain criteria such as: did the terrorist suspect purchase a ticket with cash? Did the terrorist suspect buy a one way ticket? The matrix asks a long series of questions about a person and suspect and then checks off the boxes in the matrix. By the time one has finished with all the questions one can determine if the passenger is a terrorist or an innocent person flying. Obama used such a matrix and the Democrats deduced that they only needed to focus on five key states and win the election. Those states were Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Iowa and Virginia. They focused their resources on the big cities in those states and college students. They contacted every 2008 Obama voter and made sure those people voted for Obama in 2012.
Now with those five states committed to Obama by computer design Romney never had a chance, even if every and I mean every Republican voted. You see it is about electoral votes. It is like a football game where let's say Ohio State gains 250 yards on the ground and 200 yards in the air and yet loses to Michigan 13 to 10. It is not about yardage, it is about the score.

Bottom line:
1. The college kids and average Dem voted for Obama because they view him as Mr. "Cool", he is hip and relates to them. Benghazi, his anti-colonialist attitude, his Muslim tendencies mean nothing to these voters because Obama is just too "cool."
2. You can't beat Santa Claus, this is the danger of a pure democracy.
3. White men are now a minority in this country
4. Women are now the huge voting bloc.
5. The Republicans should have nominated Marco Rubio to secure the Hispanic vote. Romney lost the Hispanic vote big time. I would say Rubio or Cruz of Texas are the front runners for 2016.
6. The Republicans will be forced to compromise their positions in order to win elections, barring some sort of miracle.
7. This is huge, the WWII generation is dying off. I believe Obama would never have been elected in the first place if most of the WWII generation was still alive.
8. The America that you and I grew up in is long gone in terms of demographics. The Democratic stance on immigration and pandering to minorities has paid huge voting dividends for them.
9. We can look forward to Obama's globalist agenda - a One World Govt and the formation of the anti-christ's #1 kingdom: a new country comprised of Mexico, Canada and the USA MexUCan (yes you can) Obama and his followers are globalists and our national sovereignty will keep eroding and disappearing.
10. The theft of America's wealth and re-distribution will accelerate and more wealthy Americans will seek to flee and shelter their wealth abroad. I believe the Obama regime is one of the most corrupt administration's in our history.  The video below covers 2012 vote fraud.
11. The Globalist war in the Middle East looms on the horizon and the Israelis are feeling very alone this morning. Pressure will mount on King Abdullah in Jordan and the other Muslim monarchies. The covert war against Syria will continue as well as the Christian holocaust in North Africa and the Middle East.
12. On the positive side, for the first time since 1949 the U.S. is now exporting more oil than we import. I know that sounds hard to believe but our great Republic is blessed with natural resources. Some people feel the globalists want to bring more U.S. energy on stream.
13. We can kiss cheap coal electricity goodbye with the green god in the White House. Going green was the major reason Spain's economy collapsed. Spain has the highest electric rates in Europe and many Spaniards no longer heat their homes.
14. This is a key item to me - kiss a constitutional Supreme Court goodbye as the old white men on the court retire and Obama appoints an abundance of liberal, radical, globalist federal judges to the bench.
15. The military will decline as in the Carter years as the defense budget gets axed. The average voting citizen did not give a hoot about the treachery surrounding Benghazi. Besides, Obama is forming his own citizen army.
16. It is all about me, me, me, me and more me in America, not about the long term good of the constitutional republic. Pure democracy leads to mob rule, always has and always will. I am amazed that many Americans do not realize we live in a constitutional republic and that our rights come from God. Most people believe the lie that we live in a democracy.
17. Blaming Bush for everything worked big time.
18. We are now governed by the socialist elite like the Hollywood types, Ted Turners, David Rockefeller, the Rothschilds, George Soros etc.
19. Romney could not have fixed our nation's problems, he was not the messiah either. Our problems are entrenched and perhaps the biggest problem is the destruction of the family. Historically, no empire or nation has survived if the family unit erodes.
20. Most importantly, if you are a Christian and I pray you are. We stand with Jesus Christ rather than with Democrats or Republicans. We are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.
21. God always takes care of his righteous people and always will. Have faith in the one true God.

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