Thursday, October 4, 2012

End Times Gospel Message And Middle East/Persia Update

the Iranian government has invoked emergency measures and deployed the brutal Bassij militia forces in Teheran and put down angry protests against mounting economic hardship and the plummeting rial. Money changers and gold merchants attacked police, torched their cars and threatened a general strike at the Bazaar. The government will draw the line inTehran before unrest spreads to the entire country.
The Iranian Rial plunged against the dollar. Yesterday, a dollar went for 40,000 rials compared with 24,000 only a week ago. The Bassij militia forced the merchants to open their shops. Iran’s rulers are fully aware that any blood shed will inflame the Iranian masses.
Let me preface my remarks by saying that I do not like the Mullahs and fanatics in Iran. The serpent dance with Iran is deeper than most people think. The Saudis and Persian Gulfies fear a Shia bomb and a Shia regional power house in Iran. The Saudis, the U.S. and its allies are trying to create a Sunni counter-balance to Iran in the region. Hence that is why Syria is under pressure and now Hezbollah is facing pressure. The Sunnis want to eradicate their Shia rivals.
This situation with Iran is also eerily similar to the summer of 1941 when the U.S. placed an embargo on the Empire of Japan because Japan was waging a brutal war in China. The U.S. embargo began to strangle Japan and the embargo against Iran is beginning to strangle the Iranian people. The Japanese were faced with two options: 1. they could accede to U.S. demands by stopping the war in China and withdrawing its military from China or the Japanese could tell the U.S. to go to hell and wage war. Well, we know the rest of that story.
Now the question of the day and for the near future is - will Iran follow the Japanese model? Iran is being squeezed by many enemies. The U.S. led embargo caused the Rial to collapse; a policy of decapitation is eradicating the Iranian nuclear leadership; three viruses have struck Iranian computer networks: Stuxnet, Flame and Gauss; Iran is facing a drought, this could be a form of warfare called weather modification.
Finally this situation with Iran/Persia, Syria, Egypt, North Africa and Israel is being manipulated by the New World Order elite that want a war in the Middle East in order to plunge the world into misery and slavery. They also want to create kingdom 7 alluded to below.
The video below is the unrest in one of the world's most famous bazaars in Tehran, Iran.

First, get a pencil and pen and take notes carefully because we are going to work the Lord’s mathematics. Our one true God loves mathematics and his math is perfect unlike every other false god of this world.

Ezekiel was told to lie on his left side for 390 days and on his right for 40 days, for a total of 430 days, to bear the sins of Israel.  390 was for the Northern Kingdom, since laying on his left side meant he was facing North,  and 40 was for the South because he was laying on his right side facing south.  Each day represented one year of idolatry (See Ezekiel 4:4-6). Some scholars believe this prophecy foretold the 2nd re-gathering of Israel, not the one after Babylon.  They base this on the fact that the first Jews were taken to Babylon as captives soon after Nebuchadnezzar defeated Egypt and Assyria at the Battle of Carchemish in 606 BC.  They say this began the 70 year servitude of Israel.  After being freed by the Persians the Jews began returning from Babylon, rebuilding the altar in 536 BC just after the New year. (Ezra 3:1.) That meant 70 years of the 430 had been served, leaving 360.

These scholars point out that several times in Leviticus 26 the Lord warned that if they didn’t repent immediately upon sinning their punishment would be multiplied 7 times. 360 years times 7 = 2520 years.  They also remind us that the Lord’s calendar has always been based on a 360 day year of 12 thirty day months.  2520 years of 360 days would be 2484 years on our 365.25 day calendar.  From 536 BC to 1948 AD when Israel was re-born is 2484 years.  Therefore the punishment was finally complete in 1948 when Israel was reborn.

Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem 19 years after the first captives were taken.  When you add 19 years to 1948 you get 1967, the year Jerusalem was unified.

God says in Daniel 9:24-25 Seventy ‘sevens’ (490 years)are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.

“Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’

There is one “seven” left to fulfill from the promise the angel Gabriel delivered to Daniel near the end of the Babylonian captivity. We know the prophecy as Daniel’s 70 weeks, where each week represents 7 years. 69 of these weeks (7 + 62) had passed when the Messiah, Yeshua Hamaschiach presented Himself to Israel as their King on the only day in His life that He did so Palm Sunday.

In the prophecy 69 weeks equals 483 years (69 x 7). This is the exact time that had passed since ArtaXerxes Longimonus issued his decree giving Nehemiah permission to rebuild Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:1-10). The city had been destroyed when Nebuchadnezzar’s army conquered Judah and took its people captive to BabylonDaniel’s prophecy was being fulfilled in specific detail, and Israel’s failure to realize this marked the beginning of the end for them. (Luke 19:41-44).

In Daniel 9:26 God says After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’(434 years) the Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.

