Friday, October 26, 2012

End Times Gospel Message And Middle East Persian News

"As the lions roar, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem. Defending, He will deliver it. Passing over, He will preserve it (Isaiah 31:4-5)."

In globalist news Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome advocated that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect as the Black Death of Middle Ages. You will recall that a few months ago when Prince Phillip of Great Britain was ill he said when he dies he wants to come back as deadly virus in order to reduce world population. Why would the globalists like Peccei and Prince Phillip seek to harm and kill people with war, poisons, chemtrails and genetically modified products? The globalist goal is to take control of the world and enslave the world by means of mass genocide. Hence the world's ruling elite wants to increase the death rate. Friends these are truly evil, satanic people and part of the satanic deception enveloping our world.

I have a variety of news from the U.S. No matter who wins the Presidential election, the globalists and their allies are going to continue the covert war against Iran.  Iran’s banking system is being squeezed but nothing will stop the Iranians from getting the bomb. As in previous elections we can see that there is little difference between Democrats and Republicans. The leaders of both parties are reading a script written for them from the master satanic Illuminti plan. Remember God says in Ezekiel 38-39 – that there will be no surpise attack on Iran, the attack will be on Israel.

In the U.S. Natural News, reported on October 15, 2012 that Texas students who refuse to be micro-chipped are punished by tyrannical Texas schools"


The debt that the U.S. government owes to foreign interests now equals approximately $47K for each household in the U.S. Additionally, the U.S. government’s foreign debt owed to Communist China is about $10K  per family.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

In Great Britain a survey disclosed that 52% of U.K. adults believe in aliens while 44% say they believe in God. Friends, this is the great falling away from the faith that Yeshua spoke of in Matthew 24:10.

A Palestinian worker walks behind posters of the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, left, and Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, right, in preparation for the upcoming visit to Gaza at Palestine stadium in Gaza City, Monday, Oct. 22, 2012. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani with the leader of Hamas

In the Middle East one of the chief meddlers continues his dirty work. Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar, decided to visit the Gaza Strip this week, becoming the first Arab ruler ever to visit the Palestinian enclave. He delivered a $245 million dollar check for the beleaguered population.

Sheikh Al Thani does not throw around cash blindly he expects something in return, and he has  regional ambitions and covets the rich resources of oil and natural gas in the eastern Med. Two years ago, he made his mark on Middle East politics in Libya, where he used his special forces and cash to help overthrow Muammar Qaddafi. The Qatari emir is also playing a dirty hand in the Syrian war, sponsoring Al Qaeda and Islamist factions fighting to rid their country of Bashar Assad. Obama and the Emir are said to be close friends.   

After Qaddafi was killed on Oct. 20, 2011 the Emir supported the most radical Islamist factions in Libya. The emir has been a major obstacle to establishing stable central government in Tripoli. His money provides a fertile ground for the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qeda and radical Salafis to flourish. The Emir’s money network with radical Islamists in North Africa is murky. The Al Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM), the Salafis and the Muslim Brotherhood network is branching out across North Africa. The Emir’s money may have played a role in the “bushwacking” of US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi on Sept. 11.

The Qatari emir’s visit Wednesday to the Gaza Strip is extremely important because he is now attempting to project his power into the Gaza Strip and Egyptian Sinai. In the Sinai Salafi groups, Bedouin militias and al Qaeda factions have attacked the Egyptians, Israel and the International Peacekeeping force.

Since Qaddafi’s downfall, tons of smuggled Libyan weapons have found their way to Gaza, the Sinai and Syria. Islamist terrorists of every stripe, including al Qaeda, have been partaking freely of the smuggled hardware.

Abu Walid al-Masri

Hisham Al-Saidni, aka Abu Walid al-Masri, head of the Gaza and Sinai Salafist faction was killed by the Israelis on 13 Oct.  known as Majlis Shura Al-Mujahideen, was not based in Sinai where he kept most of his men. He preferred to work out of Jabaliya north of Gaza City. He counted on Hamas turning a blind eye to his doings. By killing him in an air strike on Oct. 13, while he was riding a motorcycle in Jabaliya, Israel put its hand in an Islamist hornets’ nest reaching outside the borders of Gaza-Sinai terror and touching a nerve as far away as the Al Thani palace in Doha.
Sheik Hamad wants to turn the Hamas Islamist terrorist organization into a disciplined elite fighting force on the Iranian Al Qods Brigades model, to serve as Qatar’s operational arm in the Gaza Strip and the strategic Sinai Peninsula.

