Sunday, October 7, 2012

David Barton

Keep in mind the New World Order (NWO) has no use for black people. When the one world government is established by the anti-christ and false prophet black people will either be slaves again or exterminated.
You've gotta wonder how he keeps coming up with this stuff! In another flurry of controversy, David Barton has published a pseudo-historical study reference called The Founder’s Bible. Based on the interview transcript with Glenn Beck, you would think the Geneva Bible was used in this project. From an October 4, 2012 interview, Barton stated.
"...the Geneva Bible is the Bible that built America, shaped a generation because it took the Bible, but it made it very practical through commentaries." 
The funny thing is, he didn't use the Geneva Bible - he used the New American Standard (a Catholic version) with his own commentary. 
(Click on image. Note the top right-hand corner.)

The Geneva Bible is significant because it was the first commentary. Since he raves about the Geneva, it is also important to note he's also raving about the Calvinist-leaning (Dominionst) footnotes. Wikipedia says:
"The annotations which are an important part of the Geneva Bible were Calvinist and Puritan in character, and as such they were disliked by the ruling pro-government Anglicans of the Church of England, as well as King James I, who commissioned the King James Bible, in order to replace it." [1]
Upon Closer Examination 
Those who have analyzed David Barton's historical and biblical accuracy believe he's up to mischief again. Dr. Warren Throckmorton identified two key problems:
  1. He altered the narrative of Exodus 18, which makes it appear as though the "colonists established representative governments in America because they read it in the commentary on the Geneva Bible"; and
  2. Barton's commentary contained a positive reference to James Hammond. Hammond believed slavery was a gift from God, and a social good in the pre-Civil War era. He was also a child molester, according to his own diaries.[2]
This isn't the first time David Barton has managed to put slavery in a positive light. The most serious of Barton’s deceptions involved in "his efforts to whitewash Jefferson’s racism, part of Barton’s broader project of absolving the founders of the original sin of slavery, which would taint his picture of the country’s divine origins." [3]

Soon after the early release of the study Bible, the critics came out in droves. Glenn Beck comes to David Barton's defense, again, and says that the attacks on the book are part of a spiritual effort to undermine his work, just as God and Satan wrestled over Job.
(YouTube link)

The sad part of this is that David Barton is well respected in homeschool circles - the same group being fed steady doses of exaggerations about America being founded as a “Christian nation” and a “Biblically-based” founding.

 "Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools." Romans 1:22

"Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?" 
 1 Cor. 1:20

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