Sunday, September 30, 2012

Another Obama Betrayal

In an outrageous effort to undermine our national security, Obama has given a shadowy organization with ties to the mullahs of Iran full authority to carry out America's foreign policy with Iran!
Obama handed over all of America's foreign policy duties with Iran to the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) in 2009.
These facts have just been proven in a D.C. Federal court:  NIAC committed illegal acts on U.S. soil - and American taxpayers paid for it! NIAC has lied, bribed witnesses and stolen funds from the U.S. taxpayers, while advocating a do-nothing policy toward Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Image of Barack Obama's Pro-Iranian Lobbyist, Trita Parsi
In a bombshell court ruling on September 13th, Federal Judge Bates ruled that
NIAC is "unremittingly pro-regime" towards the mullahs in Iran.  The facts that
came out in this court case are almost unbelievable.
NIAC was supposed to be working in the interests of the U.S., but instead,
Judge Bates found that it had lied to members of Congress in open testimony
and it had bribed other witnesses who spoke before Congress.
NIAC defrauded the taxpayers - according to the judge - and committed violations of both the Lobbying Disclosure Act and the Foreign Agents Registration Act.  The group refused to hand over subpoenaed emails in
the case (sound familiar?).
The House Intelligence Committee should investigate, charge and fine NIAC
for the violations it has committed. And NIAC should in no way, shape or form
be allowed to represent the United States in any foreign negotiations with Iran
from this day forward.
Obama fired a Clinton-era appointee from his position and replaced him with a
board member from NIAC. 
Since then, NIAC has opposed all sanctions against Iran, downplayed human
rights abuses by the mullahs and told the Obama administration to just "have patience" when it comes to Iran's nuclear aspirations. Patience for what?
This supposedly non-partisan, non-sectarian group has taken funding from the taxpayers and also from George Soros.  Trita Parsi, the front-man for NIAC, has hidden all the money in a Swiss bank account, so we don't know what other groups are funding them.
This has compromised our national security, advanced the interests of a known enemy and placed us in danger.

NIAC isn't even a government entity!  And yet the National Iranian American
Council has been given full authority by Obama to carry out  foreign policy negotiations with a rogue regime run by despotic islamic mullahs. Iran is calling
for a "New World Order" and wants to establish a worldwide islamic "Caliphate".
Obama is pursuing this Caliphate, and if he is re-elected our nation is doomed. 
And that is why he put NIAC in charge of subverting America.

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