This gives Hamas a new lease of life after the loss of its command bases and assets in Damascus as a result of the Syrian conflict.  

Iranian cyber-warfare

Iran’s secret cyber war-room is located at Hizballah’s security apparatus headquarters in the Shiite Dahya district of South Beirut. The hackers and cyber experts recently attacked American and European banks, Saudi oil sites and guided an Iranian stealth drone helicopter into Israeli airspace on Oct. 6. Wafiq Safa, an Iranian is head of the security apparatus and also deputy of the Iranian general, Hossein Mahadavi, who serves as the liaison and coordination officer with Hizballah in Lebanon.Safa’s son is married to the Hizballah chief Hassan Nasrallah’s sister. My intelligence sources said Tehran uses Hezbollah to host its cyber war-room to disguise the sourceofitscyberoffensives,keepIranclearofblameandbecausetheHizballahfacilityisprotectedfromelectronicpenetration.
Whenever Israeli experts tried manipulating the helicopter’s’s movements, they found a force overrode them and recovered control. Eventually, the Israeli commanders shot the helicopter down.

The U.S. encountered the same difficulty in early October when they tried to locate and identify the hackers who disabled 10 major US bank websites, attacked Qatar’s Rasgas and Saudi Arabia’s Aramco’s websites.  The computer virus, Shamoon, replaced data with burning American flags.

Six days after the drone’s penetration of Israel, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta talked to reporters in New York about “a pre-9/11 moment” for the United States. He did not come right out and name Iran or mention its cyber war headquarters in Beirut. He did, however, warn “the attackers are plotting,” and that recent electronic attacks in US and abroad demonstrate the need for “a more aggressive military role in defense and to retaliate against organized groups or hostile governments.”

Valerie Jarrett

It was leaked to the New York Times that Obama, through Valerie Jarrett, is holding direct talks on Iran’s nuclear program with its leaders, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It was first reported on April 16 that Washington and Tehran were conducting back-channel talks in Paris and Vienna. It is important to note that the clandestine talks have not produced a breakthrough in the with Iran. U.S. emissaries have let it be known that Washington does not object to Iran’s nuclear enrichment program per se so long as it is not used for building a nuclear weapon. Folks, this is the two step dance the world played with Saddam Hussein in Iraq. All this talk will produce nothing but appeasement.

Israel keeps on backtracking on the nuclear red lines. When Iran moved its enrichment plant into an immune zone earlier this month, one red line disappeared. Netanyahu has been forced to retreat.

The assassination of the anti-Syrian Head of the Lebanon's Internal Security Forces intelligence branch, Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hasan on Friday, Oct. 19, by a huge car bomb blast in East Beirut.   In August, Gen. Al-Hasan uncovered a Syrian plot to destabilize Lebanon by a bombing campaign and arrested the pro-Syrian politician and ex-information minister Michel Samaha for complicity in the plot. He also led the investigation that implicated Damascus in the 2005 bombing atrocity that killed formerPrimeMinisterRafiqHariri.
This marked the brutal spillover of the Syrian bloodbath into a second Arab capital.
Remember the Syrians warned “If there is no stability in Syria, there’s no way there will be stability in Israel.”

Arrow Missile Defense System

Sunday, Oct. 21, the US and Israel launch Austere Challenge 12, which they are calling their biggest joint war game ever, to practice defending Israel against a missile attack.
But in tune with the general air of denial hanging over Washington and Jerusalem, the exercise has been reduced in scale to just 1,000 soldiers on each side, with most of the action conducted through simulated computer games. As every soldier knows, this is a far cry from real operations on a battlefield.

American and Israeli war planners also realize that even these games are only applicable to defenses against an Iranian ballistic missile attack - not a triple Iranian-Syrian-Hizballah missile assault. This would call for US-Israeli air force intervention. But the air force is not taking part in the war game.

The Jerusalem Temple

What is the purpose of the Great Tribulation?

