Saturday, October 27, 2012

HAARP and Hurricane Sandy

Engineered Storm? HAARP Monitoring Project Records Strongest Readings Ever Directed In Path of Hu ...
HAARP array

The first link is about weather modification. The next article is about HAARP effecting Hurricane Sandy.

October 27, 2012 - 4:20p EDT
N/A readings continue as the highest longwave in the project history peaked the other day after eight days of growing signals.
Signals fading out west after peaking a few days back.

Check out the Status of HAARP on their Website - M10 which is the Highest and M10 means: "Associated with tornado outbreaks. This also can be strong hurricanes and blizzards". Looks like they are pointing it right where the weather models are saying it is going to make landfall - Days before the storm is to hit. If this was one week later it could have disrupted the election - oh boy another can of worms.... it may yet if electricity is knocked out for weeks. This is not good! 
Kind of weird seeing this - Lets wait and see where this hits and how hard...The Atlantic is still quite warm along with the weather here on the Atlantic Coast.
Check out this link and see the HARRP Map....
[link to] is a real-time sensor network from over 28 sensors placed in rural areas across the United States. The sensors can detect the HAARP frequency on the ionosphere. Monitors plasma and ions in the atmosphere trying to predict extreme weather anomalies, and solar radiation effects
Wavelengths - 
Shortwaves indicate near events, a high short spike usually means a short term major event is about to happen in that area. 
Longwaves and steady increases usually mean a large scale change is developing in the area that will effect a large area's upper level jet stream.
Magnitude System - This project has developed a way to measure the magnitude of change in the ionosphere due to HAARP. The scale is from 1 to 10. Zero to One magnitudes are pretty normal while anything over five would be considered moderate and possibly significant, which can alter a weather pattern.

M1 - M2 - Slight change is expected, but overall the weather pattern is not being affected.

M3 - M5 - Change is expected and the reading indicates between then and and a few days it will happen. This is considered a moderate reading, which if a short spike can be a nearby event such as severe weather, unexpected lightning, or a tornado. 

M6 - M9 - Significant change is expected. Anything over M7 is rare and special attention must be directed when readings go seven and higher. Severe storms are associated with this reading, which if a short spike can be a nearby event and a long duration and slow build being a large scale change. 

M10 - Associated with tornado outbreaks. This also can be strong hurricanes and blizzards. 

Follow Hurricane Sandy on our partner's page at's Facebook Page by Clicking Here. 

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