Thursday, October 18, 2012

End Times Message, Middle East Persia Update

War clouds on the horizon in N. Africa and the Middle East as New World Order greed seeks eastern Mediterranean oil and natural gas

let there be no mistake about it, this administration is arming Al Qaeda and other Sunni radicals in Syria to fight Assad. Our allies in this stupid, mad adventure are the Turks, Saudis/Wahhabi's and Qataris. I sure smell the New World Order (NWO) at work.
Hezbollah has begun moving rockets and fighting units facing Israel from the Litani River in South Lebanon and moving them to the Syrian front line at Homs to strengthen Assad’s army. Hezbollah’s forward line against Israel is still in place among the southernmost Shiite villages, but a part of their artillery back-up is gone and, for the first time, Hezbollah’s ground-to-ground rockets are moving in an eastward direction into Syria. This is a striking reversal of the usual direction taken by Hezbollah hardware which, for years, headed from east to west to reach Lebanon via Iran and Syria.
This step attests to the increased tempo of the Syrian army’s current land and air offensive against the rebels.
It also means that Hezbollah has no fear of Israeli retaliation for the infiltration of an Iranian stealth helicopter drone into Israeli air space on Saturday, (Oct. 6) - even after Hezbollah leader Nasrallah promisedmoredroneswouldintrudeonIsrael’sskies.
Now listen to the language from the New World Order leader the U.S. on Tuesday. (Oct. 16) U.S. UN Ambassador Susan Rice told the Security Council that Nasrallah’s fighters were now part of “Assad’s killing machine.” Hezbollah’s leaders continue to plot with Iran new measures “for propping up a murderous and desperate dictator.” Friends this is a tribal war between Shia and Sunni and Sunnis are not Assad’s people, they are his enemies and vice versa.

Further Russia began deploying on Wednesday,(Oct. 17) advanced S-400 interceptor missile batteries across its border from Turkey. Russian Col. Gorbul said Russian missiles are “targeting Turkey” and its NATO missile shield.  S-400s are capable of destroying all types of airplanes, as well as ballistic missiles. Russia is sending a clear message that any more interceptions of Syria-bound aircraft leaving Russia after the incident of Oct. 10 would bring a Russian military response and that Moscow will not tolerate violations of Syrian air space by Turkey. The Russian warning was directed specifically against the imposition of a no-fly zone over Syria which Turkey is in the process of enforcing. The Russian army will finish relocating the S-400 interceptors by the end of the year. Friends this is a return of the “Cold War” between the U.S. and Russia and Russia and Turkey are ancient enemies.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said Tuesday and I quote "Changes in the Middle East have taught us that any military capability may be turned against us and we can’t take chances.” unquote
Netanyahu said Israel will take military action to keep Assad’s WMD from reaching terrorist hands. It was the first time Netanyahu had referred to possible Israeli military involvement in the Syrian conflict.  
The first group of the 2,000 American troops taking part in three-week joint war games with the Israeli army landed at Ashdod Tuesday. US Patriots are due for delivery soon. The exercise (beginning Oct. 21) will simulate a missile attack on Israel with Patriots and Israeli Arrow missiles and Iron Dome anti-missile batteries taking part. It coincides with a high alert on Israel’s northern borders with Syria and Lebanon. The Chairman of the Joint US Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Dempsey will be present for part of the war games.
  • Iran has accumulated enough fissile material to build five nuclear bombs.  Iran has installed two clusters of centrifuges, 174 in each, in Fordo’s Chamber B. Iran’s advanced centrifuges for uranium enrichment are now in hardened bunkers.
  • Iran could conduct its first nuclear test at any time
  • Tehran has stationed its elite Al Qods Brigades on two of Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon.
  • Hizbollah, has a stockpile up 60,000 rockets which can reach every area of Israel
  • Hamas and Jihad Islami which rule the Gaza Strip and are Iran’s proxies have accumulated tens of thousands of rockets that can reach Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Ben Gurion international airport. (Israel unilaterally evacuated the Gaza Strip in 2005 under Ariel Sharon and it has not given Israel peace, appeasement will never yield peace in the Middle East.
  • Iran has given Hizbollah drones that possess stealth technology capable of defeating Israel’s air defense network. Nasrallah’s threat Thursday night of more UAV’s over Israel aroused concern in the Israeli high command that Iranian drones had been smuggled into the hands of Hamas which rules the Gaza Strip. Nasrallah implied that Tehran or Hizbollah might ask Hamas to release drones over Israel, possibly in coordination with drone intrusions from Lebanon.
  • Iran and Hezbollah have for months been waging an international war of terror against Israeli and Jewish targets.
  • Contrary to media claims Assad is not on his last legs against the Western-backed Turkish and Sunni Arab uprising. Assad in late September acquired Palestinian Hamas and Jihad Islami as military partners.
Below is a fox video report posted on YouTube about the Hezbollah drone incursion into Israel.;_ylt=AodbnJllv_B.E4_izyFmlIcKewgF;_ylu=X3oDMTMyNWo0bm1nBG1pdANBcnRpY2xlIFJlbGF0ZWQgSUIEcGtnA2U0NWY4MTI4LWFlMTgtMzAzZC1iMWUyLWNjNjA5YmRiYTI2YwRwb3MDMQRzZWMDTWVkaWFJbmZpbml0ZUJyb3dzZQR2ZXID;_ylg=X3oDMTMzbWwyaDM0BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDYjlmYTAxYTAtYzE1YS0zNDA2LThiOTQtNWY4NDA0M2QwYTEyBHBzdGNhdAN3b3JsZHxtaWRkbGVlYXN0BHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQ--;_ylv=3
Iran and Hizbollah have not stopped crowing about their drone helicopter that flew through Israeli air space and electronically  snooped on the Dimona nuclear plant.  Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has rewarded Hezbollah richly for its feat in three ways:
1)  He gave the go-ahead for a crash program to finish developing a drone capable of carrying a bomb a distance of 2,000 kilometers that could hit Israel. This program has been named "Hazem," meaning resourceful and wise. Iran promised Nasrallah delivery of the drone within six months;
2) The Iranian designers and planners of the drone attack were given Porsche cars;
3) The Iranians gave Nasrallah a check for a million dollars to distribute to the Hezbollah handlers. Iranian sources reported Monday night that Hizbollah will “very soon” publish photographs of Israel’s nuclear reactor taken by the drone.