Yeshua says in Matthew 25:13 Therefore keep watch because you do not know the day or the hour (of my return). I have a friend who does not believe we are close to rapture and The Great Trib. He quotes Matthew 25:13 as proof that no one knows the day of the Lord’s return and that the world has always been bad. I tell him that is true but we can know the season of the Lord’s return. I also tell him that in all areas things are not getting better on this earth. In other words if we consider all the evidence, the world economy, satanic deception at all levels, the one world govt., famines, earthquakes, false religions, false prophets, the falling away, wars and rumors of wars, the growth of satanic beliefs, the rise of Islam, change in weather, chemtrails, perversion and sexual degradation, violence, crime etc. then we are getting near the rapture. Further, the entire body of Bible prophecy tells us we are heading to the rapture and the Great Trib.  
Most importantly, when we read the Bible it is absolutely essential that we know the audience and rightly divide the word so that we know who Jesus or God the Father is talking to. If you don’t the audience God is speaking to you will misinterpret the scriptures like my friend and other people do.
Those who shy away from the study of prophecy are fond of quoting Matthew 25:13 as their justification.  But in Matthew 24:4 earlier in the same passage, the Lord had admonished all who read His words of prophecy to watch out for deception and in 24:15 to understand.  In addition the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thes. 5:4  that the events leading up to the end of the age should not take believers by surprise implying that we should be familiar with the prophetic events.
Now, the Bible does not and cannot contradict itself, hence Matt. 24:4 and 24:15  must have been aimed at a different audience than Matt. 25:13.  And sure enough, a closer look reveals that both the implied timing and the intended audience of the two Matthew passages are different.  Matt. 24:4 and 24:15  were intended for everybody who reads the passage, but in Matt 25:13 the Lord was only speaking to people remaining on Earth at His Second Coming.  We know this because it follows Matt. 24:30 which describes the 2nd Coming.  Matt. 24:36-37 confirms the context to be the 2nd Coming, as does Matt. 25:1.  Of course in 1 Thes 5:4 Paul was addressing the church, who will not be on Earth at the 2nd Coming, but in the presence of the Father (1 Thes. 3:13).
What both the Lord in (Matt.24:15) and Paul in (1 Thes. 5:4) were saying is that while we won’t know the exact timing of things, we should understand the sequence of events leading up to the Day of the Lord. And perhaps no event in the sequence is more controversial than the Rapture of the Church, especially as it relates to the Great Tribulation.
The first thing we should do in trying to obey the Lord’s commandment to understand End Times prophecy is to clarify two things, 1) the purpose of the Great Tribulation, 2) the nature of the Church.
The phrase Great Tribulation makes reference to a specific event, not a general condition. While the Lord warned the disciples that they and we would experience tribulation as a general condition in this world see (John 16:33), He clearly identified the Great Tribulation as having a specific beginning and ending. It will begin when the abomination that causes desolation prophesied by Daniel is erected in the Temple (in the middle of the last 7 years of history) and will end just prior to the Lord’s return, three and one half years later. See (Daniel 9:24-27 & Matt. 24:29-30).
The Great Tribulation is Jewish in its focus.  In fact, it was referred to as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble until the Lord coined the phrase Great Tribulation in Matt 24:21. In doing so, Yeshua said it would be a time of unparalleled distress, unique in the history of the world and that unless Yeshua came back no one would be left alive in Matt 24:22.
Jeremiah 30:3-11 gives us the clearest definition of it’s overall purpose and I quote: The days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess,’ says the LORD.”
These are the words the LORD spoke concerning Israel and Judah: “This is what the LORD says: ” ‘Cries of fear are heard—terror, not peace. Ask and see: Can a man bear children? Then why do I see every strong man with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor, every face turned deathly pale?
How awful that day will be! None will be like it. It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, but he will be saved out of it.
” ‘In that day,’ declares the LORD Almighty, ‘I will break the yoke off their necks and will tear off their bonds; no longer will foreigners enslave them. Instead, they will serve the LORD their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them.
” ‘So do not fear, O Jacob my servant; do not be dismayed, O Israel,’ declares the LORD. ‘I will surely save you out of a distant place, your descendants from the land of their exile. Jacob will again have peace and security, and no one will make him afraid.
I am with you and will save you,’declares the LORD. ‘Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you but only with justice; I will not let you go entirely unpunished.’
In this passage the event is foretold, its purpose explained, and the timing is made clear. Let’s take the timing first. According to verse 3 it will take place after Israel and Judah are re-gathered in the land as one nation, and verse 9 says it will result in David (Jesus) becoming their King again.
There have been two re-gatherings since the passage was written, but the first, beginning in 535 BC, didn’t result in David becoming Israel’s King.  (In fact, from about 600 BC to this day the Jews have had no legitimate king.) This is absolutely important prophetically.
