Saturday, September 15, 2012

First Hand Report From Tunisia

Tunisian Protests

I received this report from a source in Tunis,Tunisia. I recommended the source leave Tunisia immediately: Reports are surfacing that protesters have scaled the embassy walls here in Tunis and have started fires. XX don't know if the embassy itself is on fire. These two pictures were taken from XXXXXXXXXXXX (with a full zoom). XXX believe the black plume of smoke is coming from the embassy based on the news XXXXX have heard. Helicopters have been flying overhead for a few hours now. XXXX are holed up in XXXXXXX now.
Everything is pretty quiet right now. XXXX heard scattered gunshots for an hour or so -- probably from tear gas canisters or rubber bullets fired at protesters. XXXX might have entered the eye of the storm (4:45 PM).
UPDATE: A XXXXXXXXX just called us and told XXXX the American Co-op School has been set on fire. That must be what the black plume of smoke is from. The school is located across the street from the embassy.

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