Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nightmare On Election Night
Oh no, I forgot do I have my magic underwear on or my Baynes underwear?
This article was written by Ryan Teague Beckwith, Red Bluff Daily News, October 17, 2012
"A surprising number of things could go wrong on Nov. 6. Though most are unlikely, anyone who remembers the 2000 election knows that's no guarantee. Here are ... worst-case scenarios."
1) "An Electoral College tie" -- What's the scenario: Obama and Romney tie at 269 electors — one shy of the number needed to win the Electoral College. Under the the Constitution, the election is then thrown to the incoming members of the House. Each state delegation gets one vote. 
Has it happened before?: Yes. The House decided the elections of 1800 (Thomas Jefferson) and 1824 (John Quincy Adams).
2) "A faithless elector" -- What's the scenario: Romney ekes out an Electoral College win over Obama, 270-268, but one or more Republican electors refuses to vote for him, likely by casting a protest vote for Rep. Ron Paul. The election is thrown to the House or Obama wins.
Has it happened before?: Surprisingly often. Among others, a 2004 Minnesota elector apparently accidentally voted for John Edwards, a 2000 D.C. elector refused to vote and a 1988 West Virginia elector voted for Lloyd Bentsen. "
3) "The winner loses the popular vote" -- What's the scenario: One of the candidates wins the Electoral College while losing the national popular vote. If it's Romney, Democrats get really angry again. If it's Obama, Republicans rethink their support of the Electoral College.
Has it happened before?: Four times. Presidents who lost the popular vote include John Quincy Adams (1824), Rutherford B. Hayes (1876), Benjamin Harrison (1888) and George W. Bush (2000)."
4) "A recount in a key state" -- What's the scenario: The two candidates are so closely tied that the election hinges on a single state, where the vote is within the margin for a contentious and costly recount. Has it happened before?: In 2000, the race between George W. Bush and Al Gore came down to Florida. Eventually, the U.S. Supreme Court stepped in and resolved the election by ending the recount."
This election seems destined to be so very interesting. Ultimately, the Global Elite will get the man they want, because both Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney are totally sold out to the NWO. No matter which man wins, the global goal will be fulfilled. Either Obama or Romney will faithfully move America into this coming new world system known as the New World Order.

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