The second re-gathering began in 1948 AD and continues to this day. Though the population of Israel keeps growing, so do the Jewish populations of all the nations to which the Jews have been scattered, and there are still about as many Jews outside Israel as there are in Israel.  All that will soon change as the Lord calls all His people to return to their Promised Land following His victory in the Battle of Ezekiel 38-39. This will cause the greatest Aliyah or return.  The second re-gathering is the one that will lead to the fulfillment of Jeremiah 30:3-11.  In Isaiah 11:11-13 God foretold that the second re-gathering would put an end to the contention between Israel and Judah and Ezekiel confirmed in prophesy in 37:15-25 that sometime after this reunion David/ Yeshua will be their King.
In Jeremiah 30:11 God gives the purpose of the Great Trib. “Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you,(by the way that includes the United States) I will not completely destroy you (the Jews). I will discipline you but only with justice; I will not let you go entirely unpunished.” 
Israel must be purified in preparation for the Kingdom Age God promised them, and the nations who rejected the Messiah and persecuted His people must be destroyed. The Jewish Kingdom Age is set up and follows the Great Trib. It is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth for the Jews.
So the purpose of the Great Tribulation is twofold; discipline or purify the people of Israel, and completely destroy the nations to which they had been scattered.
Now how does God’s church, His bride, fit into God’s prophetic plan? According to Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians in 2:15-16 the church is nothing less than a new race of mankind, coming from among both Jews and Gentiles but sharing a destiny with neither.
The problem had always been that God could never dwell for long in the midst of His creation. Our sins always drove Him away. But at the cross, everything changed with the Yeshua’s perfect blood sacrifice. He reconciled all things to himself, things in heaven and on earth. See (Col 1:19-20). This meant that He was now at peace with His creation for the first time since the Fall of Man. He accomplished this by paying the price for all the sins of mankind. Now, for anyone who would accept it, a full pardon for behavior past, present and future was available, free for the asking.
Accepting this pardon qualifies you, or any person, young or old, Jew or Gentile, good or bad, to become a new creation. When we genuinely accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior or God’s pardon it permits God to look upon us as if we are without sin altogether; and in fact as if we had never sinned to begin with. We truly live in a spiritual matrix. We are spiritual beings trapped in sinful bodies. The salvation on the cross divided mankind into three groups: Jew, Gentile and Church see (1 Cor. 10:32).  There was no longer either Jew or Gentile see (Galatians 3:26-28) This means God’s purpose is not served by having us, His church, present in the Great Tribulation.
It’s critical that we understand God’s perspective in this because it’s substantially different from ours. To Him, the church is without sin, holy and blameless, and has been since the cross see (Ephes. 5:25-27). Whatever sins we as individuals have committed (or will commit) have been forgiven (Colossians 2:13-14) and it’s as if they never happened (2 Cor 5:17). This is absolutely amazing to me, that God loves us that much. At the cross, the church became as righteous as God Himself see (2 Cor 5:21), having been made perfect forever see (Hebr. 10:12-14).  Because of the cross God has a people with whom He can live in peace.  Our further purification is not necessary.
Now listen carefully, there is no purpose to be served by having the Church endure the Great Tribulation. Remember, the Church is a body spanning 40 generations of human life.  If we were not all made perfect at the cross,  how could the suffering of the final generation of believers serve to purify all those who have preceded us?  All the generations of the Church have died in hope of spending eternity with the Lord as the Bible promises us.  Is it only ours who will receive this promise and then only after sharing in Israel’s purification? Of course not.
In Israel’s case it’s a different matter.  The past generations who rejected their Messiah are lost.  The last Jewish generation’s purification through the Great Tribulation won’t save those who have gone before. It’s intended to finally open Jewish eyes and hearts to Yeshua so that a remnant of God’s chosen people can be preserved. see (Zech. 12:10-13)
And as we’ve seen, during the Great Tribulation God’s focus will be on Israel and His focus is always either Israel or the Church, never both at once. This is absolutely critical for our prophetic understanding.  This was explained by James in Acts 15:12-18 and by Paul in Romans 11:25-27. If you take the view, as I do, that the Battle of Ezekiel 38 occurs before the Great Tribulation, and realize that one outcome of that battle is to turn Israel back to God, (Ezek. 39:28-29) then you know the church’s days on Earth have to end at the same time. This is what makes the fact that Israel exists again, exactly 2,484 years to the day as God prophesized, that the Jews speak a dead language Hebrew and that God ended the 1900 year drought in Israel and made Israel bloom important signs that the end is near.
So let’s summarize. Of course the Scriptures promise that the Church won’t be present on Earth for the Great Tribulation. I won’t detail those prophecies now because my intent is three fold: 1. to demonstrate the two-fold purpose of the Great Tribulation is to discipline Israel 2. completely destroy the unbelieving nations, and 3. to show that the Church has no part in either.  Therefore our presence on Earth during that period would serve no purpose and in fact would be in direct opposition to our nature as God sees us.

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