Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another HAARP storm

Strange HAARP patterns
Below is a link to strange HAARP images and information about HAARP
B REAKING NEWS...second superstorm headed to seattle..pacific northwest under alert..
[link to www.weather.gov] 

check out the monster coming in and compare precipitation........  weather manipulation in effect .......
Be ready for another superstorm......

link to www.haarp.alaska.edu] 

This time on the west coast? 

link to www.haarpstatus.com]

Infrared Satellite Image


This image is taken in the infrared band of light and show relative warmth of objects. Colder objects are brighter and warmer objects are darker. Lower layers of clouds, generally warmer and lower in altitude, are colored gray. Colder and generally higher clouds tops are highlighted in colors. Infrared imagery is useful for determining cloud features both at day and night. 
View Loop: 24 Hours | 12 Hours | 6 Hours

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