U.S. and French intelligence agencies reported on the strength of Syrian government and rebel forces. The Obama administration estimated 70,000 rebel fighters, the actual figure according to my intelligence sources is around 30,000.  Around 3,000 or 10% are Sunni Al Qaeda-linked groups.
These numbers throw out the Obama premise that Assad can’t last more than six months against the rebels. Confidential US sources tell me that the overall balance of strength has changed in Assad’s favor due to direct Iranian military input: Military advisers of the elite Al Qods Brigades are conducting combat courses for the 70,000-strong pro-Assad Alawite militia and units loyal to the Syrian army.
The rebels will face serious reverses because of Assad’s numerical superiority and Iranian, Russian and Hezbollah aid. The Syrian ruler will grind down the opposition’s strength and reassert his authority.
Israeli military intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Kochavi spoke cautiously about “the eroding authority of the Syrian regime.”

My guest on the radio program today mentioned Egyptians  drinking camel urine. Below is a video on the subject. GROSS!
An Egyptian court will rule on October 23 on whether the assembly drafting Egypt's new constitution is legal. The case was brought by a group of activists who say the 100 member assembly is dominated by Islamists and is unfit to issue a constitution for Egypt.
The constitution is central to Egypt's transition from a military-backed autocracy to democracy. The drafting process has been dogged by fighting between Islamists and secular Egyptians.
The draft constitution was released for public discussion last week and secular activists have voiced concerns about the role of Islam and the constitutional rights of women and children.
The head of Egypt's highest court, Maher El-Beheiri, criticized the draft on Tuesday saying it gave the president too much power and risked undermining the court’s independence.
He told state news agency MENA that draft articles on the judiciary represented "a flagrant violation of the Supreme Constitutional Court's (SCC) authority ... and permits interference by the authorities in the court's affairs.
"The articles give the president the power to appoint the chairman and members of the court in an unprecedented move that undermines the court's independence and gives the executive authority the upper hand over judicial authority." unquote
The constitution, once finalized, will be put to a popular referendum, after which Egyptians will elect a new parliament.