The Hebrew word for Anointed One is Messiah or HaMashiach. Four days after He presented Himself to them, they “cut off” which in Hebrew means executed Him. Three days after that He rose again, fulfilling a sign He had promised to the Jewish religious leaders to prove His authenticity, the sign of the prophet Jonah (Matt. 12:39-40). He gave them 40 days to recognize what was the most dramatic fulfillment of a prophetic sign in the history of mankind and accept Him as their Messiah, and when they didn’t He ascended into Heaven, fulfilling another prophecy in the process.

God says in Hosea 5:15Then I will go back to my place until they admit their guilt. And they will seek my face; in their misery they will earnestly seek me”

Friends, this is where we are today. The Jews have scales on their eyes but their one true God has not forgotten them. Shortly, He is going to turn back to them. When the anti-christ enters the temple and tells the Jews to worship him as God they will awake and see they have been tricked by satan and the true remnant, the Godly Jews, not the godless, secular Jews, will recognize Yeshua HaMaschiach as their Messiah.

The Turks and Syrians are skirmishing on their border and this could provide the excuse to further escalate the war in Syria as the New World Order seeks to establish Kingdom number 7 for the anti-christ. God says in Rev 17:12  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
Al Qaeda (AQ) leader Ayman Zuwahiri wants to harm Obama in the U.S. presidential election. He is preparing a string of terrorist attacks after the successful attack in Benghazi on Sept. 11. Zuwahiri wants expose the U.S. weakness to the Muslim world.
Once again I advise people to be very careful when traveling and if at all possible stay away from large groups of people and large windows. Keep a low profile. Be on the guard for unaccounted computer cases and luggage.

The Arab revolutions have unleashed Salafi groups in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, while Lebanon Jordan, Iraq and Syria teeter on the brink of chaos. The extremists now enjoy free rein to organize for political action while also gaining access to vast stocks of modern arms.
Ayman Zuwahiri led Egyptian Islamic Jihad before he joined AQ and he stayed in close touch with its secret cells.
US counter terrorism efforts have focused the last couple of years on Al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) which is  based in Yemen. Zuwahiri fashioned new terrorist franchises including Al Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM) from the Salafi groups now rampant in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Egyptian Sinai and Mali. Administration officials claimed AQ was defeated but AQ is roaring back stronger than ever. The U.S. and its allies now face a broad new AQ front. Worst of all, we can’t trust the new regimes in North Africa, the local military and intelligence organizations. Instead of confronting militants, the Obama administration has opted to retreat.
The Obama regime has put together a list of 20 countries where US diplomatic, military and economic targets are at risk. The highest-risk locations in Tunisia, Libya, Mali, Nigeria and Egypt have been evacuated. This is the largest US retreat from the region since WWII.
President Obama ordered the retreat after refusing to heed calls for a US military operation against Ansar al-Shariah and its head, Abdelmalek Droukdel. Droukdel planned and led the Benghazi attack.
The Washington Post reported Tuesday that Obama also decided against a punitive attack against AQ’s stronghold in Mali.

Hillary Clinton berated Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for his speech to the UN General Assembly last Thursday. Clinton made it clear that Obama would not tolerate the Israeli prime minister having a say in Obama’s Iran agenda.
Seven people were killed in three mysterious explosions Wednesday in Nabi Sheet village in the Hezbollah controlled Lebanese Beqaa Valley south of Baalbek. They hit a group of buildings belonging to Hizballah activist Mohammad Adnan Mussawi.
The Kenyan army captured Somalia’s Indian Ocean port of Kismayo, driving AQ’s Al Shabaab out of its last strategic stronghold, the key to controlling southern Somalia. The small Kenyan army, navy and air force fought to victory Saturday after a year-long war. Kenyan warships were backed by the French Navy. With a population of 200,000, Kismayo, which lies 328 miles southwest of Mogadishu near the mouth of the Jubba River, is the commercial capital of the autonomous region of Somalia which abuts Kenya.
Very few Western military experts thought the Kenyan army of 60,000 soldiers capable of routing the hard-bitten 25,000 Shabaab militants. US forces were defeated in 1993 in Mogadishu
and the Ethiopian army suffered heavy losses in the 2006 war with Islamic militants.
Washington, Tel Aviv and Paris denied any role in the East African conflict but the US contributed to the Kenyan effort with drones gathering intelligence for the Kenyan army and guiding the aim of its artillery, while French battle and supply ships operating out of Kenya’s Indian Ocean port of Mombasa dropped supplies, ammo and fresh Kenyan reinforcements on the Somali coast.
The Israelis were even more tight-lipped about Israel’s substantial contribution to the Kenyan war effort to push AQ’s affiliate far from its borders.

According to my sources Israeli military assistance to Kenya came in three forms:  
1. Israeli military officers acted as advisers planning Kenyan field operations. They recommended systematic special ops raids behind Shabaab lines to generate disarray in enemy ranks instead of rapid advances to seize large tracts of territory.
2.  Israel supplied Nairobi with the weapons appropriate for these tactics, including drones and field intelligenceequipment.
3. Israeli intelligence, police and special ops advised Kenyan internal security authorities on security in the big towns.

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