Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cut Off Money to Libya, Egypt, Pakistan and all terorist countries

I normally do not post political items that request money but after the deaths of our U.S. Marines and civilians in  Libya I thought it was important to post this message from Rand Paul.

The system of foreign aid is broken.

You know it, I know it, and 80-90% of the American people know it.

As you are aware, we send billions of dollars each year to Pakistan, Egypt, and Libya.

Meanwhile, Pakistan continues to detain and torture Dr. Afridi, the man who helped us kill Osama bin Laden.

And now Egypt and Libya refuse to protect our embassies from radical jihadists, which resulted in the death of four Americans including Christopher Stevens, U.S. Ambassador to Libya.

They show us contempt as they cash our checks.

I will not stand by and watch as billions of our taxpayer dollars go to countries that disrespect us.

That's why I've introduced a bill to cut ALL foreign aid to Libya, Egypt, and Pakistan.

And I'm prepared to tie up the US Senate with every procedural trick in the book until there is an up-or-down vote -- even if it means SHUTTING DOWN the Federal Government! 

I'll have more details next week, but for now click here to watch some a video on this fight.


And after you watch the video please consider chipping in just $10 or $20 to help RAND PAC elect more principled conservatives to the United States Congress. 

In Liberty, 

Rand Paul 

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