World grain reserves are so dangerously low that severe weather in the United States or other food-exporting countries could trigger a major hunger crisis next year. Failing harvests in the U.S., Ukraine and other countries have eroded reserves to their lowest level since 1974. The U.S. experienced a record drought in 2012 and now holds in reserve a historically low 6.5% of the corn that it expects to consume in 2013.
Abdolreza Abbassian, a senior economist with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said, “We’ve not been producing as much as we are consuming. Supplies are now very tight across the world and reserves are at a very low level, leaving no room for unexpected events next year,”   Food consumption has exceeded the harvests for six of the past 11 years, countries have run down reserves from an average of 107 days of consumption 10 years ago to under 74 days today. Friends, I have also heard that here in the U.S. there will be no pork available shortly. Farmers sold or slaughtered their pigs because of the drought and because they could not feed their pigs corn. 20% of the U.S. corn crop goes into ethanol.
I have attempted to prove to you that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are equally evil, as they pursue an evil plan to bring the U.S. and the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist, also known as the "New World Order" or NWO. I have offered as proof that the NWO is in the process of forming Kingdom #7 in the Middle East as we speak. As you know from the book of Revelation there will be ten kingdoms that answer to the anti-christ.
Thus it follows that the men in the NWO and top leadership of each party are evil.

Religiously and philosophically, we have steadily reverted — over the last century — to the paganism of the pre-Chris­tian era and the Gnosticism that fol­lowed. But the Bible says there is nothing new under heaven. Twenty first century humanism — manifested in socialism, communism, liberalism, "New" Ageism, etc., are not new. They are, in fact, merely modern versions of the pagan idiocy that prevailed in ancient Egypt, Babylon, Greece, and Rome. At the heart of each is the belief that there is a unique or elite group of individuals who, alone, are capable of governing mankind and establishing a New World Order — of the elite, by the elite, and for the elite. In his book Tragedy and Hope Dr. Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's Georgetown University mentor, declared it to be a planned return to feudalism (p. 324).

 Since the 1930s many long-term programs, devised and set in motion by the “real NWO” leaders of the "democratic" and "republican" parties, have been working steadily towards the accomplishment of that goal. Every aspect of modern society —  social policies, judicial decisions, education, welfare, foreign policy, federal debt, the media, etc. reflect this politically-inspired trend. The foundational underpinnings of our once free and prosperous Republic have thus been eroded to the point of virtual non-existence.

If our founding fathers could only see what modern “Americans” have done to their precious Republic, the real Americans of 200 years ago would be horrified. The population has been dumbed-down to almost gibbering incompetence, and neutralized to the point where most seem willing to place their "all" in the hands of their political puppet masters, and let posterity be damned!

Devastating as these programs have proven to be to "America"  little would have been possible had it not been for the simultaneous destruction of the currency of nations globally.

To pave the way for the "feudal" system in America, it was necessary for our hidden masters (dubbed The Invisible Government by former FBI Agent Dan Smoot) to implement interlocking social programs masquerading as altruism and progress. These were, however, designed to revolutionize American society — to destroy self-government, state government, personal responsibility, and constitutional Republican government based on God given standards. They were devised to decimate the free enterprise system, destroy our national sovereignty, and ultimately bring us into total servitude to the international ruling elite or the New World Order (NWO).
Many Christians in the U.S. have no idea of the intrinsically evil nature of the Republican Party. They have been thoroughly convinced by false ministers in "wolves in sheep's clothing" that a goodly number of top Republican leaders are Christian. For example, George Bush II claimed he was re-born but in the secret society of Skull and Bones one is reborn by arising out of casket. Some Christians have been completely deceived and the Apostle Paul warned us, "For such men are false apostles, spurious, counterfeits, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles, special messengers of Christ (the Messiah). And it is no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light; So it is not surprising if his servants also masquerade as ministers of righteousness..." (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
In Turkey a government motion to extend the Turkish military’s authority for cross-border operations against members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in northern Iraq was approved by Parliament late Oct. 11 with a majority of votes. Defense Minister Yılmaz said “This is not a motion for war; this motion has been adopted to provide peace. Procuring security in northern Iraq is Turkey’s sincere wish. We wish the Kurdish regional administration would have prevented the threat directed to Turkey from its soil, but it did not carry out such an action.”
Parliament authorized cross-border operations into northern Iraq in 2007 and has extended the mandate each year.
Although they expressed their support for the motion, the MHP and the 
CHP criticized the government during debates in Parliament. 

For two weeks, hackers had been hammering the websites of big American banks, Aramco - the Saudi national oil company and Qatar’s Rasgas.
Defense Secretary Panetta said the US would strike back and consider a preemptive strike against cyber terrorism. The administration believes Iranian-based hackers were responsible for what Panetta warned could be the first “cyber Pearl Harbor” against America.
The Wall Street Journal pointed to a team of 100 Iranian experts as the perpetrators of the cyber attacks on America and the Gulf oil states.
Tehran is sending a message that if US-led sanctions continue to cut down Iran’s oil exports and restrict its banking business, Gulf oil producers and American banks will pay the price. Friends, Tehran is now a major cyber and drone warfare player.

Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword

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