Monday, October 22, 2012

Wanted For Crimes Against Humainity

We Own and Run The Federal Reserve We Are Your Enemy.
1. Lord Jacob de Rothchild,  and   2. his son Nathaniel,
3. Barron John de Rothchild,  4. Sir Evelyn de Rothchild,
5. David Rockefeller,      6.  Nathan Warburg
7. Henry Kissinger,   8. George Soros,
9. Paul Volker,   10. Larry Summer,
11.Lloyd Blankfein,   12. Ben Shalom.

The Federal Reserve is a private for profit bankster cartel which controls the money supply. The Fed profits off of interest on our national debt when we pay our IRS taxes.
the higher the deficit the more profit the Fed international banksters make! 
Keep in mind the Fed has never been audited and never will be.
Our Founding Fathers revolted  against the same Central Bank system of European Kings, especially Great Britain. They knew the international banksters would lead us to eternal debt servitude.
Remember the Bank of England is one of the owners of our Federal Reserve.
The King’s Bank came back 1913 along with the IRS when the Federal Reserve Act was established. Both of these institutions are unconstitutional.
Both the Federal Reseve and IRS  are planks of the Communist  Manifesto! The international banksters are the communist elite. 
Abolish the Fed and the IRS before it is too late and let real capitalism return to the U.S. The Crony Capitalism of the Fed bankster cartel gives the US a bad name throughout the World and is destroying U.S. sovereignty.
The Fed, IMF,  World Bank and other international banking agencies use the Hegelian model to divide people, bleed their wealth and eventually enslave people.
The international banking Illuminati breeds corruption.
The US foreign policy has become just like the British Empire of the Colonial Era. 130 bases in 160 countries operating for international banking interests.
Currently the war in Syria is international banking attempt to seize the vast oil and natural gas riches in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Qataris and the Sunnis want their pipelines to feed the international banksters and oil corporations.
Let the political, financial and Hollywood elites go fight in these useless wars that strip the U.S. of its young blood and treasure.
They expand then collapse economies in order to repo real assets and natural resources with paper fiat currency. “Fiat” means ROYAL DECREE. Fiat currency has value as money because the king says so!
The Illuminati do this over and over through the world until the middle class is eradicated. Consequently, More power and wealth falls into fewer hands. The goal of the international banksters and Illuminati is to return to the feudal system. Only kings and slaves will remain.
Kings get bailouts, pensions, media protection and real assets and money. For example FDR confiscated our gold in 1933 by executive order and our citizens had three weeks to turn in their gold.
Slaves get war, taxes, terrorist profiling, media derision and inflated fiat currency.
Will you submit to or resist the New World, Illuminati and the inter-national banksters?

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